Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with John Pierce





Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with John Pierce


Joseph Howell sends the account of Colonel George Matthews to John Pierce. The account was settled by Andrew Dunscomb but Howell has found error.

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New York


in image


Includes Account of George Matthews 1777-1781

author note

Joseph Howell

recipient note

John Pierce

notable person/group

John Pierce
Joseph Howell
Colonel George Matthews
Andrew Dunscomb
Colonel With
Caleb Swan
Mr. Parker

notable location

New York
War Office

notable item/thing


notable idea/issue

Battle of Germantown

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page start



New York Nov 27th 1787

Dear Sir

On comparing the account of Colo George Matthews as settled by Mr Dunscomb with the books of this office I find that he as has not credited the United States in the sum of 14,300 dollars and commissions and for 546 (undecipherable) doll specie as (undecipherable) (undecipherable) the vouchers to those payments one or


file in the Register office as appears by Mr Hutch, certificate subjoined account no 2 is a copy of the settlement md by Mr Dunscomb by which you will find he has qualified to the receiving of several suns of money and no more amount no 3 you will observe has hi certificate or honor that the monies are an overcharge, but should the receipts be produced he binds himself to pay the value thereof he further stands charged with Warrant no 208 for 380 (undecipherable) dols rec on the 15th December 1778 for retained rations to that of June 78. I have thought it necessary to transmit those charges that you may compare them with the settlement made by the Colo. With the state and if it does not appear that he has admitted them to his debit, you may be enabled to call on him and have the matter rectified. s the charges now stand we cannot (undecipherable) his accounts in the Principal books. Colo Matthews was take pres. I believe the 9th of Oct 1777 at the action of Germantown and exchanged the.

On the settlement of his account for depreciation.


in the state of Virginia had not allowed his subsistence the United States will be no loser as it may be opposed to the specie received while prisoner for which I purposed have sketched an account of nominal pay and the subsistence due while in captivity but which will not be perfect as the Colonel was on Parole for some time during which you know the rations are calculated on the same principles with the officers of the army, however it will give you an idea of the situation of his accounts and which you can rectify on obtaining information of the time he was actually on Parole. The accountant is not yet appointed which leaves us in the same situations makes you left this, the clerks are still continued in their several stations several applications have been made by persons I should have no objection, to but expecting an arrangement to take place every day I wish not to take to fill the office with strangers to the prejudice of the gentleman who expects the place (undecipherable)


Mr Swan and Mr Parker are going (undecipherable) on with the Massachusetts State. The no Carolina return is nearly finished but will not be as complete as could be wished for want of many musters.

I have heard nothing of the young lad from Connecticutt I suppose you were to write for him as he would be of great service if only to copy. The day of Col Matthew is exchange does not appear at the War Office it was after the General exchange of Oct 26th 1780 but supposing he received subsistence from the state from the I August 1780 it will not alter the account as it now stands. I am Sir

J Howell Jr

Jno Pierce Esquire

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (4 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:279

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell New York [n/a]
Recipient John Pierce [unknown] [n/a]