Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with the Secretary at War





Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with the Secretary at War


Joseph Howell informs the Secretary at War that it is not in his power to pay Colonel Jackson's detachment for travel expenses.

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sent from location

Office of Army Accounts, New York


in image

author note

Joseph Howell

recipient note

Henry Knox

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Joseph Howell
Secretary at War
Colonel Jackson
Colonel Jackson's detachment
Captain Condy
Captain Beatty

notable location

Office of Army Accounts, New York

notable item/thing

travel expenses

document number


page start



Office of Army Accounts New York Nov 20 1787


Captain Condy has exhibited an account for his expenses in settling the accounts and journeying several times to this City from Boston for money for the payment of Colo Jacksons detachment amounting to 350 dollars - I beg leave to observe their is no act of Congress authorising me to report on such accounts altho I am of opinion that every officer should receive a cmompensation for his time expended in the service of the public yet I presume the sec at War is the only person who can judge of the propriety of those charges and that it (undecipherable) in his breast alone to admit or reject the claim - When I reported at your request on Cap Beatty; account of expenses you were pleased to admit it in consequence of his relinquishing his subsistence and storage during the time those expenses accrued- Cap Condy charges not only his pay

par as Lieutenant and Paymaster but also the subsistence and forage which will amount to more by 50 dollars than what was allowed Cap Beatty who services were as long, and the nature of his expenses greater.

I am Sir

Joseph Howell Jr

The Honble The Secretary at War

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:267

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell Office of Army Accounts, New York [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]