Regarding the charging and passing of sums



Author's Letterbook Copy


Regarding the charging and passing of sums


Lieutenant John Lewis is charged with two sums that he received from Colonel Cadwallader that are now passed to the credit of Col. William Butler as part of a settlement between Cadwallader and Butler. If the recipient visits New York, he should bring the Certificates that were issued for Colonel Moylan's regiment since the amounts must be revised.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

New York


in image

notable person/group

John Nicholson
Joseph Howell
Lieut. John Lewis of the 4th regiment
Colonel Cadwallader
Col. Wm. Butler
Colonel Moylan's Regiment

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

your request of the 22nd
the sum of 130 dols.received the 25 Febry
200 dols recd. 14 March 1777
sums are now passed to the credit of Col. Wm. Butler
settlements made between Col. Cadwallader & Col. Butler
all the Certificates in your possession
the Quota of Virginia
the numbers of those already issued
the amount of each
the date of interest

notable phrase

I find it will be absolutely necessary to revise the amounts

document number


page start



New York June 26th. 1786.


Agreeably to your request of the 22d. Instant I have to inform you that Lieut. John Lewis of the 4th. regiment stands charged with the sum of 130 dols received the 25. Feby and 2oo dols recd. 14 March of 177 of Colonel Cadwallader, which sums are now passed to the credit of Col. Wm. Butler in consequence of a settlement made between Col. Cadwallader & Col. Butler. when the former resigned and the latter took command of the Regiment — If you should pay us a visit this summer I have to request you will bring all the Certificates in your possession that were issued for the Officers of Col Moylan's Reg. of the quota of Virginia as I find it will be absolutely necessary to revise their accounts — you will further please to bring or forward on the numbers of those already issued, specifying the amount of each of the date of Interest.

Yours &c.

J. Howell Jr

John Nicholson Esquire.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (355 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:48

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell New York [n/a]
Recipient Jonathan Nicholson [unknown] [n/a]