Fraud committed with respect to depreciation
Fraud committed with respect to depreciation
A report of fraud committed with respect to depreciation based on examination of muster rolls of German Regiment.
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in image
Cited in Howell to Richmond, 04/11/1785.
Cited in Howell to Richmond, 09/22/1788.
Cited in Howell to Richmond, 09/22/1788.
author note
Major Chirs Richmond
recipient note
Joseph Howell
cited note
Cited document addressed to the War Office
notable person/group
Joseph Howell
Major Richmond
notable location
Annapolis Maryland
Mr. Nicholson
notable item/thing
muster rolls
notable idea/issue
scene of iniquity
dark business
document number
page start
Annapolis April 1. 1785
Dear Sir
I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 12 Ult.
and thank you heartily for the trouble you, and your Friend
Purcell have taken.. I will do myself the pleasure of writing
to him shortly on the subject of the music, however I shall say
in the mean time, it was well chosen, and well bought.
I have now to address you upon a very serious subject
When we were so ernest about obtaining the Muster
Rolls of the German Regiment, it was upon a suspicion
that several Frauds had been committed upon this State
with respect to depreciation_ but before I describe them,
I will inform you that the State of Maryland passed an
Act of Assembly granting Depreciation to all Officers and
Soldiers of the Quota of that State, who had served three years
in the Continental Army- consequently, that part of the German
Regiment, which was called the four Companies of Maryland,
having faithfully served; became entitled to receive the same.
The event of an Examination of the Muster Rolls for
70 & 80 has shewn, that our suspicions were not without
foundation- for, of two Hundred and sixty, who have
received Depreciation, there are forty-seven, as by the list
enclosed, who are not upon the Maryland Musters_ Twelve
of the Forty-seven, are on the Pennsylvania Musters, and
the other Thirty, however, discharges were produced, purporting
that the persons mentioned in each of them, served three
years faithfully, and discharged for the most part by
Cap.t Com.t Bunner in the month of July 1779 I have en=
closed one of the discharges, which has the appearance
of having been written at a much later date, that what
is expressed in it_ We can trace out the Persons
who presented them here, and obtained the Certificates, but
we want to find out whether Cap.t Bunner, whose signa=
=ture is to the greatest part of them, really did sign them,
or not. There has been a most vilainous combination
somewhere; and it has been exited by a Knowledge that
the State had no Muster Rolls, and generally issued upon
Discharges. Now if Bunner is within your reach, I
shall esteem it a favor, if you will take another Man
of Credit along with you, and enquire of him, whether
the signature on the discharge now sent is his - if he a=
vows it, then I shall be obliged to you for your Deposition,
and that of the person with you; that he acknowledged it,
which Depositions, with the necessary forms of Office,
please to transmit to me - if on the contrary, Bunner
denies it to be his, please to inform him of so much
of the Transaction, as you may chose to disclose, and
obtain his affidavit setting forth, that he did not sign
the same or any of the Discharges in the names of those, or
any of them on the enclosed List. - I need not caution
you, about using your utmost address in endeavouring
to lay open this scene of Inequity-your own love of jus=
=tice, and the public station you fill, will I dare say
by sufficient incentives to your exertion in this
dark Business ~~ Pray had the state of Penn=
72/ Pray has the State of Pennsylvania granted Depreci=
=ation to their three Years men discharged before the 10th
April 1780. - if it has, and continues to do so, it will
be proper that the Comptroller have the list I send, and
examine it with his issues. _ Be pleased to procure
the favor of Mr. Nicholson to furnish such remarks as
may be necessary, and transmit them to me as soon
as possible. The expence attending the above Business
I will pay you. with much regard I am
C. Richmond
Joseph Howell Jun.r
Dear Sir
I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 12 Ult.
and thank you heartily for the trouble you, and your Friend
Purcell have taken.. I will do myself the pleasure of writing
to him shortly on the subject of the music, however I shall say
in the mean time, it was well chosen, and well bought.
I have now to address you upon a very serious subject
When we were so ernest about obtaining the Muster
Rolls of the German Regiment, it was upon a suspicion
that several Frauds had been committed upon this State
with respect to depreciation_ but before I describe them,
I will inform you that the State of Maryland passed an
Act of Assembly granting Depreciation to all Officers and
Soldiers of the Quota of that State, who had served three years
in the Continental Army- consequently, that part of the German
Regiment, which was called the four Companies of Maryland,
having faithfully served; became entitled to receive the same.
The event of an Examination of the Muster Rolls for
70 & 80 has shewn, that our suspicions were not without
foundation- for, of two Hundred and sixty, who have
received Depreciation, there are forty-seven, as by the list
enclosed, who are not upon the Maryland Musters_ Twelve
of the Forty-seven, are on the Pennsylvania Musters, and
the other Thirty, however, discharges were produced, purporting
that the persons mentioned in each of them, served three
years faithfully, and discharged for the most part by
Cap.t Com.t Bunner in the month of July 1779 I have en=
closed one of the discharges, which has the appearance
of having been written at a much later date, that what
is expressed in it_ We can trace out the Persons
who presented them here, and obtained the Certificates, but
we want to find out whether Cap.t Bunner, whose signa=
=ture is to the greatest part of them, really did sign them,
or not. There has been a most vilainous combination
somewhere; and it has been exited by a Knowledge that
the State had no Muster Rolls, and generally issued upon
Discharges. Now if Bunner is within your reach, I
shall esteem it a favor, if you will take another Man
of Credit along with you, and enquire of him, whether
the signature on the discharge now sent is his - if he a=
vows it, then I shall be obliged to you for your Deposition,
and that of the person with you; that he acknowledged it,
which Depositions, with the necessary forms of Office,
please to transmit to me - if on the contrary, Bunner
denies it to be his, please to inform him of so much
of the Transaction, as you may chose to disclose, and
obtain his affidavit setting forth, that he did not sign
the same or any of the Discharges in the names of those, or
any of them on the enclosed List. - I need not caution
you, about using your utmost address in endeavouring
to lay open this scene of Inequity-your own love of jus=
=tice, and the public station you fill, will I dare say
by sufficient incentives to your exertion in this
dark Business ~~ Pray had the state of Penn=
72/ Pray has the State of Pennsylvania granted Depreci=
=ation to their three Years men discharged before the 10th
April 1780. - if it has, and continues to do so, it will
be proper that the Comptroller have the list I send, and
examine it with his issues. _ Be pleased to procure
the favor of Mr. Nicholson to furnish such remarks as
may be necessary, and transmit them to me as soon
as possible. The expence attending the above Business
I will pay you. with much regard I am
C. Richmond
Joseph Howell Jun.r
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (4 pages) | DDA01 (175 pages) | Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) | V:136; P:67 |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Collection: Citations | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | C. Richmond | Annapolis | [n/a] |
Recipient | Joseph Howell | [unknown] | [n/a] |