Bringing Capt. Hamtramck's Company to Full Strength
Autograph Letter Signed
Bringing Capt. Hamtramck's Company to Full Strength
Henry Knox, Secretary at War, directs Major North, Inspector of the Troops in Service, to utilize the Connecticutt quota to bring Captain Hamtramck's Company to full strength prior to movement. Major North is only to act if Lt Colonel Fish's efforts with the New York quota fail.
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
War Office
sent to location
New York
in collection
in image
notable person/group
William North
Henry Knox
Nicholas Fish
Captain Hamtramck
notable location
New York
War Office
Fort McIntosh
West Point
notable item/thing
readiness to march
public interest
movement of forces
troop strength
document number
page start
Major William North
Inspr. to the Troops in Service
New York
War Office
[Docket] Letter from Gen Knox
Oct 3d 1785
[Marginal note] Letter from
Baron Steuben
[Marginal note on other side - indecipherable]
War Office October 3d. 1785
I have directed Captain Hamtramcks
Company at West Point to be in readiness to
march by the 10th: Instant, but as it has only
one Officer the march may be delayed a few days
in hopes that Lt: Colonel Fish will be able to
add at least one more Officer - You will please
to inspect muster and organize this Company -
It is of importance both with
regard to the Public Interest and the good of the
Men, that Captain Hamtramcks Company should
march in such season, as to be able to arrive
at Fort McIntosh previously to the setting in of
Winter - If therefore Colonel Fish should be
unable to furnish another Officer to this Company,
and there should be a sufficiency of Men, you
will incorporate a Subaltern Officer from the
Connecticut Quota and so many Men as may
be necessary to complete Captain Hamtramcks
Company to the establishment.
I should hope
that every Arrangement might be made and
the Company marched by the 15th: Instant,
agreably to the orders I have given to Lieutt:
Colonel Fish for that purpose. The experiences
I have had of your punctuality and assiduity in-
-duces me to rely with perfect confidence, that
you will perform every thing in your department
to facilitate the departure of this Company.
I am Sir
Your very Hble Servant
Major Wm North
Inspector to the Troops in Service
Inspr. to the Troops in Service
New York
War Office
[Docket] Letter from Gen Knox
Oct 3d 1785
[Marginal note] Letter from
Baron Steuben
[Marginal note on other side - indecipherable]
War Office October 3d. 1785
I have directed Captain Hamtramcks
Company at West Point to be in readiness to
march by the 10th: Instant, but as it has only
one Officer the march may be delayed a few days
in hopes that Lt: Colonel Fish will be able to
add at least one more Officer - You will please
to inspect muster and organize this Company -
It is of importance both with
regard to the Public Interest and the good of the
Men, that Captain Hamtramcks Company should
march in such season, as to be able to arrive
at Fort McIntosh previously to the setting in of
Winter - If therefore Colonel Fish should be
unable to furnish another Officer to this Company,
and there should be a sufficiency of Men, you
will incorporate a Subaltern Officer from the
Connecticut Quota and so many Men as may
be necessary to complete Captain Hamtramcks
Company to the establishment.
I should hope
that every Arrangement might be made and
the Company marched by the 15th: Instant,
agreably to the orders I have given to Lieutt:
Colonel Fish for that purpose. The experiences
I have had of your punctuality and assiduity in-
-duces me to rely with perfect confidence, that
you will perform every thing in your department
to facilitate the departure of this Company.
I am Sir
Your very Hble Servant
Major Wm North
Inspector to the Troops in Service
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (3 pages) | FAA01 (3 pages) | Collection: George N. Meissner Autographs | B: 3, F: Henry Knox |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Henry Knox | War Office | [n/a] |
Recipient | William North | New York | [n/a] |