Memorial of Reverend Robert Smith
Memorial of Reverend Robert Smith
Copies the report of the Commissioner for the Settling the Accounts of the late Army, regarding the Memorial of Reverend Robert Smith, late Chaplain. The Commissioner rules against the Memorial, stating that a resolution from Congress would be required.
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Office of Army Accounts
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[Addressed to Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress. This document is labeled a "report" that is continued in Pierce to the President of Congress, dated 07/31/1786.]
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John Pierce
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Charles Thompson
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Charles Thompson
John Pierce
Secretary of Congress
Robert Smith
General Lincoln
Southern Department
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Office of Army Accounts
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Office of Army Accounts July 1786
The Commissioner for Settling the Accounts of the late Army to whom was issued the Memoriae of the Rev.d Robert Smith. Begs Leave to Repost
That a Resolution of Congress of the 1777. has decided that Chaplains be appointed to the Hospitals.
That the Memorialists received in the beginning of the year 1780 an Appointment from General Lincoln as Chaplain to the Hospital in the Southern Department
That the Ordinances of Sept. 30. 1780 & of March 22.d 1781 not having Continued the Hospital Chaplains and the Resolution of November 1780 having directed their duty to be Performed by those of the Brigadier. your Comm. is of Opinion that W. Smith was deranged under those Resolutions.
That the Half pay of the Hospial Officers then reduced was fixed by the Resolution of January 1781 and of the Brigadier Chaplain by the Resolve of the dellay following which resolutions have not included the Hospital Chaplains.
Your Commissioner Therefore presumes that he cannot under the present promises of Congress Issue the Commutation to W. Smith and that if Congress think proper to grant the same his Case will require an express resolution for that Purpose.
Office of Army Acco.ts
To Charles Thompson Sey of Congress
The above report continued_____
Your Commissioner begs Leave further to report that a Resolution of the 2.d June 1785. has directed that those Officers of the Hospital department who were detained in Charleston after is surrender to the British Troops for the Purpose of Attending the sick & Wounded of the Army of the
[aligned right] United
United States shall in Consideration of the Extra Expenses . so.etc. they incurred by the Performance of said duty be allowed the sums affixed to their respective names Contained in a Return depositied in the War Office which was transmitted and Signed by David Oliphant deputy director of the southern Hospital.
That your Commissioner has examined the return alluded to in the above resolution and finds that the name of the Memorialist was omitted.
That Doctor Oliphant has Since furnished the Memorialist with a Certificate, that
These are to Certify that the Rev.d Robert Smith Chaplain to the General Hospital for the United States of America on the southern Department remained in Charleston after its Surrender to the Brittish. untill the Medale of April 1781 (Eleven m.o + a half) with other Officers of said Hospital. and did the Chaplains duty and that he afterwards was sent by the Brittish to Haddrills Point & from thence to Philadelphia a Prisoner on Parole and that his name was omitted by Mistake on the pay Roll of the Hospital Officers entitled to Extra expenses and sent to the Se.y of War. dated August 10. 183. by me Dav.d Oliphant [aligned right] late D.r S.o H.
Office of Army Accounts July 1786
The Commissioner for Settling the Accounts of the late Army to whom was issued the Memoriae of the Rev.d Robert Smith. Begs Leave to Repost
That a Resolution of Congress of the 1777. has decided that Chaplains be appointed to the Hospitals.
That the Memorialists received in the beginning of the year 1780 an Appointment from General Lincoln as Chaplain to the Hospital in the Southern Department
That the Ordinances of Sept. 30. 1780 & of March 22.d 1781 not having Continued the Hospital Chaplains and the Resolution of November 1780 having directed their duty to be Performed by those of the Brigadier. your Comm. is of Opinion that W. Smith was deranged under those Resolutions.
That the Half pay of the Hospial Officers then reduced was fixed by the Resolution of January 1781 and of the Brigadier Chaplain by the Resolve of the dellay following which resolutions have not included the Hospital Chaplains.
Your Commissioner Therefore presumes that he cannot under the present promises of Congress Issue the Commutation to W. Smith and that if Congress think proper to grant the same his Case will require an express resolution for that Purpose.
Office of Army Acco.ts
To Charles Thompson Sey of Congress
The above report continued_____
Your Commissioner begs Leave further to report that a Resolution of the 2.d June 1785. has directed that those Officers of the Hospital department who were detained in Charleston after is surrender to the British Troops for the Purpose of Attending the sick & Wounded of the Army of the
[aligned right] United
United States shall in Consideration of the Extra Expenses . so.etc. they incurred by the Performance of said duty be allowed the sums affixed to their respective names Contained in a Return depositied in the War Office which was transmitted and Signed by David Oliphant deputy director of the southern Hospital.
That your Commissioner has examined the return alluded to in the above resolution and finds that the name of the Memorialist was omitted.
That Doctor Oliphant has Since furnished the Memorialist with a Certificate, that
These are to Certify that the Rev.d Robert Smith Chaplain to the General Hospital for the United States of America on the southern Department remained in Charleston after its Surrender to the Brittish. untill the Medale of April 1781 (Eleven m.o + a half) with other Officers of said Hospital. and did the Chaplains duty and that he afterwards was sent by the Brittish to Haddrills Point & from thence to Philadelphia a Prisoner on Parole and that his name was omitted by Mistake on the pay Roll of the Hospital Officers entitled to Extra expenses and sent to the Se.y of War. dated August 10. 183. by me Dav.d Oliphant [aligned right] late D.r S.o H.
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In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (361 pages) | DEL01 (361 pages) | Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) | V:134; P:68 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | John Pierce | Office of Army Accounts | [n/a] |
Recipient | Charles Thomson | [unknown] | [n/a] |