Memorial of Jesse Cook and Jesse Grant
Memorial of Jesse Cook and Jesse Grant
Report by the Commissioner of Army Accounts on the Memorial of Jesse Cook and Jesse Grant, former captains from Connecticut.
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Office of Army Accounts
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[Addressed to Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress.]
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John Pierce
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Charles Thompson
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Charles Thompson
John Pierce
Secretary of Congress
Jesse Cook
Jesse Grant
[Henry Knox]
Secretary at War
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Office of Army Accounts
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Office of Army Accots. July 6 1786
The Commissioner for settling the Accounts of the Army, to whom was referred the Memorial of Jesse Cook & Jesse Grant, begs Leave to Report
That by Virtue of a Resolution of your Honorable House of the 16 April 1781: your Commissioner hath settled the Accounts of the Memorialists, who have been allowed their old emission money agreeable to the usual mode of paying the Army, and also their Subsistence from which was deducted the Supply made by the Commissary of Prisoners.
That your Commissioner omitted the Settlement of their depreciation in Consequence of the above mentioned resolution, and also their pay after the 1t. of August 1780 to the date of their Exchange for the reason that the state of Connect. settled with their line for that time.
That your Commissioner in his settlement with these Officers considered the warrant of the Governor of the State and the Certificate of the Secry. at War that they were appointed Captains to be a sufficient Authority for him to Settle their Accounts as such so far as they lay in his Department.
That the Memorialists have Obtained their depreciation and pay from the State of Connecticut as Lieutenants but their Petition for their difference between the depreciation of Lieutenants & Captains has for some reason unknown to your Commissioner been negatived by the Legislature of the State.
And therefore that the real Subject of Complaint of the Memorialists and which the report of the Secretary
Secretary at War has a tendancy very justly to remove is that the state be authorised to settle with them as Captains instead of Lieutenants.
Charles Thompson Esq.
Secretary of Congress
Office of Army Accots. July 6 1786
The Commissioner for settling the Accounts of the Army, to whom was referred the Memorial of Jesse Cook & Jesse Grant, begs Leave to Report
That by Virtue of a Resolution of your Honorable House of the 16 April 1781: your Commissioner hath settled the Accounts of the Memorialists, who have been allowed their old emission money agreeable to the usual mode of paying the Army, and also their Subsistence from which was deducted the Supply made by the Commissary of Prisoners.
That your Commissioner omitted the Settlement of their depreciation in Consequence of the above mentioned resolution, and also their pay after the 1t. of August 1780 to the date of their Exchange for the reason that the state of Connect. settled with their line for that time.
That your Commissioner in his settlement with these Officers considered the warrant of the Governor of the State and the Certificate of the Secry. at War that they were appointed Captains to be a sufficient Authority for him to Settle their Accounts as such so far as they lay in his Department.
That the Memorialists have Obtained their depreciation and pay from the State of Connecticut as Lieutenants but their Petition for their difference between the depreciation of Lieutenants & Captains has for some reason unknown to your Commissioner been negatived by the Legislature of the State.
And therefore that the real Subject of Complaint of the Memorialists and which the report of the Secretary
Secretary at War has a tendancy very justly to remove is that the state be authorised to settle with them as Captains instead of Lieutenants.
Charles Thompson Esq.
Secretary of Congress
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (361 pages) | DEL01 (361 pages) | Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) | V:134; P:64 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | John Pierce | Office of Army Accounts | [n/a] |
Recipient | Charles Thomson | [unknown] | [n/a] |