Regarding wages due to Benjamin Durrell



Letterbook Copy


Regarding wages due to Benjamin Durrell


Mentions that he wrote regarding wages due to Benjamin Durrell. Pierce's answer was that there is pay due to Durrell. Hill sent the papers required, but has heard nothing back on the matter.

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author note

Jeremiah Hills

recipient note

John Pierce

notable person/group

John Pierce
Jeremiah Hills
Mr. Osgood
Benjamin Durrell

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Briddeford June 11th 1787


Some time last summer I wrote you respecting some wages due to Benjamin Durrell and inclosed an attested copy of all the papers respecting his service. Your answer of the 13th of November last is now before me wherein you say that there is pay due to (undecipherable) Durrell, that you will issue the same to me in my letter, and Durrells power of attorney duely authenticated. February last I wrote you an answer to your letter above mnetioned and inclosed the original papers agreaable to your proposal and requested the pay. Inclosed to me accoordingly but have had no information respecting the matter since, I don't know your regular mode of doing your official business but


but conjectured that the original papers and power of attorney would be equivolent to a receipt, but if you want a particular receipt, as the whole won't pay the expense of a journey to give the receipt. I would propose to send you a receipt upon receiving the pay or request the Honble Mr Osgood to receipt on my behalf which I can venture to vary he will do with - pleasure if my case requires it.

Yours OS

Jelremiah Hill

John Pierce Esq

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In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:204

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jeremiah Hills Briddeford [n/a]
Recipient John Pierce [unknown] [n/a]