Emoluments of Commutation



Author's Letterbook Copy


Emoluments of Commutation


The author informs the recipient that his resignation from the Army makes him ineligible for any emoluments of Commutation. The Commissioner of Army Accounts still has a Certificate for the balance due the recipient but it cannot be issued until he settles his accounts as Pay Master to the 10th Pennsylvania Regiment.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

New York


in image

notable person/group

William Feltman
Joseph Howell
Captain Weitzell
those who continued during the war or were deranged
Mr. Pierce
the late 10th Penn. Regiment

notable location

New York
Lancaster Pennsylvania

notable item/thing

Your letter by Captain Weitzell
your resignation
the benefits of any emoluments of Commutation granted by Congress
the war
Certificate for the balance of pay due you
your accounts as Pay Master

notable phrase

I have to inform you that your resignation precludes you from the benefits of any emoluments of Commutation granted by Congress to those who continued during he War, or were deranged

document number


page start



New York 29th May 1786.


Your Letter by Cap. Weitzell was duly received; in answer thereto I have to inform you that your resignation precludes you from the benefits of any emoluments of Commutation &c granted by Congress to those who continued during the War or were deranged — There is still retained in the hands of Mr. Pierce a Certificate for the ballance of Pay due you, previous to your resignation, which cannot be issued until you settle your accounts as Pay Master to the late 10th Penna Regiment —

I am Sir, &c
J. Howell jr.

Cap. Wm. Feltman

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:34

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell New York [n/a]
Recipient William Feltman [unknown] [n/a]