Claims of Lieutenant Wild's widow



Letterbook Copy


Claims of Lieutenant Wild's widow


Petitt writes on behalf of widow of Lieutenant Wild of Delaware Regiment. Wild reportedly received not pay for service from 1 August 1777 to 1 August 1778 when he resigned his commission, being unable to perform his duties as an officer because of wounds received at the Battle of Germantown. Sometime later, he resigned his breath. The widow made no application. Now she is told she must make an application to Congress. Asks that Howell extend all the justice he can, consistent with his official duty.

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notable person/group

John Pierce
Charles Pettit
Lieutenant Wild
Delaware Regiment
widow of Lieutenant Wild

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Battle of Germantown
women and war department
widow claims

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sometime later, he resigned his breath

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Philadelphia 29th of May 1787

I am requested on behalf of the widow of the Lieut (undecipherable) of the Deleware Regiment to ask your attention to her case. It is stated that their officer received no pay for his services as a Lieut from the 1st of august 1777 to some time in august 1778 when he resigned his commission, being unable being unable to perform the duties of his office, owing to a wound he received in the Battle of German Town. Some some time afterwards he resigned his Breath. The widow it is said, supposing the pay was due from the state, made no other application but to the state officers, who have lately told her that it was out of theor line of duty, and that her application should be to Congress - I am persuaded no solicitation will be necessary to induce you to extend to the widow all the justice you can Contstantly with your official duty, but it may be that you will be restrained by the time being elapsed which was limited for prevented accounts of the nature. If this should be the case and the claims should never the less be just, it is probable some way may be devised to relieve the widow form a penalty incurred meerly from ignorance.

Yours Chas Pettit

Joseph Howells Esq

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:202

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Charles Pettit Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient John Pierce [unknown] [n/a]