Commutation Pay



Autograph Letter


Commutation Pay


Wright discusses his commutation, emphasizing the sacrifices that veterans have made for the nation.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

New York


sent to location

Office of Army Accounts

in image

notable person/group

John Pierce
Jotham Wright
Captain Lattin
Mr. King

notable location

Office of Army Accounts
New York
No 24 William Street

notable item/thing

constant fatigue

notable phrase

served our country faithfully for seven years

document number


page start



Sent To from Lt Jotham Wright
2d June C - 1784
Baldwin Artfrs
New York May 23rd 1784
I shall Esteem it favor for to Let me know, a
bout our Commutation, that you Wass pleased
to Stor, till you heard from Congress.
I Received a Letter from Capt Lott in, Wich he Informd me, that
he Went home in Compy With A Member of Congress that
ASurred him, that the Resolve passed Last January
did not Concern us, If there is no Resolve AGainst us,
it is Verrey hard We Should not be upon the
Same Futting With the Rest of the Amrey;
Wich I think, We are Justley Intitled to, When
We have Served our Cuntrey Faithfully for Seven
Years and All Ways on Constant Fateeges and to be
turned of But Just our Bare Wagges it is to hard
to beet. I Flatter my Self that the Honorable Congress
Will Alow to us as thay have to Other Officers, of
Eaquil Rank, I Shal Esteem it A prticular
Favour if you Will please to Rite, to me Weather
Mr King must Suttell it or our Selves please
to Derect the Letter to New York in William Street
No 24
I am your Humble Servent
Jotham Wright Late
Lieut of Artilly Artificers

Mr Pierce P. M. G.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) CER06 (2 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (Manuscript file) 1775-1790's. (RG93) (M859) B:203
[view document] (1 pages) CEQ06 (3 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (Manuscript file) 1775-1790's. (RG93) (M859) [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jotham Wright New York [n/a]
Recipient John Pierce Office of Army Accounts [n/a]