Regarding need for multiple copies of the registry of settlement securities issued states for arrears due the Army





Regarding need for multiple copies of the registry of settlement securities issued states for arrears due the Army


Letter, discusses the need for multiple copies of the registry of settlement securities issued states for arrears due the Army; advises printing the registry.

short description

Ltr, dis settlement security registry

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

New York

in collection

content note

The typescript copy (XFH23) is lodged in the XFH copylog folder. This may be the only copy of letter available, but it was not scanned.

notable person/group

Board of Treasury
John Pierce

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

regimental agents should settle
accounts due the army with the supreme executive of the state to whom they respectively belonged
proper that
copy of register of these certificates be sent to the states
as a check to the accounts of the agents
complete copy of this register be lodged with the comptroller for the purpose of checking the certificates brought in to be funded
members of Congress
informed me that
a copy also be furnished the Loan office of each state
guide to
payment of the interest
which will require at least fifteen copies for these different purposes
if written take more than thirty clerks for one year to complete them
I have
taken measures
receiving proposals from
ascertain the exact sum
cost to print these copies
can obtain twenty setts printed for eleven hundred dollars
which will take one half less paper
and will cost the public little more than writing one sett
beg leave
to submit to the consideration for the board the propriety of printing, instead of writing, the copies which will thus be wanted, and that I may receive directions accordingly.

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions B:23

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author John Pierce New York [n/a]
Recipient Board of Commissioners [unknown] [n/a]