Suspicions surrounding an official
Contemporary Copy of Letter
Suspicions surrounding an official
Letter from the Commissioner of Army Accounts regarding suspicions surrounding a particular official; mentions working with the Attorney General.
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
New York
in image
This letter is not signed but is probably written by John Pierce.
Partially illegible.
Partially illegible.
notable person/group
Samuel Barret
John Pierce
John Placton (?)
Attorney General
Commissioner of Army Accounts
notable location
New York
notable item/thing
document number
page start
Sep 23d 1786
New York Sep 18th 1786
The return of M. Phelon as inclosed information contained in your Letter of the 1[undecipherable date] is somewhat surprising and occasions me to believe Morrill and he have agreed to brave all inquiries and examinaitons on a supposition that they will [ink blot: word might be "be"] cleared for want of sufficient evidence, and in case of worst, [undecipherable] [undecipherable] incur only a forfeiture of their bonds_ this is you will however have a better opportunity to judge in this and any other circumstance which shall convince you of his innocence or guilt better than [undecipherable] the many circumstances which tend to confirm [undecipherable] by letter will undoubtedly induce the authority than to keep him from [undecipherable] further [undecipherable] for the depositions and other papers respecting him. I have inclosed to the Attorney General [undecipherable] and have given him undecipherable an account of the circumstances which have confirmed the suspicions of him.
I have am taking other steps to obtain [undecipherable] evidence respecting him.
By this time I hope Morrill is again [undecipherable] and I have no doubt but that the whole [undecipherable: thing?] will soon come to view. I have reinclosed the papers sent me as they can be of no service unless the [undecipherable next 2 lines: possibly mentions "blank originals"]
New York Sep 18th 1786
The return of M. Phelon as inclosed information contained in your Letter of the 1[undecipherable date] is somewhat surprising and occasions me to believe Morrill and he have agreed to brave all inquiries and examinaitons on a supposition that they will [ink blot: word might be "be"] cleared for want of sufficient evidence, and in case of worst, [undecipherable] [undecipherable] incur only a forfeiture of their bonds_ this is you will however have a better opportunity to judge in this and any other circumstance which shall convince you of his innocence or guilt better than [undecipherable] the many circumstances which tend to confirm [undecipherable] by letter will undoubtedly induce the authority than to keep him from [undecipherable] further [undecipherable] for the depositions and other papers respecting him. I have inclosed to the Attorney General [undecipherable] and have given him undecipherable an account of the circumstances which have confirmed the suspicions of him.
I have am taking other steps to obtain [undecipherable] evidence respecting him.
By this time I hope Morrill is again [undecipherable] and I have no doubt but that the whole [undecipherable: thing?] will soon come to view. I have reinclosed the papers sent me as they can be of no service unless the [undecipherable next 2 lines: possibly mentions "blank originals"]
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (3 pages) | YZI13 (3 pages) | Collection: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (Manuscript file) 1775-1790's. (RG93) (M859) | B: 380 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | John Pierce | New York | [n/a] |
Recipient | Samuel Barrett | [unknown] | [n/a] |