Pay and Clothing for the Troops
Copy of Signed Document
Pay and Clothing for the Troops
Henry Knox, Secretary at War, requests an account of clothing on hand from LtCol Henry Jackson. Noted the U.S. was not responsible for the defective methods of payment by contractors. Mentioned desertions from Capt. Burbeck and Savage's companies on their march to Springfield, inquiries into quality and quantity of clothing for their companies.
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War Office
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Henry Jackson
Henry Knox
Captain Burbeck
Captain Savage
Secretary of War
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War Office
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War Office June 14, 1787
My absence has hitherto prevented my answering your favor of the 24 of June. I most sincerely hope that the State of Massachusetts will manage to your satisfaction every payment due to your corps whether for services or supplies. It is the expectation of Congress that they do make all the advances to the time of the marching of the troops as you specify.
The officers and soldiers who received orders on the Collectors in the manner you state, undoubtedly suffered a great hardship==the clothing and other supplies certainly ought to be paid for in a different manner.
You have been informed of my opinion respecting the impracticability of any alteration [alterations] being made by the United States for the defective mode of payment on the Collectors. Yours,
Your officers will be allowed pay from the time of their actual appointments by the State and not from the date of their commissions.
Captains Burbeck and Savage's companies have arrived at Springfield but the desertions have been excessive their deficiency being [undecipherable, 46?]. Captain Burbeck states this to have been occasioned by their defective pay. He writes to me and requests shoes for his men - As they have been so recently clothed his request is rather a matter of astonishment.
I beg you would be so good as to inform me of the exact quantity of clothing they received - and if they have not received the whole quantity whether it is not contracted for and to be forwarded them at Springfield.
Major North having met the companies on their march has not time to inspect them until his return.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient servant
[signature undecipherable[
Col. Henry Jackson
My absence has hitherto prevented my answering your favor of the 24 of June. I most sincerely hope that the State of Massachusetts will manage to your satisfaction every payment due to your corps whether for services or supplies. It is the expectation of Congress that they do make all the advances to the time of the marching of the troops as you specify.
The officers and soldiers who received orders on the Collectors in the manner you state, undoubtedly suffered a great hardship==the clothing and other supplies certainly ought to be paid for in a different manner.
You have been informed of my opinion respecting the impracticability of any alteration [alterations] being made by the United States for the defective mode of payment on the Collectors. Yours,
Your officers will be allowed pay from the time of their actual appointments by the State and not from the date of their commissions.
Captains Burbeck and Savage's companies have arrived at Springfield but the desertions have been excessive their deficiency being [undecipherable, 46?]. Captain Burbeck states this to have been occasioned by their defective pay. He writes to me and requests shoes for his men - As they have been so recently clothed his request is rather a matter of astonishment.
I beg you would be so good as to inform me of the exact quantity of clothing they received - and if they have not received the whole quantity whether it is not contracted for and to be forwarded them at Springfield.
Major North having met the companies on their march has not time to inspect them until his return.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient servant
[signature undecipherable[
Col. Henry Jackson
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In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (2 pages) | LCB11 (2 pages) | Collection: Henry Knox Papers. | 2K7727b10 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Henry Knox | War Office | [n/a] |
Recipient | Henry Jackson | [unknown] | [n/a] |