Regarding Heavy Cannon & Defenses of Rhode Island



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Regarding Heavy Cannon & Defenses of Rhode Island


Letter, asks for compensation for heavy cannon; discusses defense of Rhode Island.

short description

Ltr, ask compensation for heavy cannon.

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Cited in Knox to Olney, 12/01/1787.

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Jabez Bowen
Colonel Nightingale
General Sullivan

notable location

Bacon Hill
Bristol Ferry
Rhode Island

notable item/thing

placed as a signal gun
some villains loaded the said gun so deep that they split her in pieces
said cannon were lent to the public on a very emergent occasion and never returned to us as desired
think it right and just that a reasonable allowance should be made to the owners of them
possible we should receive two nines in lieu of the eighteens we lost
foregoing can be supported by the necessary vouchers
put on board proper vessels and brought down
never landed as it was necessary to leave the island a day sooner than was agreed on
cannon were put on board a guard ship and continued in the service of the public
requested the officer that had the oversight of the artillery to deposit the cannon on a certain spot of ground belonging to the furnace company
remained at the fort on Bacon hill
keep open a communication
British Fleet being expected to return into the Bar every hour
heavy cannon were all on Rhode Island and in use and could not be brought of without discovering the intentions of our king
informed the general that the owners of the furnace had eight eighteen pounders at the furnace which I would lend upon the present emergency
general ordered Col. Nightingale to proceed with all dispatch and have them transported
attended in person to assist and forward the affair when it was determined in council to retreat
found absolutely necessary to place a number of heavy cannon in the works
expedition against Rhode Island
being deputy governor of the state

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[view document] (2 pages) AWA09 (2 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813, F:1787.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jabez Bowen Providence [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]