Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with Clement Biddle





Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with Clement Biddle


Joseph Howell informs Clement Biddle that Captain William Scull has no claim on the United States.

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month created


day created



sent from location

New York


in image

author note

Joseph Howell

recipient note

C. Biddle

notable person/group

Colonel C. Biddle
Joseph Howell
Captain William Scott
Captain William Scull
Colonel Humpton

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

Resolves of Congress

document number


page start




New York Decemb 13th 1757

Dear Sir

On taking a view of the accounts of Cap William scull I am induced to believe he has no claim on the United States at least none that I can be admitted by the existing acts of Congress. In his accounts for recruiting Marked A it appears that the Captain made a settlement with the Colonel on the 11th May 1777 and received from him the amount of his account so far as could be allowed by resolves of congress. I say received as I suppose the account to be in the hand writing of Cap Scull or drawn by his order and which expresses payment, it further appears by his receipt to Colo Humpton that on the same day he received 300 dollars for the purpose of recruiting which I suppose must have been applied to private purposes as it does not appear he afterwards went on the recruiting service and that the quarter part of


of this money was refunded to the Colonel in his account B he brings into view the county of 20 dollars each to 36 men this money I have reason to suppose was either advanced by the Colonel or repaid Cap Scull as the Colonel settled with each Cap of his regiment and then formed a General settlement with the state reference to his accounts will give the necessary information and if it is not too much trouble I wish you to examine them and inform the result of your enquiry as in the present situation of the accounts I cannot act on them. The papers I will return until I hear from you. If you could see Colonel Humpton he would be able to throw great light on the subject.

I am Sir Yo

J Howell Jr

Cols Biddle

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:296

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell New York [n/a]
Recipient Colonel C. Biddle [unknown] [n/a]