Proceedings against Barns, the acquittal, and offers of assistance



Letterbook Copy


Proceedings against Barns, the acquittal, and offers of assistance


References Barn's trial and a Grand Jury proceeding. Makes mention of proceedings and the termination of the malicious and vile prosecution, and the acquittal. Contends that the real offenders go at large with impunity. Offers his assistance in bringing those who are guilty to justice.

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References Barn's trial and a Grand Jury proceeding, Cited in Howell to Barns 08/04/1787

author note

Thomas Barns

recipient note

John Pierce

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John Pierce
Thomas Barns
Grand Jury

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Boston July 25th 1787


No doubt common report have informed you of the proceedings against me, also the termination of that malicious and vile presentation which not only to destroy the little reputation I had but was leveled at my life - my acquittal has reestablished those friends who deeply for injured innosense, but the world will judge as it pleases and the wound my character has received can never be thoroughly healed - nor can any (undecipherable) gratuity comparison for the distress I have experienced.

The eagerness with which you persued and the desire to bring to condign to punishment the persins concerned in the negotiation if the case notes - (undecipherable) grately abated - the real offenders now go at large with (undecipherable), unmolested - what is that shield them from justice - what protects trhem from the task of the law - why was I persuaded with so much (undecipherable) I was


was it because I was a helpful stranger in a foreign climate or does justice sleep lulled by the offenders welth and power - some months g=has passed since my tryal, and no steps has been with the others, who by the tryal has fully discovered their iniquity - I have taken the liberty to address this line in order to refresh ypur memory - If in you intend to bring those that are guilty to tryal you may depend on my assistance I can give - (undecipherable) and (undecipherable) Tudor are already indited by the Grand Jury - a line from you declaring yourintention will oblige Y

Thos Barns

John Pierce Esq

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[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:205

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Thomas Barns Boston [n/a]
Recipient John Pierce [unknown] [n/a]