Irregularities in the Account of Martin Roberts



Autograph Letter Signed


Irregularities in the Account of Martin Roberts


Informs Hodgdon of various irregularities related to the account of Martin Roberts and requests documentation related to Roberts' account.

short description

Irregularities in the Account of Martin Roberts

year created


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in image

notable person/group

Samuel Hodgdon
Colonel George Morgan
Martin Roberts
Martin Armstrong

notable location


notable item/thing

process at law
omission of the voucher
certificate copy

notable phrase

I have not heard from Mr. Roberts nor do I expect to hear from him until he is compelled to it by a Process at Law.

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Letter from Col. Morgan at Princeton
March 9, 1787
(undecipherable scribble) Martin Roberts (undecipherable scribble)
Record from State Dept. Nov. 24 (year illegible) R.P.O. 401319
Princeton March 9 1787
Dear Sir
I am much obliged by your favour of the 5th Instant. I have not heard from Mr. Roberts, nor do I expect to hear from him, until he is compelled to it, by a Process at Law. I am sorry to occasion you Trouble, but I must entreat the favour of you, to inform Mr. Read, that Martin Roberts original Acct shall be furnished to him, by you, if the attested copy you now send should not be sufficient Evidence--
I think it will be likewise necessary for you to write to Mr. Read & explain to him the omission of y Voucher for the Money Roberts charges as paid to Martin Armstrong--This I believe is the only Deficiency & if I mistake not is [symbol for British Pound Sterling) 35.8 (undecipherable mark). Roberts, I know, paid a considerable part of the money [karat pointing up] to Armstrong, but he never deposited any Voucher with me, for part, or I demanded one for the whole--I believe the Balance he owes [undecipherable mark] Armstrong is but about [symbol for British Pound Sterling] 6 or [symbol for British Pound Sterling] 8, & therefore is well worth his while to repair here to settle it--In the mean
Time, I entreat that Mr. Read may hold him to sufficient Bail for the whole Sum, as you know. I am answerable to you for it, until the Voucher be produced & therefore a Balance due to me is detained in your Hands. [squiggle mark]
If it were not imposing too much [undecipherable pen mark] trouble on you, I would by the favour of your furnishing me [karat pointing up] also with a certified Copy of Martin Roberts Acct., Debit, & Credit, as I kept none [squiggle mark]
I remain with great Regard Dear Sir your most ob. Servant
Geo. Morgan
Received from State Dept. Nov. 24, 189[last number illegible] R.P.O. 401310
Sam Hodgden, Esq.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) YZL11 (3 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (Manuscript file) 1775-1790's. (RG93) (M859) B:381

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author George Morgan Princeton [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Hodgdon [unknown] [n/a]