Forwarding of Ordnance & Stores Returns





Forwarding of Ordnance & Stores Returns


Forwards ordnance & stores returns, as well as inspection & muster rolls for the detachment of the "1st American Regiment" at West Point, from their dates of enlistment to July 31, 1787. Describes the spending of received funds on payments to various individuals for services rendered, including one person for "taking care of Captain Molly." Encloses receipts for these payments.

short description

Forwarding of Ordnance & Stores Returns

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

West Point


in image

notable person/group

Henry Knox
William Price
Captain Molly
Molly Corbin
Margaret Corbin
Ensign Luse
American Regiment

notable location

West Point

notable item/thing

returns of ordnance
quarter masters Stores
muster rolls
inspection rolls

notable idea/issue

women and the war department

document number


page start


number of pages



West Point August 13th 1787
I have enclosed Ensign [undecipherable last name] Receipt for the One hundred and fifty Eight Dollars, which I gave you mine for --
Please to transmit me my Receipt by Mr. [undecipherable last name] When he returns to this place --
I have Stated Wallace's affairs and you have them enclosed, which you will deliver to Capt. Mercer, or the Commanding Officer as you may think Proper ==
I am sir
Capt [undecipherable last name]
West Point August 13th 1787
I have forwarded by the Bearer Ensign [undecipherable last name], the Returns of Ordnance and quarter Master Stores for the month of July 1787--Also the Inspection and Muster Rolls for the Detachment of the [undecipherable mark or number] American Regiment Stationed at this place, Taken from the date of their Inlistment up to July 31 1787 --
Enclosed is Receipts for one hundred and Thirty pounds Six Shillings Equal to 325 72/96 Dollars, which I have paid to sundry persons as per Receipts -- One hundred & Fifteen pounds, 18/ of it, out of the money which I Received from you July 30, 1787. The other fourteen pounds 8/ is for taking Care of Capt. Molly twenty four weeks-- Twelve of which was from October 26th, 1785 to January 18th 1786 Inclusive -- The Other twelve is from July 6 to September 27 1786 Inclusive as the Receipts will show -- all the above Receipts as duplicates --
I have also enclosed a duplicate Receipt for what articles I delivered seven [undecipherable word], as you directed in your letter
I am sir [symbol for etc]
The Honorable
Major Genl Knox
Secretary at War

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) MBG01 (26 pages) Collection: Letterbook No. 2, West Point 1786-1790. P:17

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Price West Point [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]