Settlement of Public Accounts



Recipient's Letterbook Copy


Settlement of Public Accounts


The author thanks the recipient for his prompt reply to his letter regarding his public accounts. As soon as he hears from the recipient that a sufficient number of States are able to settle all of his business in one journey to New York, he will make the trip.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location



in image

notable person/group

Joseph Howell
Richard Lloyd
Col. See(?)who is a member of Congress

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

your favor of 11th instant
the second day after its date
your kind attention
my former letters
information with respect to my public accounts
your letter
a sufficient number of states
my whole business
one journey to New York
this necessary information
your advice

notable phrase

I was in a disagreeable uncertainty with respect to what I ought to have done.

document number


page start



Allentown, 18 Jan 1786
Dr Sir,
I received your favor of 11th instant the second day after its date, and am much obliged to you for your kind attention in so soon answering my former letters - not having it in my power to obtain any information with respect to my [indecipherable] amounts I was in a [indecipherable] uncertainty with respect to what I ought to have done - your letter has satisfied me on this head, and as soon as I hear a sufficient number of [indecipherable] are represented to grant money that my whole business may be settled by making but one journey to new york I shall certainly attend, and I must request this necessary information from you with your advice -
If you should write soon I should be glad you would inform me whether Col See, who is a member of Congress, is in News York - Jos. Howell, Esq I am sir,
Richard Lloyd

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:10

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Richard Lloyd Allentown [n/a]
Recipient Joseph Howell [unknown] [n/a]