Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Harmar acceptance of appointment as Commandant for the protection of the Northwest Frontier



Printed or published transcription/modern copy


Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Harmar acceptance of appointment as Commandant for the protection of the Northwest Frontier


Harmar's acceptance of his appointment by the Executive Council of Pennsylvania as Commandant for the protection of the Northwest Frontier.

[Lt. Col. Josiah Harmar to Pres. Dickinson]
Philadelphia, August 16th, 1784
The respectable appointment, which your honorable body has been pleased to confer upon me, and the very polite manner in which it was done, lay me under particular obligations, to your Excellency and Council. Indeed, I cannot sufficiently express my feelings upon this occasion; I shall therefore endeavor, by a steady attention to the duties of this appointment, to render every possible service to my country, and thereby merit the approbation of your honorable board.
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's
& Councils most
obt & very hble. Servt.,
Jos. Harmar
His excellency, John Dickinson, Esq., & The Honorable The Supreme Executive Council, Pennsylvania.

year created


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in collection

content note

The appointment was Lt. Col. Commandant for protection of N.W. frontiers. - Col. Rec. XiV, p. 177
Source for this transcription is Hazard, Pennsylvania Archives Vol. 10.

notable person/group

John Dickinson
Josiah Harmar

notable location


document number



[Lt. Col. Josiah Harmar to Pres. Dickinson]
Philadelphia, August 16th, 1784
The respectable appointment, which your honorable body has been pleased to confer upon me, and the very polite manner in which it was done, lay me under particular obligations, to your Excellency and Council. Indeed, I cannot sufficiently express my feelings upon this occasion; I shall therefore endeavor, by a steady attention to the duties of this appointment, to render every possible service to my country, and thereby merit the approbation of your honorable board.
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's
& Councils most
obt & very hble. Servt.,
Jos. Harmar
His excellency, John Dickinson, Esq., & The Honorable The Supreme Executive Council, Pennsylvania.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: Pennsylvania Archives vol. 10 [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Josiah Harmar Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient President John Dickinson [unknown] [n/a]