Report from West Point



Letterbook Copy


Report from West Point


Report on the cleaning of 500 stands of arms at West Point. Request guidance on how far the civil authority can extend over the military in the case of constable seeking to arrest a soldier in the West Point garrison for debt. Reports on the difficulty of finding anyone to board Captain Molly (Margaret Corbin). Reports a deserter and the arrival of recruits.

short description

Report from West Point

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

West Point


in image

notable person/group

Henry Knox
William Price
Timothy Ketchum
James Manon
Mr. Connelly
General Huntingdon
soldier in the New York troops
civil authority
Mrs. Elizabeth Simms
Captain Nutly
Captain Molly
Molly Corbin
Margaret Corbin
Lewis Brevett
Captain Hamtramck's Company
Major Wyllys
Major Willis
Captain Strong's Company
Lieutenant Willcox
Secretary at War

notable location

West Point
the plain
Fort McIntosh

notable item/thing

returns of ordnance and quartermaster's stores
stands of arms
piece of land
200 acres
taking care

notable idea/issue

women and the war department

document number


page start


number of pages



West Point 31st Jany 1786
Dear Sir
I have sent by [undecipherable] Mr Timothy Ketchum the returns of Ordnance and quarter masters shares for the month of [undecipherable] 1786. I have given Mr James Manor a certificate for cleaning five hundred stands of arms which he has done. There is not room for any more to stand on the rock. so think I shall be under the necessity of stocking them up in bulk, or putting them in the old boxes, as fast as they are cleaned, as you shall think best.

There has been a man here by the name of Carpenter who says that he is about buying a piece of land from our Mr Connolly which comes onto the plain, and takes in the house that Genl Huntingdon lived in last, which he wants to fence in and live on. I have postponed the matter till you inform me how far they can be admitted into the Garrison, it lays to Mr [undecipherable] line and [undecipherable] 200 acres.

There has also been a certificate here after one (undecipherable) Front a soldier in the New York troops for debt amounting to £6 and upwards. I have also put him of till you inform me how far the Civil authority can extend in French affairs over the military.

turn over

Enclosed is an account of Mrs Elizabeth Simms for taking care of Capt Molly twelve weeks, as the Bearer will return you and forward the money by him - I am at a loss what to do with Capt Molly. She is first an offensive person that people are unwilling to take her in charge, this woman informs me that she cannot keep her longer than the first of March, and I cannot any that is willing to keep her for that money and find her every thing to eat and drink - if you should think proper to extend one or two rations to her and will be better than money and may induce some person to keep her.

I have taken up one Lewis Bevett a deserter from Capt Hamtramcks company, he left fort McIntosh 24 Dec 1785 and says that Mahor Wullys with Capt Shoneys Company arrived there the day after - and I shall detain him till further orders.

I have received a letter this day from B Miller informing me that he had sent over seven accounts, and four of them has already arrived.
I am the Honorable Major Genl Knox
Secretary at War

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) MBD01 (40 pages) Collection: Letterbook No. 1, West Point 1784-1786. P:21-22

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Price West Point [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]