Payment of Soldiers
Payment of Soldiers
Extract of orders, noting that privates in the infantry of the Continental service receive on account of their pay one half dollar specie per week and the non-commissioned officers and privates of these corps in the same proportion. Mr. Rose will pay the troops of the garrison until a properly authorized person is appointed. Irvine requests that a commissioned officer from each company attend the payment of their men.
year created
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Not a certification of orders, but a certified extract from orders Irvine issued at Fort Pitt in 1783.
author note
Certification of Orders for General William Irvine
notable person/group
John Finley
see below
non-commissioned officers
commissioned officers
Mr. Rose
the Commandant
Brigadier General William Irvine
notable location
Fort Pitt
notable item/thing
continental service
January 1783
notable idea/issue
pay of privates and non-commissioned officers
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yet the Father has even sustained a fair and unblemished reputation and deserves respect and mention from every publick officer.
Yours (undecipherable)
Chas Slark
John Pierce Esq
Orders Fort
Extract from General William Irvines orders dated Fort Pitt Apr 25 1783
It is ordered that the privates of the Infantry in the continental service, leave an account of thir pay, by the Musters of the Month pf January 1783 one half Dollar specie of work, and the noe commissioned officers and privates of these corps in the same proportion until (undecipherable) orders. Mr Rose has been pleased to take upon him the trouble of paying the troops of this Garrison agreeable to the above directions untill such times (undecipherable) would be appointed property authorised, finally to adjust the accounts of the army. The Commandant requests that a commissioned office of each company would attend the payment of their men, immediately after troop beating -
I do hereby certify that the above is a true extract of orders issued by Brig Genl William Irvine commands at Fort Pitt.
Jno (undecipherable) late M3
Apr 11 1787
Pittsburg May 10th 1787
I was favourd last week with a letter from Capt Joseph Howell, in which is stated a large (undecipherable) against me, taken from the publick books, the information really surprises me, as having no idea of any such account, in order to have it speedily settled and closed I have taken the liberty of puting under cover for you an answer with such information that will I hope enable him fully to settle the same - which I'll thank you to deliver to him, and excuse the freedom of Sir -
Stepn Bayard
John Pierce Esq
Pittsburg May 10th 1787
Dear Sir
I received your favour by Lieut (undecipherable) dated New York Feby 28 1787 the contents of which really surprised me because I had no idea that such a large sum cou'd possibly stand against me this time of day, I am happy however that I wrote to you, and tha t you have favour'd me with the account as it now stands, which may prevent a great deal of trouble infective, - when I was orderd to the westward I
I left my (undecipherable) and other papers. below in a deranged situation but in March or April 1777 to the best of my knowledge I settled fully my (undecipherable) and other accounts with Col Wood, who was at that period authorised to settle the same, which by his (undecipherable) reasons best known to himself, would not pass, till obliged him by applying to congress, General (undecipherable) and Mr Dewer then members, I believe, and, presented and admitted the accounts, and order'd a small ballance that was due thereon to be paid me- Capt Thomas Craig and William Butler (afterwards Colonels) aere the only officers besides myself whoes accounts ware fully settled at that time, but Wood did not give them the trouble he gave me,
I have stated the matter to Col Craig by this conveyance with a reQuest to him to write to you specially on the subject who I dare say will give himself the trouble of informing you what he knows about it - the Rolls of Congress, (undecipherable) of war, or where those papers ware then lodged, will undoubtedly show the full settlement, with Wood, and if he had neglected to lodge them in the proper office, the fault is not with me neither should I suffer on that account.
The next charge that stands against me is in November 1783 (undecipherable) paid by John Pierce Esq into the hands of Lieut Rose to pay off a detachement of the 8th Regiment for Feby March and April 1690 9undecipherable) Dollars specie - this money was paid
paid by Lieut Rose to the Officers and Soldiery agreesble to General Irvines orders, who commanded here at that time - a coppy of the order I herewith inclose for your better information. Mr Rose no doubt at that time took vouchers for the same, why, I have not credit and those papers lodged in the proper office I am at a loss to know; General Irvine is now at New York I dare say he will inform you particularly respecting the same to him therefore I beg your reference - the charge also in June 1788 of 1508 (undecipherable) Dollars paid by William Palfrey for deficiencies of rations due the 3rd Regiment, must certinly be an error as I was attached to and joined the (undecipherable) in 1777 and continued therein afterwards, why I am charged for such deficiences I cannot tell, I have mentioned this also to Col Craig, as he commanded at that time the 3rd Regiment, who no doubt will give you a satisfactory account thereof and at any rate if the monies was given for that purpose, to pay of a detachement of the 8th it must have been appropriated accordingly or murnurs woukd have ensued but none of this I presume has been the case, - I am confident from my knowlege of you and your known integrity that you will do what is right and just, and in order to do this that you will give yourself the trouble of making the necessary enquirys with respect to the final settlement of this account for which I shall consider myself particularly
paarticularly obliged - if after all it cannot be settled without my attendence, I will do it, the attended with considerable (undecipherqble) your kind assistance will be wanted in that cafe, what may be necessary for me to bring and do, this, I'll thank you to intimate as soon as may be, because should death overtake me before this account is settled my estate would be involved and the innocent suffer. Mr McKay my Brother in law will be in New York, sometime early in June by him if not before I hope to hear your favourable answer - In the meantime I remain with the utmost sincerity.
Steph Bayard
Capt Jospeh Howell
P S I'll thank you to give my respectful compliments to Col Price and let time see this.
s b
I have wrote to General Irvine, and Col Broadhead, resoecting the above, as it concerns them I dare say they will give you the best information they can.
s b
Hartford May 22nd 1787
Major Elisha Painter was in Col Baldwins Regiment of artificers - and I believe held other rank in the continental army, did at New Haven in January 1781 his widow and he haveing no children, applies to the state for half pay, she wants the Documents which your office only can give, and if she dont obtain them this week or early next she will fail in her application. Will you be so good as to send a certificate of all that concerns this business, the widow will be thankful as well as your
Hble sevt
Jou Wadsworth
John Pierce Esq
Philadelphia 29th of May 1787
I am requested on behalf of the widow of the Lieut (undecipherable) of the Deleware Regiment to ask your attention to her case. It is stated that their officer received no pay for his services as a Lieut from the 1st of august 1777 to some time in august 1778 when he resigned his commission, being unable being unable to perform the duties of his office, owing to a wound he received in the Battle of German Town. Some
some time afterwards he resigned his Breath. The widow it is said, supposing the pay was due from the state, made no other application but to the state officers, who have lately told her that it was out of theor line of duty, and that her application should be to Congress - I am persuaded no solicitation will be necessary to induce you to extend to the widow all the justice you can Contstantly with your official duty, but it may be that you will be restrained by the time being elapsed which was limited for prevented accounts of the nature. If this should be the case and the claims should never the less be just, it is probable some way may be devised to relieve the widow form a penalty incurred meerly from ignorance.
Yours Chas Pettit
Joseph Howells Esq
New York June 12th 1787
I have presented two orders at your office for payment - one for 33 (undecipherable) on the first month of 1783 signed by John Bennet - the other for 4 (undecipehrable) Dollars on the month of January 1783 signed by Hezekiah Luch being soldiers in the late Sheldons Regiment - which sums I returned to you on my settlement with you, not haveing their orders or receipts at that time for the
the same - being informed there was no cash in the office, Mr audibort advised me to write you on the subject - as he doubled not but you would take measures for the payment of it very soon - I shall be in New York in a short time when I beg it may be settled, and much obliage.
Elijah Janes
John Pierce Esq
Briddeford June 11th 1787
Some time last summer I wrote you respecting some wages due to Benjamin in Durrell and inclosed an attested copy of all the papers respecting his service. Your answer of the 13th of November last is now before me wherein you say that there is pay due to (undecipherable) Durrell, that you will issue the same to me in my letter, and Durrells power of attorney duely authenticated. February last I wrote you an answer to your letter above mnetioned and inclosed the original papers agreaable to your proposal and requested the pay. Inclosed to me accoordingly but have had no information respecting the matter since, I don't know your regular mode of doing your official business but
but conjectured that the original papers and power of attorney would be equivolent to a receipt, but if you want a particular receipt, as the whole won't pay the expense of a journey to give the receipt. I would propose to send you a receipt upon receiving the pay or request the Honble Mr Osgood to receipt on my behalf which I can venture to vary he will do with - pleasure if my case requires it.
Yours OS
Jelremiah Hill
John Pierce Esq
Boston July 25th 1787
No doubt common report have informed you of the proceedings against me, also the termination of that malicious and vile presentation which not only to destroy the little reputation I had but was leveled at my life - my acquittal has reestablished those friends who deeply for injured innosense, but the world will judge as it pleases and the wound my character has received can never be thoroughly healed - nor can any (undecipherable) gratuity comparison for the distress I have experienced.
The eagerness with which you persued and the desire to bring to condign to punishment the persins concerned in the negotiation if the case notes - (unecipherable) grately abated - the real offenders now go at large with (undecipherable), unmolested - what is that shield them from justice - what protects them from the task of the law - why was I persuaded with so much (undecipherable) I was
was it because I was a helpful stranger in a foreign climate or does justice sleep lulled by the offenders welth and power - some months g=has passed since my tryal, and no steps has been with the others, who by the tryal has fully discovered their iniquity - I have taken the liberty to address this line in order to refresh ypur memory - If in you intend to bring those that are guilty to tryal you may depend on my assistance I can give - (undecipherable) and (undecipherable) Tudor are already indited by the Grand Jury - a line from you declaring yourintention will oblige Y
Thos Barns
John Pierce Esq
Boston July 27th 1787
When I was in New York April last I settled my publick account with Mr Howell so far as to make an even ballance without being allowed a number of vouchers that I left, in (undedicipherable) hereafter to be allow'd them - I also gave up my commutation in order to be allowed half pay; but I have in the papers a resolution of Congress that debars me until I can produce a receipt or certificate from your office purporting those is no ballance due from me to the U States - as I neglected taking such when in New York, I must request you will forward me one by return of the Post -
Moses White
Jn Pierce Esq
Philadelphia August 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I have long wished to have the account settled of Lieut Peter Weiser Dec 1 as the powers of attorney certificates are left in your office in July 1786 by me, as I then could have no settlement on account of his haveing been charged with some money from General Hand the bearer. Mr Benjamin Weiser will hand you the papers relative thereto from General Hand, you will plase let him have a settlement, as he is fully impowred and authorised and authorised to settle the same, I should esteem it as a particular mark of favour. If you would settle the business with him if it lies in your power -
Simon Fishbaugh
Joseph Howell Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York
Aug 4th 1787
Your letter of the 25th (undecipherable) came to hand the 2nd inst and was opend by me in consequnece of Mr Pierces absence in Virginia, where he has been since the beginning of April last- his absence I presume has been the cause of his silence on the subject which
you made mention of I have wrote him and inclosed a copy of your letter which I make no doubt he will answer, as soon as it arrives I will immediately forward it, I commiserate your situation and am sorry the innocent should suffer for the quilty but most heartily wish the latter might be found and made to suffer for their villany, any information you can give relative to the allering or counterfeiting Mr Pierces certificates will be excuding acceptable to him, if you have any you will please to address him at this place as I hope he will arrive about the first of September next -
Jos Howell
Mr Theo Barns
New York Aug 4th 1787
A Gentleman called on me a few days since and shew me a note form your relative to your business in Virginia, since which I have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from, Mr Pierce wherein he mentions that Doctor Bond has requested my attention to a claim of Doc David Gould. I find Gould is charged with £2500 received by him from the state as paymaster to the 2nd Virginia state Regiment in March 1771, and the same is deducted from his accounts, the ballance I have remitted to Doct Bond in bills of
of exchange on Philadelphia if he is not there with you inform Mr Williams of it. Immediately on the receipt of this letter I addressed a fuw lines to Mr Williams and sent him the extract that he might govern himself accordingly - Mr Pierce is of opinion that you are intitled to an extention of your pay but has not given me any orders respecting the (undecipherable) of the certificates I have wrote him on the subject and flatter myself of an answer in a fortnight.
Joseph Howell
Doct Thos Bond
New York August 4th 1787
Dear Sir
Doct Solomon Halling has transmitted a certificate (to Mr Hardy) given him by Doct Oliphont of his being deranged in the year 1780. I do not think it by any means sufficient to authorise me in granting him the commutation therefore take the liberty to make a copy of it for your inspection on the propriety of admitting or respecting this claim.
I also inclose a copy of a letter received on Thursday last from a Mr Thomas Barns of Boston, the subject you are better acquainted with than I am, and supposing it to be of some consequence thought it best that you should be informed of it. I have wrote and informed
informed him of your absence and the probability of your returning a month, (undecipherable) him if he has my information to give that he would forward it to me
J Howell
Jn Pierce Esq
Office of army accounts
New York Aug 8th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 27th (undecipherable)is received. Mr Pierce is still in Virginia and not expected here until September next. I wish it was in my power to comply with your request, but as it was the opinion of Mr Pierce that those monies should stand charged against you until certifycates were produced that the payment made by you to the men charged (undecipherable)by the several states in account of their depreciation I cannot comply in trtansmitting an official certificate that your accounts are closed in the books of this office - apprehending you would wish to have your (undecipherable) stated as it now stands, I have subjoined it by which you will find the sum of 40 (undecipherable) Dollars is due the United States.
Dr Capt Moses White of Col Hazens Reg in (undecipherable) with U S for this sum received for the payment of the regiment as appears by the.
Books of the Pay Office ............................... 209.201.83
for the sum remaining in your hands due Sundry
officers as and your acknowledgement 2.822.84
Dolls 212.024.77
Or by payment made to the regiment as receipts 208.366.66
Dolls 3.658.11
Balance due the U States 3658 (undecipherable) reduced to specie at 75 for one equal to the sum of Dols 48.68
from which deduct this sum over paid in commutation returned (undecipherable) leaves forty (undecipherable) Dollars due the U S this balance is all that at present appears against your on the books of this office - though I am of the opinion that the residue of the old emissions advanced by you should be passed to your credit (by which a ballance would appear in your favour) yet I hope this small ballance will not be an object with you in being deducted from your pension which if deducted you will transmit a certificate from the proper officer to Mr Pierce that you account may be closed.
This letter I presume will answer every purpose of a certificate as it comes officially from Sir
J Howell
Capt Moses White
Office of army accounts
New York Aug 11th 1787
I do myself the honour to inclose a copy of the accounts currant and my reports of the pay due a detachment of the 2nd U S Regiment all under the command of Col Henry Jackson and also the pay die a federal corps of artillery under the command of Capt Henry Burbeck; the pay of those troops commended from the respective appointment and inlistments and ends the first of May last - the monys charged in the books of this office against those corps is not brought into view but left to be noticed hereafter agreaable to your directions -
I am ys
Jas Howell
The Honble
The Secretary at War
Boston Augt 17th 1787
I fully thought when I wrote you last, that my account as I left it, when in New York left a Balance in my favour - by your statement of the 8th instant I observe a bsllance from me to the U States if 40 (undecipherable) Dollars though I cant find that you have credited me with two months pay as Paymaster, which was due me on the last settlement and noted.
noted by yourself on my account in my favour - If this was added to the account you was so good as to transmit me, if should leave a balance of 20 Dollars in my favour - exclusive of advances yet unallowed, and which I intended should remain, in hopes Nr Pierce would see fit at some future day to allow them; as you very justly observe they ought to be passed to my credit -
I am much obliged to you for the statement you sent me and am sorry it won't answer the purpose you intended by it- the resolve of congress as pointed that no person shall be paid til the party shall produce a certificate perporting that nothing is due to the U States that I find it impossible to obtain it, or even settlement until I can produce such a certificate; notwithstanding an offer on my part to have the deduction made which you suggested how systematic, how exact-
I have therefore here with inclosed 40 (undecipherable) Dollars with the interest due thereon, with a view to open the path and make clear the way of every obstruction, that in case you cannot (consistant with the duty you think you are bound to observe between the publick and an individual) grant one without; you will then please to credit my account with the same and transmit me a
a certificate, adequate in every shape to the purpose intended by it. I must beg you will inclose it to me by the first post.
When this is done a small balance will be in-my the account may remain- possibly one day or other Mr Pierce may see just cause for allowing the other vouchers.
Yours SC Moses White
Jo Howell Esq
New York August 14th 1787
Dear Sir
Enclosed you will find a letter and account from O Wolcott Esq, as I am a total stranger to this business. I transmit them to you by Captain Beatty that you may do the needful - when done if you will send them on to me - I will forward them to Mr Wilcott.
Please to present my compliments to Mr Howell and hope you will have the happiness to find her much better.
Yours SC
Tho O'Hara
Joseph Howell Esq
Registers Office July 23rd 1787
I am directed by the Comptroller of the Treasury to request you to forward an official copy to this office of an account that Major Edmund Hyrne ADL and Secretary to the Honorable Major General Greene lodged in your office of Sundry advances to offices of the Southern Army to the amount of £407.11 (undecipherable) sterling as appears by a certificate dated Philadelphia 25th October 1783 signed by George Reid on your behalf a copy of which is annexed.
I am Sir
Joseph Nourse
Psy Offic Philadelphia 25th Oct 1786.
This ceritifies that Major Edmund Hyrne ADL and Sec to the Honorable Major General Greene has lodged an account of Sundry disbursments amounting to four hundred and seven pounds eleven shillings, (undecipherable) Penny and half penny sterling Dollars at (undeciperable) advanced by Major General Greene to officers of the Southern Army, out of the Military Chest which account is satisfied by Major Edmund Hyrne.
Signed George Reed
Boston August 6th 1787
Cap Joseph Howell
in consequence of the letters you forwarded for me to Mr John Pierce in Virginia I have been favoured with his answer, he has effected something for me in Doctor Goulds affairs, but still he apprehends more may be got for which purpose you have an extract from his letter dated Richmond July 9th 1787. "There is as I informed you by last Post the sum of £2500 paid to "Doctor Gould in March 1778 on account of the pay of the "2nd Virginia state Regiment which reduced to specie makes the sum of £500 stopped from his account "which undoubtedly ought not to have (undecipherable) done for "the money must have been paid to the Regiment, I "have written for that reason to his Colonel and the Paymaster that succeeded him in August 1778 and I expect they will clear up the master so that this sum which "is larger than what I have already get, I hope to be able to remit to you in a few days perhaps the pay was
was drawn through the Pay Office you had better therefore apply to Mr Howell and get him to search into the abstracts of Cols Smiths 2nd Virginia State Regiment and see whether James (undecipherble), did not draw the pay of it from the commencement of the service and whether there was not deducted form the above sum of £2500 (undecipherable) by Doctor Goulds Mr Pierce inclosed me a bill of John Groves or Messrs Boyle and Nicholson of Philadelphia for 358
(undecipherable) Dollars which he desired me to acknowledge the receipt of I have no doubt the bill will be duly honoured but as yet it has not been presented - you will greatly oblige me if you will look into Goulds affairs from the above extract and if you will write to Mr Pierce on the subject as soon as possible.
I am with esteem Yo
Thomas Bond
New York Monday Aug 19th 1787
Dear Sir
The Board of Treasury have just now sent me a letter for you that I might direct more particular Mr Nicholson Compt desires to know if any thing is due to Cap Zebulon Pike in this office on settlement of the accounts of the 4th Regiment Dragoons five hundred dollars was retained from Captain Pike, since which he has received 300 Dollars so that it appears there is still two hundred dollars in possession of the United States for accounts unsettled - I expect to be called on today or tomorrow by the Grand Jury of this city to assist in founding a charge against a fellow who was taken up with Mr Pierce's certificates in his possession counterfeited - nothing or consequence has occurred since you left us, two a three accounts presented and as many demand for certificates - Please to present my respects to Mr Howell and am yo
Thos O'Hara
Jas howell Esq
Dear Sir
Enoch Morgan late an officer of the Pens Line hath been prevented hitherto from receiving his depreciation until his account with the United States be settled he says you observed that the business rested with me. If you have no objections I will adjust it leaving him to settle his continental accounts afterwards. If you think any injury to the United States will follow. I wish not to do any thing prejudicial to their interests --
I am Sir yo
Jno Nicholson
Joseph Howell Esq Comptroller Generals Office
Asst Commiss Army Accts
August 24th 1787
New York August 29th 1787
Dear Sir
We arrived here the day we left Philadelphia and found all things will Mr Nicholson's letter came (undecipherable)the office yesterday but I imagine the suggestion therein contained will not be adopted - I heard Mr P say you
you must be here - we have this day been requested again by General Knox to furnish a sett of the No Carolina Muster Rolls and I suppose we shall soon begin to copy them - Their is no further accounts of the proceeding of the Committee of (undecipherable) not can I learn that any attention or new arrangements in the Civil department is immediately to take place -
I inclose your letter which arrived (undecipherable) post since I came to town - I have taken possession of the certificates for Willetts Regiment and issued several of them-
Your friends in the city are all well.
I am yo
Jos Howell Esq
New York September 3d 1787
My Dear Sir
I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28 August which came to me this morning and will attend to the enclosures - we are (undecipherable) with business - The No Carolina Muster Roll business will be a tedious job and of Cruise falls to the lot
lot of poor pil - Beers who has been waiting for some days that for the settlement of Hubbells Specie Accounts is this day putt off until the other is done.
The Board have lodged here a large package of papers for your revisal and adjustment which now lay on hand they are the accounts of Alex Grayson Esquire and were sent by the Comptroller of Pensyla to the Board and by them to the Pay Office Cap Beatty has some other Rolls to be settled which came on lately form the Ohio, I inclose you the charges against Colonel James Irvine who Mr O'Hara says cam be brought to a settlement of the same by a stoppage of his annual Pension if not otherwise-
You are best acquainted with the necessary steps to be taken - Mr Pierce will return soon to Virginia and no more need be said to show you the necessity there will then then be for your attendance here - I wrote you on the 29th (undecipherable) which letter will invalidate the (udecipherable) contained in yours of the 29 for my nygligence - Please to accept my best wishes -
And believe me yours Yo C Swan
Jos Howell Esq
Hartford Sept 4th 1787
Dear Sir
On my return home the Widow of Major Painter presented me several receipts which she supposed would extinguish all the charges in the public books against Major Painter and retain such a certificate from the Paymaster General Office as to enable her to get half pay allowed her by this state - Therewith send all the papers by Mr Phillips who will wait on you with them - I am certain you will do readily what is need full and proper on the (undecipherable) which being done Mr Phillips will receive back such papers as should come back and yo certificate.
I am D Sr
Jere Wadsworth
Cap Howell
Trenton September 15th 1787
Having been empowered by Capt Alex Breckenridge of Kentucky formerly of the Virginia Line to settle his accounts publish and receive what ever may be due him - I am to beg you will inform me by the return of the mail how his business stands in your office whether their is any money for him and if the business is such as may make it necessary that I should visit New York on the occasion. Enclosed you have a copy of his account as audited by Mr Dunscomb who settled the accounts of Virginia.
Your compliance will very much oblige.
Your most obed serv
Abner M Dunn
Audibert Esq
Boston October (undecipherable) 1787
I wrote you the 17th August last at the same time inclosed a 40 Dollar final settlement note which was the balance of my account with the U States agreeable to the statement you sent me sometime before but I have not received the certificate I then solicited, or heard a syllable from you since - how to account for this I am at a loss to know, I might have suspected the letters miscarrying had I not seen it put up in the mail myself, but possibly one from you may have met with a similar fate - so I will suspend my opinion till I inquire further the reason of the delay. I always thought you not to be insensible of our difficulties or that you would wish to throw a stumbling block in my way. I therefore, after once more beging your attention to the certificate I heretofore requested and transmit me one or write me the reasons if you cannot by the first post -
I am yo Moses /white
Jos Howell Esq
Trenton 2nd October 1787
I wrote you some days since on the subject of Captain Alexander (undecipherable) accounts and begged to know how the matter stood in your office but I have not received any answer from you - You will oblige me by informing the next post as I shall set out for the Kentucky Country when the above Gentleman lives in 8 or 10 days from the date hereof, the said Mr (undecipehrble) was of the Virginia Line, I inclosed you a copy if his account as settled by Mr Dunscomb you will find the aforementioned letter perhaps at the Post Office, New York postage I have paid, your attention to this business will (undecipherable) sure that Gentleman as will your most obed Serv
Abner M Dunn
Audibert Esq
New York
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 6th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive a statement of Colonel Henry Bickers account settled by me by which you will find a balance due the United States of Four hundred and twenty and (undecipherable) dollars on the settlement of his account of depreciation you will please to charge him with this sum and transit a certificate of the same to this office that I may be enabled to finally close the Colonel's accounts - Mr Pierce sett off for Virginia on Thursday last and proposes tarrying in your city a few days, so that I expect you will see him - I am disappointed in my expectations of the appointment to Virginia and North Carolina the Board of Treasury having since my arrival here received a letter from Mr Winder wherein he accepts the appointment - The monies credited by Colonel Bicker are all that I can find against him on the books of this office, will you please to (undecipherable) them
them with your charges before a settlement is made.
I am with Great Respect Yr
Jos L Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
PS I cannot inform you what money Colonel Bicker received on account of Supernumeracy pay as the paymaster has not settled his accounts.
Trenton October 4th 1787
In comparing the certificates you gave to the offices and Soldiers of the Jury Line with the return I received from you office, I find a disagreement in the names numbers and amount of some of them therefore I have here enclosed a copy of the Errors I have met with for your examination and correction and where they can be rectified, request you to favour me with an account thereof and am Sir your obed hum serv
James Mott Treasurer
of New Jersey
Jno Pierce Esquire
Commis of Army Accots
Richmond Oct 5th 1787
Dr Howell
Mrs Williams has again applied to me for the certificates due her, for the cases of an artillery man of Harrisons late Regt. I have written to you on the subject as fully as I now can and as I observed you will find claim placed to the name of the debtor from whose estate the debt is due, altho it will be but a trifle it will be of much use to Mrs Williams and I must therefore request of you as one whom I think is ever ready to serve the needy that you will be at a little pains and trouble to accomplish my wish, do also think of and do what you can in respect to John Jones certificates Colonel Carrington can tell you that the late husband of the applicant was not him who directed - In a compliance with those two requests you will not only serve the concerned but rid me of frequent unnecessary applications - I am yr
Au Dunscomb
J Howell Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 8th 1787
Inclosed you will receive a certificate A 94,814 for 908 (unecipherable) Dollars being for an extension of your pay from the 1st of Janaury to the 1 of November 1784 at which period I considered your department to lease, it appearing by the accounts settled by Colonel Walker that on that day Mr Williams was paid in full -
The whole amount of the 10 (undecipherable) pay at 92 Dolls
(undecipherable) month is _____________________________________________920
from which I have deducted to the sum of (undecipherable) dollars passed to your credit on the Settlet
made the 4th May last as received by Mr Lamb but which sum I have since found
to have been credited you by Colonel Walker _________________________11.2
leaves the amount of certificate Dolls 908.69
I am yr J Howell Jr
Doct Thomas Bond
I certify that I see Mr Joseph Howell Jr inclose the above deducted certificates in a letter of which this is a copy and also that he sealed the same in my presense
Caleb Swan
Philadelphia Oct 10th 1787
I waited on a Major Pierce yesterday who informs me that those Gentlemen who were deranged by Resolve of Congress of Ma 22nd 1779 are entitled to their proportion of the Federal donation lands.
Cap Lawrence and Helen, now present join me in requesting you to deliver in our claim herewith enclosed to the Honorable General Knox by which you will confer an additional favour on your much obliged friends and very humble servants
Jno Richardson
Jos Howell Esquire
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 10th 1787
Your letter to Mr Pierce of the 4th ins was yesterday received, agreeably to your request I have corrected the errors in the inclosed return by the original registers of this office, I am still of
of opinion that some errors will yet appear as the multiplicity of business at the period of issuing those certificates prevented so close an examination as might be wished. I find several instances where the clerks in filling the certificates have inserted the name of the Soldiers that followed the one who should have been first noticed and omitted altering the number this accounts for William Stillwell receiving, the certificate which was intended for Samuel Wright and so in many others --
I am Sir Yo
Jos Howell Jr
James Mott Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 11 1789
Dear Sir
Agreaably to the request of Capt Joseph Finley I have inclosed to you a certificate No 94828 for 300 Dollars bearing interest the 4th November 1783 being so much retained by me on the settlement of the accounts.
accounts of the 3d regiment this finally closes his accounts with the United States - I also take the liberty to trouble you with a certificate no 94.824 for (undecipherable) dollars bearing interest the 4th November 1783 issued in favour of Lieut James M Farlane of the first Regiment being for a balance due him on account of monies retained this certificate you will please to deliver to your brother Mr Alex Fullerton to whom I was requested by Mr W Farlane to deliver it - I will thank you to take his receipt for it as also to acknowledge the receipt of Cap Finley.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Cap M McConnell
Certified the above described certificates were inclosed in a letter to Cap McConnell of which this is a copy - C Swain 12 Oct 87
New York Oct 13th 1787
I have stated the accounts of Colonel James Cunningham and find a balance of six hundred and fifteen (undecipherable) dollars due him for which you will receive inclosed a certificate no 94.825 bearing interest from the first of February 1777 - I have taken the liberty to trouble you with a certificate for pay due a Leonard Vandergrift of Captain McKessach company flying camp no 94822 for twenty two dollars, the certificate you will please to deliver to Vandergrift on his application.
Since my return I find several of your letters unanswered the first leisure hour that presents itself I will devote to your business -
I will thank you to acknowledge the receipt of those certificates as soon as convenient.
J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
I certify that the two certificates above mentioned were inclosed in a letter to Mr Nicholson of which this is a cipy
C Swan
New York October 15th 1787
The enclosed letters from Colonels Heth and Smith of Virginia came to the office soon after your departure, I enclose them to you, for your perusal. The business of the office goes on as usual we are all well and nothing now has transpired since you left us - I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Philadelphia Oct 15th 1787
I have the honor of sending you herewith a power of attorney of Adam (undecipherable) late of Hazens Regiment (undecipherable) to receive final settlements. That poor man was wounded in both his legs at the taking of General Cornwallis and is now in the most wretched situation, I was informed that you was expected in this city in a short time, I should take it very kind if you would bring the certificate with you or send it to Mr Howell your
your Father to whom I would give a receipt for the same. The man is so poor that I will do ev'ry thing to save him expense - The administration of Hugh Beadley deceased wishes to be informed whether his final settlement has been delivered or not - Please to favour me with an answer - I am Sir yo
P (undecipherable) Barbriuduplessis
Cap Joseph Howell
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 15th 1787
Dear Sir
In reply to your favour of the 17th January last, I beg leave to inform you that I have carefully examined the books of this office as well as those of the register and cannot find that John Conrad Satour has received any settlement whatever, from which I have reason to believe he must have resigned - John Christman mentioned in your letter of the 6th December last I find by the Muster Rolls of the Guman Regiment died on the 6th February 1779 he belonged to Capt William Rue's company - relative to
to the enquiry contained in yours of the 3rd January last, I can inform you that Mr Dallam charges the sum of 9622 (undecipherable) dollars paid to Major Ennion Williams and Jogn Redman Jun afterwards a Captain in Colonel Pattons Regiment for pay of Colonel Miles Regiment for the months of September and October 1776 Colonel Miles on the 9th August received of Mr Dallam 8000 dollars on account of pay due the Regiment this sum was nearly sufficient for two months pay. I make no doubt Colonel Farmer, Major Williams or Captain Redman can inform you more particularly than I can - Captain John Murray and company is inclosed in the abstract for September, the abstract for October I cannot find, it is either lost or mislaid tho, I am clearly of opinion that it must have been in being at the time Mr Pierce arranged Dallams account as the entry is in Mr Pierce's handwriting - Colo Atlees Regiment was paid to the 1 September 1776, but where, when or how they were afterwards paid I could never
never learn, my own pay or rather part of it I received of the council of safety early in 1777 - I am happy it is in my power to clear your doubts respecting Lieut Andrew Forrest mentioned in your letter of the 18th May last. This officer had the good fortune to be released from captivity by a Mr Marriner now of this city whose enterprising spirit led him several times to Long Island in one of his excursions he failed in his original design and on returning to his boat met with Mr Forrest and brought him off - Mr Forrest considered himself as released and made a application to be admitted in the line, but the British Commissary of Prisoners representing the case as a breach of parole and demanding the return of Mr by General Washington that Mr Forrest should retire from the army and considered himself, until legally exchanged a prisoner on parole, which exchange did not take place until the 25th October 1780 as appears
appears on record in this office, Mr Forrest is therefore legally entitled to the depreciation of his pay -
I find by the Muster rolls of the 11th Reg Pennsa that Captain Isaac Sweeney did the 2nd October 1780 he is charged by Colonel Heartly with 620 dollars advanced early in 1777 for the Recruiting Service - I have a recruiting account of Captain Von (undecipherable) that commences in July 1778 and ended in May 1781 which I suppose comprehends all the men that he ever had, this return is entirely silent with respect to Christian Kuhn mentioned in your letter of the 18th May last -
You need not take any further notice of my request concerning Captain Luke Broadhead as on a revision of his account. I have allowed some charges which had been omitted and which are admissible by Acts of Congress his account is now closed -
Cap Samuel Moore of the 3rd Regiment a Supernumeracy officer requested me to inform you what monies were charged against him, you will please to let him know that Colonel Wood paid hom on the 23 Feby
February 1777 - 390 dollars for the recruiting service and on the 20th January (undecipherable) Colo Craig paid him 140 dollars. These sums do not appear to be accounted for - On searching for the charges against General D Haas, I have found one that had escaped my notice it is for the sum of (undecipherable) dollars paid him in February an said to be advanced by the state of Pennsylvania, will you please to examine Mr Nesbitts payments and such others in your possession and give me the earlier information of your enquiry as the Generals accounts are now before me - I am ser J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Octo 16th 1787
Inclosed you will receive a continuation of the register of certificates issued by John Pierce Esq commiss no 94772 to no 94824 inclusive which have been examined with the oroginals - I am yo J Howell
Thos Smith Esq Loan Officer of the state of Pennsa and to the Loan Officers of
New Hampshire Connecticutt Virga
Masachusetts New York So Carolina
Rhode Island Delaware Georgia
Philadelphia Oct 17th 1787
Dear Sir
I have after consulting our friend J Lawrence found that our settlement with John Nicholson Esq was erroneous and deficient with respect to depreciation. I was to have received from the State and by J Lawrence I applied to Nicholson before the 1st April but was advised not to go to a settlement, since which Lawrence and Helm have got their accounts resettled and a balance from the state allowed and interest paid on it - I accordingly with our friend Colo Biddle waited on J N Esq (undecipherable) who agrees if you state the accounts to allow what shall be due on State Acc. Cap Lawrence you'll please to observe and others received the commutation of one years pa which I never did and they were deprived of depreciation on it at the friendship of Colo Biddle, Jno Nicholson Esq and Major Pierce. I have to request your sending a statement of
of what I ought to receive form the state and as interest is immediately due on it, it will to me be of consequence and Mr Pierce assures me an application to General Knox and your settlement with me, I shall be undoubtedly allowed the land and properly applying will be allowed the balance due form the United states- you will therefore oblige me much by omitting no opportunity by post or otherwise of sending me your statement of what depreciation I am entitled to from the state as, having never had a Genl settlement might occasion some delay - I inclose the account of Pay and Rations I received and request your interference - this request will be seconded by my good friend and brother to whose care I request you to address your letters directed to me, in the meantime am with great respect - Yours
P Richardson
New York Oct 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 5th inst was duly received and agreeably to your request I now send you inclosed in my letter to Mr Pierce accompanying this one certificate no 94826 for 100 dollars being the pay of Robert Brayson for the year 1782 also two certificates no 94.827 for one hundred dollars and no 94.828 for one hundred and thirty four dollars (undecipherable) being for pay and gratuity due John Jones, you will please to give a receipt for them - Braysons certificate is sent to satisfy Mrs Williams for her attention to him and which I suppose will be sufficient, supposing she has not been careful to keep an attested copy of her account I have sent the original which you will please to return when the business is accomplished.
Mr Pierce will present you with Cap Muir's certificate for balance of his pay and commutation - Col Carrington has received the certificates for Major Croghan and a William Smothers - Yours J Howell Jr
Andw Dunscomb Esq
New York October 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will received three certificates no 94.826 for one hundred dollars 94824 for one hundred dollars and no 94.828 for one hundred and thirty four (undecipherable) dollars which you will please deliver to Mr Dusncomb and take his receipt - Yours
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
In compliance with your request relative to the claims for pay of Captain James Davis Ensign, John Sorrell, Thomas Sorrell and John Farrell. I beg leave to inform you that the acts of Congress of November 2nd 1785 forecloses these claims - If Captain Davis had presented his claim in season I should have rejected it in its present form, the pay rolls of the Virginia Line being at Richmond puts it out of my power to ascertain whether this
this office was included in them as a supernumeracy office of Colo Heths Regiment which might have been the case and the money still be in the hands of the psymaster of the Regiment it is therefore necessary that that Capt Davis should qualify to his not receiving the psay, or procure a certificate from the paymaster that it has not been drawn from the United States-
Farrells claim is proper, no other objection arises than the act of Congress to a settlement with him -
The pay of those soldiers who died or were killed was always included in the pay rolls to the day of their death, I therefore presume the United States is discharged from the claim of Thomas Sorrell -
Mr Buckner has left me in the dark as to the time of service of Ensign Sorrell altho he died after the war, he does not say he continued to the end of it - and as Mr Dunscomb has not noticed him in any of his returns to this office. I suppose he must have resigned or have been supernumeracy. I would recommend Mrs Sorrel to apply to the state for if her son was entitled
entitled to depreciation she will receive it if not further application will not be necessary -
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable Wm Grayson
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
Upon making further examination into the unliquidated claim lodged in this office for settlement, I have found the amount, specified in the enclosed abstract to be due to the late Virginia Line in specie which was omitted in the abstracts of the line that were sent to your Honorable Board in April last -
I am Gentlemen yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable
The Board of Treasury
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
Upon making further examination into the unliquidated claims lodged in this office for settlement - I have found the amount specified in the enclosed abstract to be due to the late Virginia Line in specie which was omitted in the abstracts of the Line that were sent to your office in April last - I am yo
J Howell Jr
The Honble
The Secretary at War see the other side.
Boston October 19th 1787
In my transactions here with Mrs Lucas, Commissary of Pensioners, I find it is necessary that I should have a certificate from you that I am not in Debt to the United States, this, if you please you can readily issue upon examining Cols Henley's
and Colo Jackson's accounts or pursuing any other method which you practice in like cases - as it is uncertain whether I shall be at Boston in Massachusetts or at (undecipherable) you will oblige me by covering your certificate to Mr Lobell, Collector of the county of Suffolk or to Mr Lucas, Commissary of pensioners -
I have the honor to be late.
William Scott
Late Cap Cols H Jackson Reg
Jno Pierce Esq P. cll Gen
(ans by Cap Howell)
Philadelphia Oct 20th 1787
Dear Sir
I received yours of the 11th with two certificates the one in name of James W Foxlane 87 (undecipherable) dolls and the other for Cap Finley 300 dollars, the former I delivered to Alex Fullerton as (undecipherble) the inclosed receipt - Cap Finley I shall deliver to himself or order -
I am Dr Sir yo
Wm McConnell
Cap Joseph Howell Jr
Richmond Oct 24th 1787
Dear Sir
Colonel Temple requests that you will forward to me copies of his settlements made with the United States and also of the one he made with Pennsylvania, he has been charged he hears of making two settlements for the same time - (Undecipherable) Mayo Carrington denies the receipt of forty dollars he is charged with as having received the same from me. I wish to send me a copy of the voucher for this payment, the enclosed certificate and memorandum. I wish may be attended to Mr Flackley's complaint is, that he has been charged twice for the same (undecipherable) one of which stoppages has been made from his specie pay, it appears probable to me in that case that the stoppage made Mr Dunscomb was not so expected as to be understood and that therefore it was unknown whether it was the same clothing received form Col Carrington or not -
Cap Thomas Edmonds complains likewise
likewise that a stoppage for Col Carrington was made form him, which had been previously stopped by Mr Dunscomb, which he requests may be rectified. Captain Edmonds denies the receipt of the one hundred and twenty dollars charged to him as received from me, a copy of this voucher I wish I may be sent to me, these officers give me much trouble but I wish to satisfy them and that you would attend to their complaints ------
Winder has not been heard of ---
I am Dr Sr Yo
J Pierce
W Howell
Philadelphia Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
The bearer of this Doct Joseph Fenton was surgeon of a Battalion of Flying Camp and his pay for that service he claims as not having been received, the settlement of this account would have given him no difficulty if the claim had been made to you before August 1786, but the mistake lay in making his application to me with whom he conceived the
the settlement of it lay, and I can assure you that it was (undecipherable) made before August 1786 - If this will do and his account can yet be settled in consequence thereof or of any other thing that can be done to promote it. I have ventured to assure him you will not be wanting to lend him all the assistance you can.
I am Dr Sir Yo
Jno Nicholson
Joseph Howell Esq
Ass commis
New York Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
Yesterday I was presented with a letter from Captain John Richardson bearing date the 17th instant wherein he requests me to transmit to you a statement of his account with the United States to enable him to settle with the state of Pennsylvania, agreeably to his request I have enclosed this statement which will inform Mr Nicholson that Cap Richardson has accounted for all the monies received by him from the
the United states, by the statement of his specie (undecipherable)their appear a balance of 366 (undecipherable) dollars for which I will issue a certificate on his sending a proper order directed to John Pierce Esquire Paymaster General as it may be drawn in my favour - Cap Richardson claims a depreciation on money received by him for rations, due while a prisoner this I cannot admit of their being no act of Congress t justify me and if appreciated of this nature was admitted it would open a door for numberley applications - If an order is out on for the above balance you will please put it under cover to Mr Pierce directed to the care of - Dr Sr J Howell Jr
Col Clement Biddle
New York Oct 25t 1787
I have so far accomplished the accounts of Col D Haas as to be convince that all the monies charge him will be accounted for but before he is discharged it will be necessary to procure an act of Congress for which to purpose W D Haas has petitioned that body - If you think proper to have your accounts settled I am ready to proceed in the business - since your absence I found a complete return of clothing from Mease Haldwell in which you are charged as follows. ----
Serjeants Coats........4@ £2.9.0 Hatts............ 86@ £0.7.6
Drum and Fife..........1@ 2.2.6 Caps..............86@ 9.6
Privates coats........80@ 1.190 Milled Mittins... 75@ 2.6
Privates Vests........46@ 1.6.0 Pairs of leggings.83@ 7.9
Pair of breeches......46@ 1.6.0 Knapnachs.........80@ 8/9
Pair of shoes........170@ 7.8 Socks.............86 1.4
Pair of stockings....156@ 5.0
Russia Linnen sheets 76@ 10.0
Amounting to £564.2 Penns Currency inclusive of yours
your proportion of 500 white dinner shirts which is included and charged as delivered to Colonel D Haas as in the said return. Those shirts are priced @ 12/9 each. If I knew the exact number o sheets received by you, I could with great precision state your account and think it would be best to charge you all the Clothing receive and credit you by the Bounty of Clothing allowed but if you cannot ascertain the number of shirts received I must close the account in the manner as presented to you.
I wish to hear from you on the subject as early as possible. I am
J Howell Jr
Col William Williams
P S In a receipt of yours dated at (Undecipherable) September 22nd 1776. I find you received two pair of shoes, six pair of stockings and eight pair of Leather Breeches.
This clothing I do not find charged to you - is not a proper charge? and to be accounted for by you?
Philadelphia Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
I have your esteemed favour of 25th instant, I mow inclose you Captain Richardson's
order for the certificate due to him for balance of his account and the former settlement made by you as Auditor of the main army.
I request you to procure the certificate and to transmit it to me by post of no safe private conveyance should soon offer.
Can you devise any method of getting Captain William Seulls accounts settled, his widow has frequenntly called on me, also Captain Reese, when accounts I sent to your office.
With compliments to Mr Pierce
I am D Sir yo
Clement Biddle
Joseph Howll Esq
New York
Philadelphia Nov 1st 1787
In the 15th of last month I find the honor of writing to you about Adam Syfats final settlements and inclosed in my letter the power given me by the said Syfat to receive the same --That poor man is in very great distress and I beg you would be kind enough to inform me by the first post if possible of the amount of his settlements that I may if necessary send a power to receive the same or if you come to town so I beg you would bring the papers with you.
I am sincerely Sir Yo
P Barbieuduplessis
Please to let me know whether Hugh Bradley's certificate has been received by any body or not.
Herein is inclosed the order Mr Nicholson gave to the said Syfat
New York November 3rd 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 3 (undecipherable) was this morning handed me by Mr Mifflin pursuant to your request I have inclose a certificate no 94832 for 365 (undecipherable) dollars leaving interest from the 1st of June 1779 being the balance due Cap Jno Richardson - Captain Sculls accounts I have not been able to look into neither do I know when it will be in my power they will come in rotation with the other unsettled accounts Cap Reese's accounts has long bee closed and the balance due I have informed the widow of ----the certificate I am ready to issue on her order accompanied with a certificate of her administration -- Mr Jno M Taylor of your city has this business, under his care and has been informed by me the reason the certificate is not forwarded ---- I am Dr Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Col Clement Biddle
New York 4th Nov 1787
Inclosed is a copy of the register of all the certificates issued to Cap Robert Fenner and Col Archibald Lytle agents to the No Carolina Line by Elun Jackson Assis Commiss (undeciphrable) Accts which have been compared with the originals filed in this office.
(undecipherable) Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable
Col Ashe
Richmond Nov 4th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed are the receipts for some of the certificates you have sent to Mr Dunscomb no 94,826, 94,827 and 94,82 - Doct Treyvant left a claim with Mr Dunscomb for his pay in 1783, he say, he was a prisoner and not exchanged until the General exchange of May 1783. I do not remember in what situation his claim has been considered or the cause of its not being admitted. The inclosed certificates he has desired may be forwarded as tending to support his claim, which is not admitted. I wish may be returned to me.
I am Sir with friendship yo
J Howell
We have heard nothing of Windar
New York November 5th 1787
Your letter of the 1st ins was duly received. I have examined the issues of certificates to General Flazens Regiment, and have fond that Major Lloyd agent to that Regiment has delivered the certificates for the pay clothing and gratuity of Adam Syfert alias Sybert unto a certain on Breiger those certificates were delivered in pursuance of the Syfert alias Sybert, Power of Attorney to the (undecipherable) Jn Breiger.
I know not to what Regiment Hugh Bradley belonged to therefore cannot give you any information relative to his certificates, if he belonged to the Pennsylvania Line Mr Nicholson Comptroller General of your state will be able to give the necessary information. Your letter of the 15th (undecipherable) I have not receive.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
P Le Barbriuduplessis
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 5th 1787
Your letter of the 27th (undecipherable) is received. Mr Pierce at present is in Virginia, during his absence the business of his department devolves on me, before I can comply with your request in granting the commutation it is absolutely necessary that you procure a certificate from Doctor Oliphant that you were appointed (undecipherable) to the so army and was deranged in consequence of the act of Congress of the 3rd of January 1782. His certificate being produced I shall have no objections to comply with your request. Their is no return in this or in any other office that I can find that mentions you as returning from service. You will therefore see the propriety of my conduct as a public officer in not complying with your wishes. I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Doct Jno L Elbert
Talbot County Maryland
Philadelphia Nov 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I would wish to know what time I shall come to New York, as I am very desirous to have it settled. I am Sir yo
Howell Esq
P D Haas
New York Novem 9th 1787
Your letter of the 19th (undecipherable) to Mr Pierce was received the 7th inst. Mr Pierce being in Virginia on public business the department devolves on me. I have therefore in pursuance of your request subjoined a certificate that I presume will remove the (undecipherable) to the granting of your pension.
Yours yo
Joseph l Howell Jr
Cap William Scott
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 9th 1787
I do hereby certify that I have examined the books of this office as also the accounts of Cols Jackson Q Henley on file and do not find any monies charged to Wm Scott later a captain in Colo Henry Jacksons Regiment which are unaccounted for.
To all concerned
Joseph Howell Jr, Ass Commiss, (undecipherable)
New York November 14th 1787
Your letter of the 8th inst did not reach me until this da. Your memorial to congress has not yet been referred to report on and as that Honble body are not in session and in all probability will not be for some months I am not able to inform you when your presence will be necessary - without an act of congress and cannot close the account of your late Father. I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Jn P (undecipherable)
Philadelphia Nov 14th 1787
I received few days ago the letter you honoured me wit bearing date the 5th inst, I am very sorry to find that Jno Grieya has received upon a forged power of attorney the depreciation of Adam Sybert alias Syfert specially as the poor man is in the greatest distress. Mr Nicholson has informed me that the same Greiya had done the same time in other circumstances, and it is expected.
expected he will be prosecuted.
By Mr Nicholson's note herein inclosed it appears that Hugh Bradley was a serjiant of the 5t Penna Regiment. I will be greatly obliged to you for informing me of what may be coming to him.
I am Sir Yo
P D Barbeuduplessis
PP Griffih Jones wishes to know why 20 bushels of corn @ 6/6 specie are paid in a certificate only 56/3
Philadelphia 16th Nov 1787
I have this day seen Benjamin Weisen whom I ordered to receive the settlement of Lieu Peter Weisen deceased and he now deny of having received any settlement at your office. I therefore should esteem it a particular favour to have a certificate from you certifying the amount of the certificates he has received and the time - I ordered him on the 8th day of August last as undecipherable coppy of my letter to you, no further particulars at present - but (undecipherable.
Joseph Howell Esq
Simon Fishbough
Aud of Army Aut New York
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 17th 87
Dear Sir
This day Lieut Andrew Lee late of General Flazens Regiment has paid with the Treasury of this state the sum o £497.53 being for principal and interest received by him for depreciation. The Treasurer has given duplicate receipts for the same one of which I have retaind and fled in this office. Mr Lee will now be considered of the quota of Pennsylvania and the monies paid him by that state for his depreciation will be a proper charge to the United States.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Jn Nicholson Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 17th 1787
On examination of the books of this office I find Captain David cook of Col (undecipherable) Regiment has received by the hands of the Col Wilson certificates amount to three thousand dollars being for his commutation, these certificates must be returned to this office previous to my granting the certificate requested by you.
There appears no other charges against Captain Cook than the above.
I am Sir Yo
The Honble
Joseph Howell Jr
The Secretary at Wars
Office of Army Account
New York Nov 19th 1787
In order to close the unliquidated claims lodged in this office as soon as possible, I have taken up all those belonging to the Non Commiss Officers and Privates
Privates of the Virginia Line issued the respective balances due thereon and put the whole amount into the hands of Col Carrington to be lodged with you for the benefit of the proprietors.
It is necessary to observe that sundry men included in the number settled for, have drawn orders for their several balances in favour of Major Kirkpatrick and others-these orders in their present form are inadmissible or vouchers in this office, for the reasons set forth opposite to their names as following
Thomas Smith order in favour and Kirkpatrick witness (undecipherable) (undecipherable) should be acknowledged before a magistrate.
Jacob Shoemaker, order, name of witness wrote by me hand
Jadock Robinson ditto ditto ditto
Spencer Cooper ditto ditto ditto
Joseph Coker ditto ditto ditto
Daniel Carn ditto ditto ditto
James Brooks ditto ditto ditto
Nicholas Neil ditto ditto ditto
Jr Trotter order in favour of Maj Waggoner a copy attested by
Jno Mcdowell ditto ditto ditto
Jno Crummery ditto Wm Reynolds copy ditto
Bartlett Holmes ditto ditto ditto Wm Lyne
Alexander Scott order in favour Dal Broadhead proper
Samuel Horton Ditto Ditto Jno Flavies proper
Jno Ayers account sent back he being a levey of Virginia cannot be settled with in this office.
I have to request you will give a receipt for the whole and if you on enquiry you find that the forementioned orders have been copied from genuine originals that have been lodged in Virginia or elsewhere your certificate of the same will under them sufficient in their present situation, for (undecipherable) others there are no orders lodge in this office - The specie pay due on these accounts for 1783 I reported to the Board of Treasury and will be included in the Virginia Line at large.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howel Jr
Mr Andw Duscomb
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 20 1787
Captain Condy has exhibited an account for his expenses in settling the accounts and journeying several times to this City from Boston for money for the payment of Colo Jacksons detachment amounting to 350 dollars - I beg leave to observe their is no act of Congress authorising me to report on such accounts altho I am of opinion that every officer should receive a cmompensation for his time expended in the service of the public yet I presume the sec at War is the only person who can judge of the propriety of those charges and that it (undecipherable) in his breast alone to admit or reject the claim - When I reported at your request on Cap Beatty; account of expenses you were pleased to admit it in consequence of his relinquishing his subsistence and storage during the time those expenses accrued- Cap Condy charges not only his pay.
par as Lieutenant and Paymaster but also the subsistence and forage which will amount to more by 50 dollars than what was allowed Cap Beatty who services were as long, and the nature of his expenses greater.
I am Sir
Joseph Howell Jr
The Honble
The Secretary at War
War Office Nov 20th 1787
A Mr Condy late paymaster of Col Jacksons Regiment has been directed by me to settle the accounts and make the payments to the dispensed offices and soldiers of said Regiment and also the two companies of Artillery under Captain Burbeck and Savage stationed at West Point of Spingfield. I hereby request that you would settle his accounts from he 1st of May last to last day of the present month and allow him his
pay and emoluments for the said period.
I am with much respect Yo
H K Mox
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 22nd 1787
Your letter of the 11th ins was handed me yesterday as I wish that justice should be done to every soldier who has faithfull served his country and being always wiling to serve them as far as my duty as a public office will permit. I have made a full examination of the muster rolls of the 5th Reg of Pennsylvania for the year 1779 and 1780 also the accounts as settled by me for the years 17811 and 1782 and cannot find Hug L Bradley either on those musters or in the accounts from which I do suppose that he then directed or belonged to another Regiment if he has a discharge it will inform you what Regiment he belonged to on the contrary if no discharge appears my suspicion of desertion may be right.
There is however one method by which we may have a knowledge of his services and yet find out the Regiment he served in, it is by knowing the names of the several Captains has served under, if you can procure this.
this information I am willing to make a further examination - to go thro the whole line would take me at last a week, this time the ladies of my office will not permit me to devote to one man.
Inclosed is the power of Attorney from Adam Syfat to you which came to my hands a few days since. You will please to inform Griffith Jones that his original certificate mentioned only fifteen bushels of corn and for which the auditor of accounts would not allow more than 3/9 p.bush. This will account for the difference and the certificate sent hm.
I am Sir
Jas Howell Jr
P Le Barbrinduplessis Esq
Office of Army Accts
New York Nov 22 1787
Agreeably to your request of the 16h ins. I have subjoined a cop of the Receipt of Benjamin Weiser for a certificate received by him and undecipherable) Jno
John Pierce Esquire paymaster General and Commissioner of Army accounts being for a balance due the estate of Lieut Peter Weiser late of the first Pennysylvania Regiment deceased. The orginal of which is on file in this office.
I am Sir
Jas Howell Jr
Mr Simon Fisbaugh
New York Aug 10th 1787
Received Jno Pierce Esquire paymaster general one certificate dated New York Aug 10th 1787 No 94.799 on interest from the 1st of January 1779 amounting to two hundred and three (undecipherable) dollars being for rations and nominal pay due Peter Weiser late of the 1st Regiment of Pennsylvania a Prisoner deceased received in Pursuance of a power of attorney to Jno Cap of the city of Philadelphia trader and a power of attorney from the said Cap to Simon Fishbaugh of the said city broker and a letter from the (undecipherable) Simon Fishbaugh to Jas Howell Esq Ass Commiss of Army Accts authorising me the subscriber to receive the same. Signed Benj Weiser Office
Office of Army Accounts New York Nov 22 1787. I certify the above to be a true copy of the original on file in this office.
Joseph Howell Jr Ass Commiss
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 26th 1787
Your letter of the 13th and 15th Nov to Mr Pierce were received this day. Mr Pierce being still in Virginia and his return uncertain I take the liberty to inform you that on the application of Mr Pierce to Oliver Wolcott Esq of Connecticut to call on Mr Phillips for an account of the certificate left him by that Mr Wolcott has obtained a settlement of Mr Phillips and received of him the remaining certificate on hand a return of which is transmitted to this office, so that nothing prevents a settlement of your accounts but the want of vouchers delivered to cap Patton and Major Painter - I wish your attention to procure them that are may (undecipherable)
enabled to close your accounts - Inclosed you will receive my certificate for the final settlements granted for your services which I presume will enable you to procure the interest and relieve you in some measure from your difficulties. I am Sir yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Mr Joseph King
New York Nov 5th 1783
Dear Sir
In pursuance of your request of the 24th (undecipherable) I have inclosed a copy of Colo Temples account as settled here which I flatter myself will have the desire and effect. I know of no settlement made by him with the state of Pennysylvania Mr Nicholson has informed me that none of the officers of Moylan's Regiment that were from the state of Virginia had depreciation granted them by Pennysylvania and in his letter to me of the 22nd June 1786 he say. "I shall adhere to "your request concerning the non delivery of certificate "to officers of Moylan's Reg from Virginia and who "have not here tofore received them and once they came to
"to my hands none have unless by special information "from your office, the certificates were delivered to Mr Nicholson by the agents some time after I received the information of the officers being settled with by Virginia and as he was knowing to those settlements being made I am confident Colonel Temple could not have received more than his commutation unless a certificate for balance of subsistence to August 1780 which I believe I forgot to mention to Mr N that the state had allowed.
I shall tomorrow answer the other part of your letter and send the necessary certificates - no accomptant is yet appointed neither can I positively learn who will be. I am Yo J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York November 6th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive the charges of clothing and cash received by Cap Edmonds, Lieut Jno Hackley and Captain Mary Carrington Mr Swan has taken them from the original vouchers which I suppose will answer as well as a copy of the whole.
The charges against these officers for goods received of Colo Carrington are not noticed in Mr Dunscomb settlement the charges made by Mr Dunscomb to those officers are for different articles and a different amount. if therefore those officers have not accounted for to the state of Virginia for the same they are yet indebted for them as there appears to be no stoppage made by Mr Dart rom their subsistence or pay on account of those goods. I wrote to you yesterday and inclosed Col Temples account.
I am Sir
j Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Richmond Nov 12th 1787
Dear Sir
I wrote you sometime since and inclosed you some papers of Doctor Tryvants since which I have received those you will now receive. I do not pretend to make any decision myself or hi clam but leave the same to you, as you are possessed with the return of the Prisoners and the arrangements of the line. I inclose you paper respecting Major Fauntleroy's say which I wish you to hand to Cap Manifold who requested me to lodge a claim for the same here -
I believe that the 40 Dollars I mentioned to you of Lieut Major Carrington is a mistake he credited on his settlement with Mr Dunscomb this sum as received of Maj William Lewis and Mr Swan has charged him I conjecture with the same money, if so there is still fort dollars in money coming to him an order for which you had better send on to me here - I am Dr Sir
P Pierce
Mr Howell
New York Nov 12th 1787
Dear Sir
On Saturday last I received a letter for you from Neufville informing that he has received about 28.000 dollars of the money left in the hands of Mr Russell. Mr Russell wrote to Mr Neufville but did not date his letters it is supposed he is somewhere in Geogia but what particular part Mr Neufville is not able to learn the letter I laid before the Board of Treasury as son as they have done with them I will have them copied and transmit them to you - In my former letters I forgot to mention that Mr Flint has resigned, he has left one large chest of papers with us - Major Hashell is appointed in his room, no complaint yet appointed.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York Nov 14th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive copies of Mr Neufville and Mr Russells letters mentioned in mine of Monday last. Pray have you received my letter of he 17th Oct last covering Sundry certificates to be delivered Mr Duscomb.
Your Sincerely
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 14th ins with the inclosures was received the 15t I now return you the certificates of Doctor Trezvant as I do not conceive myself justifiable in extending his pay further than has been admitted by Mr Dunscomb who must have been possessed of the necessary evidence to the settlement of the account and if the Doctor conceived himself intitled to more the claim should have been made at the time Colo Anderson certificate is
inexplicit he says, he the Doctor was in service in Feby 1780 but is silent in respect to his continuance. General Scotts certificate would have weight provided evidence can be procured, that Colonel Parker commanded the detachment to the end of the war and that no other surgeon was paid for the services claimed by Doctor Treyvant a further objection arises to this clam which is that I do not find the Doct on the return of Prisoners therefore their is no evidence of his exchange, consequently I cannot tell how or when he was released from captivity.
I am yo J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 27th 1787
Dear Sir
On comparing the account of Colo George Matthews as settled by Mr Dunscomb with the books of this office I find that he as has not credited the United States in the sum of 14,300 dollars and commissions and for 546 (undecipherable) doll specie as (undecipherable) (undecipherable) the vouchers to those payments one or
file in the Register office as appears by Mr Hutch, certificate subjoined account no 2 is a copy of the settlement md by Mr Dunscomb by which you will find he has qualified to the receiving of several suns of money and no more amount no 3 you will observe has hi certificate or honor that the monies are an overcharge, but should the receipts be produced he binds himself to pay the value thereof he further stands charged with Warrant no 208 for 380 (undecipherable) dols rec on the 15th December 1778 for retained rations to that of June 78. I have thought it necessary to transmit those charges that you may compare them with the settlement made by the Colo. With the state and if it does not appear that he has admitted them to his debit, you may be enabled to call on him and have the matter rectified. s the charges now stand we cannot (undecipherable) his accounts in the Principal books. Colo Matthews was take pres. I believe the 9th of Oct 1777 at the action of Germantown and exchanged the.
On the settlement of his account for depreciation.
in the state of Virginia had not allowed his subsistence the United States will be no loser as it may be opposed to the specie received while prisoner for which I purposed have sketched an account of nominal pay and the subsistence due while in captivity but which will not be perfect as the Colonel was on Parole for some time during which you know the rations are calculated on the same principles with the officers of the army, however it will give you an idea of the situation of his accounts and which you can rectify on obtaining information of the time he was actually on Parole. The accountant is not yet appointed which leaves us in the same situations makes you left this, the clerks are still continued in their several stations several applications have been made by persons I should have no objection, to but expecting an arrangement to take place every day I wish not to take to fill the office with strangers to the prejudice of the gentleman who expects the place (undecipherable)
Mr Swan and Mr Parker are going (undecipherable) on with the Massachusetts State. The no Carolina return is nearly finished but will not be as complete as could be wished for want of many musters.
I have heard nothing of the young lad from Connecticutt I suppose you were to write for him as he would be of great service if only to copy. The day of Col Matthew is exchange does not appear at the War Office it was after the General exchange of Oct 26th 1780 but supposing he received subsistence from the state from the I August 1780 it will not alter the account as it now stands. I am Sir
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York Nov 25th 1787
Dear Sir
Mine of the 17th inst will inform you why I object to admitting the claim of Doct (undecipherable) the certificates inclosed in yours of the 12th inst does not wih me obviate those objections - the following certificates which is subjoined to the retrun of the Prisoners to Army will without doubt convince the Doctor that his claim is not well founded and that he must consider himself as deranged the 1 of Jany 1783. "This is to certify that all American "Officers taken in the Southern deartment by the "British Army previous to the date hereof and "not included in the above list consisting of 7 Colos "12 Lt Colo "12 Majors 60 Captain 14 cap Lieuts, 34 Lieuts, 10 ensigns 7 surgeons and mates and 7 Staff officers "are to consider themselves exchanged "Ashley Terry
Robt Cooke D P
26 Nov 1782
A certificate verbation to the above is also subjoined and signed by S Warren Com (undecipherable) on the part of the united
United States Doct Treyvant is not in this return consequently he was exchanged and as he does not appear on the arrangement of the Virginia line in 1783 I cannot comply with his demand, I presume you will think me right the certificates sent me are inclosed. Mr Swan has fully investigated the claim of Mayo Carrington and finds he has been twice charged. I will wait on the board and inform them of the circumstances and when the warrant is granted. I will transmit it to you. I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 29th 1787
Dear Sir
I have made a statement of Major Fontleroy's account of pay and rations while prisoners a copy of which is enclosed if he can acocunt for the 3000 dollars rec? of (Undecipherable) J Caldwell (which I suppose was for the recruits service) a balance willthen be due him from the U States on the Contrary if he cannot the whole depreciation of pay will not be more than sufficient to make good the balance apparently against him.
I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Office of Army Acct
New York Nov 29th 1787
I am forming a return of all the Officers non commiss amd Officers and Privates of the (undecipherable) army of the United States who are intitled to lands in pursuance of the several acts of congress to compleate this works it is necessary I should be possessed of returns of the officers Non commiss. Officers and Privates of the Invalid Regiment command? by Colonel Nicola Genl Flazens Reg Armands Legion, Lecs Legion, the Corps of Saffers and Miner Arificers and such other independent Corps as were considered as apart of the quota of your state.
You will particualarly oblige me by transmitting those returns specifying the several grade as soon as possible and address them to Jno Pierce Esq P M H here.
I am Yo
J Howell Jr
Loan Officers
Office of Army Accts
New York Nov 30th 1787
Being a stranger to the name of the Gentm who acts auditor a comptroller for the state of Rhode Island and wishing to have an answer to the inclosed letter as soon as possible I have take the liberty to inclose it to your care, requesting you will direct and send it to the proper person by which you will oblige
Wm (undecipherable) Esq Island
James Tilton Esq Delaware
Wm Shinnis Esq Carolina
Richmond Nov 19th 1787
Dear Sir
By this conveyance Cap Allin, the sloop adventure. I send you a trunk containing Mr Dunscomb's papers received by him on settlement of old money accounts some of the Auditors old papers sundry accounts and papers not settled, Doct Middleton papers, a saddle the property of Doct Saml Baird, and sundry old clothes an account of which I have given.
given to Mr Pierce Enclosed. I expect the musters of the same line soon, but shall detain them untill I go and take them with me by land.
I am D Sr Yo
P Pierce
The key I give to the captain
Mr Howell
Richmond Novem 19th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letters of the 5th and 6th are come to hand, I believe that you will find the Carrington forty dollars are charged to him twice, he charge against Edmunds and Mr Dunscomb says has been stopped with another sum that causes the amount to vary. I have given Edmonds the certificate and left Dunscomb and him to explain it between them
Doct Shinner continues not convinced but that he is entitled to more money. I wrote my opinion on his application which you will find in my letter book, he had two commiss one as Lieut the other as surgeon, but (undecipherable) pay
pay he says only in the latter capacity only, he was however made up he says in my office for his specie pay as Lieutenant only whereas he has credited in his accounts that of Surgeon and which therefore leaves a balance in his favour which he says he ought to receive in specie will you let me know the real state of the case or see justice done to him if any is her due - I send you the duplicates of a letter and bill of Ladwig shipped this day for New York.
and am very sincerely your Friend Jno Pierce
Jas Howell Jr Esq
Dr Howell
Be pleased to look in the accounts of Mr Dart and see if Dr Jno Scott did not credit for the clothing recd of Hamilton, as 18 (undecipherable) was deducted from his 3 months pay. This is a loss of mine as I gave him value therefore in 1785, pray se how the matter stands and if right let me have my Eighteen dolls.
Andrew Duscomb
Richmond Nov 26th 1787
Dear Sir
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th. I am exceeding happy at the acquisition of so considerable a part of the money in the hands of the Russell - I enclose you Major (undecipherable) receipts and return you cap Edmonds and Lieut (undecipherable) papers with Mr Dunscomb certificate on them - I have hopes that I shall be able to leave this by the 20th of next month you had better not therefore send on any letters of consequence after the 11th - Tuesday the 27th - your letter of the 14th has just arrived. I received some certificates from you by letter, the receipts for the delivery of which I enclosed to you, and now do the same for those of Maj (undecipherable) - I am yo
J Pierce
Mr Howell
New York Decemb 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I had just time on Thursday last to acknowledge the receipt of the 26th (undecipherable) after doing any letter your favour of the 19th Novem was handed me and yesterday I received the duplicate from the hands of Cap Allyn.
I now enclose you a statement of the accounts of Capt Edmonds died (undecipherable) and Doctor Skinner, the latter you will find has received more specie than was due him as (undecipherable) and that he has been overpaid in certificates the sum of 13 (undecipherable) dolls his subsistence has also been drawn to the 1st Aug 1783 as (undecipherable) the clothing charged the two former Gentlemen appears to me to have been accounted for tho unproperly as the United States has not the Benefit of the goods delivered, this however may be notified it thought necessary by their certificates being cancelled or the state passing the same to the credit of the United States and give you a certificate of its being done.
done - this I think necessary that you may charge the same in the books. Perhaps it may not be amiss before a report is made to the board of this specie due, that a certificate be obtained from the proper officer that none of this clothing was delivered by the state. Yours J H Jr
Decemb 10th 1787
The trunk with the papers are received in good order. J H Jr
New York Dec 8th 1787
Dear Sir
Agreeably to your request I have examined the returns of Mr Hamilton which informs me the clothing received by Lieut Jno Scott has not been accounted for in his account of subsistence, my reason for appealing to Mr Hamilton in preference to Mr Dart is in consequence of notes made by the former in his return of those who had
had their clothing deducted from their subsistence by making opposite to each the letter of which I found corresponded with the evidence of the officers of Pennsylvania who had so settled as also with what Mr Hamilton personally acquainted me with their being no such mark annexed to Mr Scott, name confirms me in opinion that part of your specie is lost.
I am yo J Howells Jr
Mr and Dunscomb
Comptroller Generals Office
December 3rd 1787
Dear Sir
I received your favour of the 29th (undecipherable) requesting returns of the Officers and Privates of the Penn Line in the independent Corps of the army is it such as were in service at the end of the war I fear it will according to the grant of Congress September 1776 be necessary for you to have those also who may have been
been in for three years and discharged before the end of the war if the former will do I can I can send it you shortly if the latter the returns from the war office of the Pennsylvania Troops in these corps are so inperfect that it will be a difficult task. General Irvine requests me to ask you for a certificate of his settlement.
I am Dr S
Jos Howell Jr Esq
A Sr Commis A A J Nicholson
Please deliver the enclosed to Mr Nouse, I have sent you a statement of the finances.
New York Decem 10th 1787
Dear Sir
The Secretary at War construes the act of Congress of the 18th September 1776 to extend only to those soldiers who inlisted for and served to the end of the war. Those who were for three years are deprived of the benefit even the heirs of them.
them who were slain by the enemy, from which the first return you mention will be only necessary.
As the Secretary at War is greatly the friend of the unfortunate soldier I wish you to return those who were discharged in consequence of wounds or other causes provided they inlisted for the war, I believe it is his intentions to memorial congress on their behalf.
The certificate for General Irvine is now inclosed which you will please present him.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
New York Dec 11th 1787
Dear Sir
The original of the inclosed letter from Mr Clay was received too late yesterday to be forwarded by the post it is now as I suppose it to be of consequence that you may if necessary answer it.
I am yo
J Howell
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Decemb 13th 1757
Dear Sir
On taking a view of the accounts of Cap William scull I am induced to believe he has no claim on the United States at least none that I can be admitted by the existing acts of Congress. In his accounts for recruiting Marked A it appears that the Captain made a settlement with the Colonel on the 11th May 1777 and received from him the amount of his account so far as could be allowed by resolves of congress. I say received as I suppose the account to be in the hand writing of Cap Scull or drawn by his order and which expresses payment, it further appears by his receipt to Colo Humpton that on the same day he received 300 dollars for the purpose of recruiting which I suppose must have been applied to private purposes as it does not appear he afterwards went on the recruiting service and that the quarter part of
of this money was refunded to the Colonel in his account B he brings into view the county of 20 dollars each to 36 men this money I have reason to suppose was either advanced by the Colonel or repaid Cap Scull as the Colonel settled with each Cap of his regiment and then formed a General settlement with the state reference to his accounts will give the necessary information and if it is not too much trouble I wish you to examine them and inform the result of your enquiry as in the present situation of the accounts I cannot act on them. The papers I will return until I hear from you. If you could see Colonel Humpton he would be able to throw great light on the subject.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Cols Biddle
Dr Lieut Colo Stephen Bayard
Dec 12 1776) % the state of Pennsyla for this sun received of Jno Redman Esq for the purpose of recruiting
the 3d regiment......... £750..........Dolls 2000
16 to ditto............forditto received of
Jno M Nesbitt for ditto......1000
30 To ditto.......for ditto
of ditto for ditto.......1000
Frby 25 1777
to ditto........for ditto recd
of ditto.....for ditto......1000.....3000
Dolls 5000
Dear Sir
Office of Army Account Dec 25 1787
The above charges against Colo Bayard were sent to this office by the comtroller Generl of Pennsyla the receipts for which I suppose are in his possession. The accounts of Colo Wood are now before me among his papers is an account of Colo Bayards for balance of pay due his compt to the first of November 1776 which balance amounting to £203.6.3 was paid him on the 19 (undecipherable) 1777
1777 the 5000 dollars does not appear to have been accounted for at least their are no papers with those of Colo Woods that can throw any light on the subject.
I am sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Genl Wm Irvine
to the foregoing sums received by Colonel Bayard.
I find he has received of Colonel Wood in Januy and Febry 1776 one hundred and eighty dollars and on the 23d of February 1777 the sum of nine hundred and ten dollars for the recruiting service for which their are receipts.
I am J Howell Jr
Gen Irvine
Philadelphia Decem 12th 1787
I wrote to you for assistance as Colo Williams makes me much trouble, he informed me that he is determined to have judgment for the balance of his account that he received from you, next court as I have nothing.
nothing to show. I beg you'd write me by the next post in order to show it to Mr Bradford. I have several charges against the United States which I shall bring along please to inform me if you have received the certificate from the Comptroller General.
I am yo
Howell Esq D de Haas
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 17th 18787
Your letter of the 12th ins was duly received, I am sorry it is not in my power to give you any further satisfaction relative to the accounts of your late Father as the same objection to the closing of them still continues as when I wrote you the 14th November last. If Congress should think proper to pass the accounts as they are now stated the
the Estate will be exonerated from the several charges which now appear against it on the contrary if the whole of the expenditure are not allowed and which I have my doubts as receipts for large sums of money are wanting which cannot with propriety be charged the officers without their consent then a considerable balance will be due the U States the certificate from Mr Nicholson is received.
I am Sir
J Howell Jr
Mr Jno P De Haas
New Jersey Treasury Office
Trenton Decem 7th 1787
I received your favour of the 29th Nov two days ago and observe you request me to furnish you with returns of the Officers Non Commisioned Officers and Privates of the Invalid Regiment commanded by Colo Nicola General Hazens Regiment Armands (undecipherable) fees.
Lees legion, the corps of Soldiers and Miners, Artificers and such other Independent Corps as were considered as a part of the quotas of this state. In answer to which I can assure you, I should cheerfully comply with your request were it in my power but I have no account of any of the regiment or corps you mention, only the returns from the commissar of Army Accounts, which you were, pleased to furnish me with. Therefore it is not in my power to give you any information relating thereto and am Sir yo
James Mott Treas
Joseph Howell Esq
P P If a list of the invalids who receive pensions at this office will be of any service I can send you one. J M
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 18th 87
I do myself the honor to enclose you a return of Sundry men late of General Hazens Regim who appears by the accounts of said Regiment to be of the Quota of the state of New Hampshire and who are entitled to receive their Depreciation of their pay, from that state. I make no doubt their are more men of that Regiment who are citizens of New Hampshire but the returns are too inexplicit for me to certify more than the enclosed. I am
J Howell Jr
The Honble
Nicholas Gilman Esquire
Mendham 13 Decem 1787
Dear Sir
Yours of the 26th (undecipherable) has come to hand for which I return you my most hearty thanks.
But find you do not exactly understand what
securities which he must account for and that he is liable to arrest from the public if he does not do it - It comes that he has not delivered them all to the owners, but if he will deliver up the paper I mention it will be sufficient for me - you mentioned Major Painter he signed the order I have a letter from him wherein he mentions signing the order.
It is only a foolish wicked ungenerous obstinacy that prevents him from delivering up the orders and I have sufficient authority to say he is encouraged in it by his Father -as I have had it from his own lips - But if any way can be devised to give him some alarm and obtain if I shall be exceeding glad- in my bundle in your office is a copy of the writing with the names drawn by the old gentlemen you mentioned some delivered (undecipherable) Patton to which I have to observe that when I received the securities Cap Patton was present he told me he
he wished to have some to take with him immediately to Boston for some of his company who were waiting for him to bring them (undecipherable) applied to Mr Pierce who told me I might let him have what he pleased of his own company. I did so and have his receipt for them - But the public may say they do not know that he has delivered them to the owners but the presumption is so great that I think I ought not to be questioned concerning them, they were all men who had left the service only a few weeks and none of them have ever in person otherwise called on me - I shall be glad to know if you do anything in the matter or if you do not - But if you do not I know not what I shall do - I have spent so much money already in geting the amounts of the regiment settled and geting.
geting nothing that I really have got no more to spend and Mr Pierce told me I shall get none when these matters are settled.
But I must stop or you will think by my present and former letters that I never know when to stop when I begin to write.
I am with much respect yo
Cap Howell
Joseph King
New York December 27th 1787
Dear Sir
Your several letters were duly received and should have been answered sooner if an opportunity had offered. I do not think myself justifiable in stating your account against the Estate of General De Haas in my official capacity until such time as I know the sum which may be deemed you in consequence of your prosecuting the Estate. Mr
Mr De Haas memorial still lays with Congress which prevents me from closing the accounts and leaves me in the dark, relative to what may be allowed to the Estate of Colo De Haas for if Congress should admit the whole of the charges which are made by him I am of opinion the money which he changes you and paid Mr Bankson should be allowed I mean that part only which was paid for pay, the other sums being advanced for the recruiting service.
Colo Wm Williams
I am yo P Howell Jr
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 27th 1787
Dear Sir
We are informing an alphabetical list of the officers and soldiers of the late army commencing with the time of their several appointments and
and inlistments and ending with their several discharges yo - I have made an Essay of the Pennysylvania Line but am under the necessity of stopping for want of same of the muster and pay rolls which are in your possession - the muster and pay rolls from the date of inlistment to the 1 of June 1777 are those I most want I will particularly thank you of you will forward them by post under cover to Mr Pierce which may be done in Packetts of one Regimt at a time beginning with the first, those rolls I suppose are not of much consequence to you now and as they are essentially necessary to complete the business we are on I hope you will early comply with my request.
I am yo
J Howell
Jno Nicholson Esq
Phild Decemb 15th 1787
Inclosed I have sent you the discharge and vouchers with his Power of Attorney to me of of John Bitters late a corporal in the third Regiment of artillery for six years and six months faithful service Major Hogden has presented his accounts for settlement two years ago and entry may'd it I am right informed everything I hope will appear clear. Bitters lives at present with me and has a considerable sum of pay coming to him, yuou going into the settlement of his accounts and transmitting his certificates to me will be esteemed as a singular favour conferd on.
Sir your obed serv
Matw Henderson
Pay Table Office
Hartford Decem 20th 1787
I have now the honor to transit the returns requested by your letter of the 29th Novem last which have been extracted from the settlements made by this state with their line of the army and which I trust will afford the information desired - I take the liberty to inform you that by the acts of this state no person was entitled to a settlement for depreciation who left the service before the 1 of January 1780 of consequence you will find no names of persons who were discharged before that time -- ~The state settled with a part of Colo Henry Sherburns Reg and with a part of Colo John Lambs Reg of artillery in case you wish for returns of those Regt. I can furnish them.
I have the honor to be with respect Oliver Wolcott Jr
Jo Howell Esq
Office of Army Accts
New York Decem 29th 1787
I was duly honoured with your letter of the 20 ins with the enclosures and beg you to accept my thanks for the early attention you have paid to my request. I must further trouble you for the returns of those who belonged to Colo Lambs reg artillery that were considered of your quota the men who composed Colo Therburnes Reg were drafted at the dissolution of that (undecipherable) to this respective lines of course will not be wanted.
Colo Cranes Regs of Artillery and Colo Sheldons Reg of (undecipherable) were composed of men of several states the latter are generally returned as of the quota of your state of the former I have not yet obtained any information have you settled with any of Cranes Regim if so please to send me the names.
names as also the names of the officers of Sheldons Regim who are considered of your state.
I am with great respect
J Howell Jr
Olivr Wolcott Junr Esq
Comptroller Genl Office
Novemb 3rd 1787
D Sir
I have settled the account of the depreciation of the pay of Colo Henry Bicker deranged in 1778 and have therefore charged him with a balance of four hundred and twenty dolls and six ninetieths specie due to an account with the United states for recruiting his regiment agreeable to the copy thereof dated Oct 3d 1787 with which you furnished me in your favour of the 6th of the same month.
I am D Sir yo
Jno Nicholson
Jos Howell Esq
314 Office of Army ~Accounts
New York Feby 22nd 1788
Your letter favoured at the 10th by Mr Healy came to hand this day - after a most severe and thorough search into the accounts of the time I have arrived at the truth of the claim of Hugh Bradly in consequence of the certificates of Genl Wayne mentioned by you I have admitted the pay of said Bradley to the 1st Jan 1787, only as a private as I do not find after his release any other than one.
In the place of his being mentioned in the 5th ~Regt I find him in the second, inlisted the 1st of May 1787 and have made good his pay in 1st Regt to the (undecipherable) Jany 1782 which you will find by adverting to the certificate issued in his favour no 72.769 for 53 (undecipherable) dollars - Bradley was omitted in 1782 he being left out of the musters, for this pay I have now issued a certificate no 94.896 for 80 dollars from the second Regt. I found he was transferred to the 1st and mustered (undeciphrable) the 28th Jany 1783. The several transfers from one Reg to the other has given the poor woman as well as myself much trouble, however the business is now finished and I am well satisfied.
Jno Nicholson Esc
I am J Howell
yet the Father has even sustained a fair and unblemished reputation and deserves respect and mention from every publick officer.
Yours (undecipherable)
Chas Slark
John Pierce Esq
Orders Fort
Extract from General William Irvines orders dated Fort Pitt Apr 25 1783
It is ordered that the privates of the Infantry in the continental service, leave an account of thir pay, by the Musters of the Month pf January 1783 one half Dollar specie of work, and the noe commissioned officers and privates of these corps in the same proportion until (undecipherable) orders. Mr Rose has been pleased to take upon him the trouble of paying the troops of this Garrison agreeable to the above directions untill such times (undecipherable) would be appointed property authorised, finally to adjust the accounts of the army. The Commandant requests that a commissioned office of each company would attend the payment of their men, immediately after troop beating -
I do hereby certify that the above is a true extract of orders issued by Brig Genl William Irvine commands at Fort Pitt.
Jno (undecipherable) late M3
Apr 11 1787
Pittsburg May 10th 1787
I was favourd last week with a letter from Capt Joseph Howell, in which is stated a large (undecipherable) against me, taken from the publick books, the information really surprises me, as having no idea of any such account, in order to have it speedily settled and closed I have taken the liberty of puting under cover for you an answer with such information that will I hope enable him fully to settle the same - which I'll thank you to deliver to him, and excuse the freedom of Sir -
Stepn Bayard
John Pierce Esq
Pittsburg May 10th 1787
Dear Sir
I received your favour by Lieut (undecipherable) dated New York Feby 28 1787 the contents of which really surprised me because I had no idea that such a large sum cou'd possibly stand against me this time of day, I am happy however that I wrote to you, and tha t you have favour'd me with the account as it now stands, which may prevent a great deal of trouble infective, - when I was orderd to the westward I
I left my (undecipherable) and other papers. below in a deranged situation but in March or April 1777 to the best of my knowledge I settled fully my (undecipherable) and other accounts with Col Wood, who was at that period authorised to settle the same, which by his (undecipherable) reasons best known to himself, would not pass, till obliged him by applying to congress, General (undecipherable) and Mr Dewer then members, I believe, and, presented and admitted the accounts, and order'd a small ballance that was due thereon to be paid me- Capt Thomas Craig and William Butler (afterwards Colonels) aere the only officers besides myself whoes accounts ware fully settled at that time, but Wood did not give them the trouble he gave me,
I have stated the matter to Col Craig by this conveyance with a reQuest to him to write to you specially on the subject who I dare say will give himself the trouble of informing you what he knows about it - the Rolls of Congress, (undecipherable) of war, or where those papers ware then lodged, will undoubtedly show the full settlement, with Wood, and if he had neglected to lodge them in the proper office, the fault is not with me neither should I suffer on that account.
The next charge that stands against me is in November 1783 (undecipherable) paid by John Pierce Esq into the hands of Lieut Rose to pay off a detachement of the 8th Regiment for Feby March and April 1690 9undecipherable) Dollars specie - this money was paid
paid by Lieut Rose to the Officers and Soldiery agreesble to General Irvines orders, who commanded here at that time - a coppy of the order I herewith inclose for your better information. Mr Rose no doubt at that time took vouchers for the same, why, I have not credit and those papers lodged in the proper office I am at a loss to know; General Irvine is now at New York I dare say he will inform you particularly respecting the same to him therefore I beg your reference - the charge also in June 1788 of 1508 (undecipherable) Dollars paid by William Palfrey for deficiencies of rations due the 3rd Regiment, must certinly be an error as I was attached to and joined the (undecipherable) in 1777 and continued therein afterwards, why I am charged for such deficiences I cannot tell, I have mentioned this also to Col Craig, as he commanded at that time the 3rd Regiment, who no doubt will give you a satisfactory account thereof and at any rate if the monies was given for that purpose, to pay of a detachement of the 8th it must have been appropriated accordingly or murnurs woukd have ensued but none of this I presume has been the case, - I am confident from my knowlege of you and your known integrity that you will do what is right and just, and in order to do this that you will give yourself the trouble of making the necessary enquirys with respect to the final settlement of this account for which I shall consider myself particularly
paarticularly obliged - if after all it cannot be settled without my attendence, I will do it, the attended with considerable (undecipherqble) your kind assistance will be wanted in that cafe, what may be necessary for me to bring and do, this, I'll thank you to intimate as soon as may be, because should death overtake me before this account is settled my estate would be involved and the innocent suffer. Mr McKay my Brother in law will be in New York, sometime early in June by him if not before I hope to hear your favourable answer - In the meantime I remain with the utmost sincerity.
Steph Bayard
Capt Jospeh Howell
P S I'll thank you to give my respectful compliments to Col Price and let time see this.
s b
I have wrote to General Irvine, and Col Broadhead, resoecting the above, as it concerns them I dare say they will give you the best information they can.
s b
Hartford May 22nd 1787
Major Elisha Painter was in Col Baldwins Regiment of artificers - and I believe held other rank in the continental army, did at New Haven in January 1781 his widow and he haveing no children, applies to the state for half pay, she wants the Documents which your office only can give, and if she dont obtain them this week or early next she will fail in her application. Will you be so good as to send a certificate of all that concerns this business, the widow will be thankful as well as your
Hble sevt
Jou Wadsworth
John Pierce Esq
Philadelphia 29th of May 1787
I am requested on behalf of the widow of the Lieut (undecipherable) of the Deleware Regiment to ask your attention to her case. It is stated that their officer received no pay for his services as a Lieut from the 1st of august 1777 to some time in august 1778 when he resigned his commission, being unable being unable to perform the duties of his office, owing to a wound he received in the Battle of German Town. Some
some time afterwards he resigned his Breath. The widow it is said, supposing the pay was due from the state, made no other application but to the state officers, who have lately told her that it was out of theor line of duty, and that her application should be to Congress - I am persuaded no solicitation will be necessary to induce you to extend to the widow all the justice you can Contstantly with your official duty, but it may be that you will be restrained by the time being elapsed which was limited for prevented accounts of the nature. If this should be the case and the claims should never the less be just, it is probable some way may be devised to relieve the widow form a penalty incurred meerly from ignorance.
Yours Chas Pettit
Joseph Howells Esq
New York June 12th 1787
I have presented two orders at your office for payment - one for 33 (undecipherable) on the first month of 1783 signed by John Bennet - the other for 4 (undecipehrable) Dollars on the month of January 1783 signed by Hezekiah Luch being soldiers in the late Sheldons Regiment - which sums I returned to you on my settlement with you, not haveing their orders or receipts at that time for the
the same - being informed there was no cash in the office, Mr audibort advised me to write you on the subject - as he doubled not but you would take measures for the payment of it very soon - I shall be in New York in a short time when I beg it may be settled, and much obliage.
Elijah Janes
John Pierce Esq
Briddeford June 11th 1787
Some time last summer I wrote you respecting some wages due to Benjamin in Durrell and inclosed an attested copy of all the papers respecting his service. Your answer of the 13th of November last is now before me wherein you say that there is pay due to (undecipherable) Durrell, that you will issue the same to me in my letter, and Durrells power of attorney duely authenticated. February last I wrote you an answer to your letter above mnetioned and inclosed the original papers agreaable to your proposal and requested the pay. Inclosed to me accoordingly but have had no information respecting the matter since, I don't know your regular mode of doing your official business but
but conjectured that the original papers and power of attorney would be equivolent to a receipt, but if you want a particular receipt, as the whole won't pay the expense of a journey to give the receipt. I would propose to send you a receipt upon receiving the pay or request the Honble Mr Osgood to receipt on my behalf which I can venture to vary he will do with - pleasure if my case requires it.
Yours OS
Jelremiah Hill
John Pierce Esq
Boston July 25th 1787
No doubt common report have informed you of the proceedings against me, also the termination of that malicious and vile presentation which not only to destroy the little reputation I had but was leveled at my life - my acquittal has reestablished those friends who deeply for injured innosense, but the world will judge as it pleases and the wound my character has received can never be thoroughly healed - nor can any (undecipherable) gratuity comparison for the distress I have experienced.
The eagerness with which you persued and the desire to bring to condign to punishment the persins concerned in the negotiation if the case notes - (unecipherable) grately abated - the real offenders now go at large with (undecipherable), unmolested - what is that shield them from justice - what protects them from the task of the law - why was I persuaded with so much (undecipherable) I was
was it because I was a helpful stranger in a foreign climate or does justice sleep lulled by the offenders welth and power - some months g=has passed since my tryal, and no steps has been with the others, who by the tryal has fully discovered their iniquity - I have taken the liberty to address this line in order to refresh ypur memory - If in you intend to bring those that are guilty to tryal you may depend on my assistance I can give - (undecipherable) and (undecipherable) Tudor are already indited by the Grand Jury - a line from you declaring yourintention will oblige Y
Thos Barns
John Pierce Esq
Boston July 27th 1787
When I was in New York April last I settled my publick account with Mr Howell so far as to make an even ballance without being allowed a number of vouchers that I left, in (undedicipherable) hereafter to be allow'd them - I also gave up my commutation in order to be allowed half pay; but I have in the papers a resolution of Congress that debars me until I can produce a receipt or certificate from your office purporting those is no ballance due from me to the U States - as I neglected taking such when in New York, I must request you will forward me one by return of the Post -
Moses White
Jn Pierce Esq
Philadelphia August 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I have long wished to have the account settled of Lieut Peter Weiser Dec 1 as the powers of attorney certificates are left in your office in July 1786 by me, as I then could have no settlement on account of his haveing been charged with some money from General Hand the bearer. Mr Benjamin Weiser will hand you the papers relative thereto from General Hand, you will plase let him have a settlement, as he is fully impowred and authorised and authorised to settle the same, I should esteem it as a particular mark of favour. If you would settle the business with him if it lies in your power -
Simon Fishbaugh
Joseph Howell Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York
Aug 4th 1787
Your letter of the 25th (undecipherable) came to hand the 2nd inst and was opend by me in consequnece of Mr Pierces absence in Virginia, where he has been since the beginning of April last- his absence I presume has been the cause of his silence on the subject which
you made mention of I have wrote him and inclosed a copy of your letter which I make no doubt he will answer, as soon as it arrives I will immediately forward it, I commiserate your situation and am sorry the innocent should suffer for the quilty but most heartily wish the latter might be found and made to suffer for their villany, any information you can give relative to the allering or counterfeiting Mr Pierces certificates will be excuding acceptable to him, if you have any you will please to address him at this place as I hope he will arrive about the first of September next -
Jos Howell
Mr Theo Barns
New York Aug 4th 1787
A Gentleman called on me a few days since and shew me a note form your relative to your business in Virginia, since which I have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from, Mr Pierce wherein he mentions that Doctor Bond has requested my attention to a claim of Doc David Gould. I find Gould is charged with £2500 received by him from the state as paymaster to the 2nd Virginia state Regiment in March 1771, and the same is deducted from his accounts, the ballance I have remitted to Doct Bond in bills of
of exchange on Philadelphia if he is not there with you inform Mr Williams of it. Immediately on the receipt of this letter I addressed a fuw lines to Mr Williams and sent him the extract that he might govern himself accordingly - Mr Pierce is of opinion that you are intitled to an extention of your pay but has not given me any orders respecting the (undecipherable) of the certificates I have wrote him on the subject and flatter myself of an answer in a fortnight.
Joseph Howell
Doct Thos Bond
New York August 4th 1787
Dear Sir
Doct Solomon Halling has transmitted a certificate (to Mr Hardy) given him by Doct Oliphont of his being deranged in the year 1780. I do not think it by any means sufficient to authorise me in granting him the commutation therefore take the liberty to make a copy of it for your inspection on the propriety of admitting or respecting this claim.
I also inclose a copy of a letter received on Thursday last from a Mr Thomas Barns of Boston, the subject you are better acquainted with than I am, and supposing it to be of some consequence thought it best that you should be informed of it. I have wrote and informed
informed him of your absence and the probability of your returning a month, (undecipherable) him if he has my information to give that he would forward it to me
J Howell
Jn Pierce Esq
Office of army accounts
New York Aug 8th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 27th (undecipherable)is received. Mr Pierce is still in Virginia and not expected here until September next. I wish it was in my power to comply with your request, but as it was the opinion of Mr Pierce that those monies should stand charged against you until certifycates were produced that the payment made by you to the men charged (undecipherable)by the several states in account of their depreciation I cannot comply in trtansmitting an official certificate that your accounts are closed in the books of this office - apprehending you would wish to have your (undecipherable) stated as it now stands, I have subjoined it by which you will find the sum of 40 (undecipherable) Dollars is due the United States.
Dr Capt Moses White of Col Hazens Reg in (undecipherable) with U S for this sum received for the payment of the regiment as appears by the.
Books of the Pay Office ............................... 209.201.83
for the sum remaining in your hands due Sundry
officers as and your acknowledgement 2.822.84
Dolls 212.024.77
Or by payment made to the regiment as receipts 208.366.66
Dolls 3.658.11
Balance due the U States 3658 (undecipherable) reduced to specie at 75 for one equal to the sum of Dols 48.68
from which deduct this sum over paid in commutation returned (undecipherable) leaves forty (undecipherable) Dollars due the U S this balance is all that at present appears against your on the books of this office - though I am of the opinion that the residue of the old emissions advanced by you should be passed to your credit (by which a ballance would appear in your favour) yet I hope this small ballance will not be an object with you in being deducted from your pension which if deducted you will transmit a certificate from the proper officer to Mr Pierce that you account may be closed.
This letter I presume will answer every purpose of a certificate as it comes officially from Sir
J Howell
Capt Moses White
Office of army accounts
New York Aug 11th 1787
I do myself the honour to inclose a copy of the accounts currant and my reports of the pay due a detachment of the 2nd U S Regiment all under the command of Col Henry Jackson and also the pay die a federal corps of artillery under the command of Capt Henry Burbeck; the pay of those troops commended from the respective appointment and inlistments and ends the first of May last - the monys charged in the books of this office against those corps is not brought into view but left to be noticed hereafter agreaable to your directions -
I am ys
Jas Howell
The Honble
The Secretary at War
Boston Augt 17th 1787
I fully thought when I wrote you last, that my account as I left it, when in New York left a Balance in my favour - by your statement of the 8th instant I observe a bsllance from me to the U States if 40 (undecipherable) Dollars though I cant find that you have credited me with two months pay as Paymaster, which was due me on the last settlement and noted.
noted by yourself on my account in my favour - If this was added to the account you was so good as to transmit me, if should leave a balance of 20 Dollars in my favour - exclusive of advances yet unallowed, and which I intended should remain, in hopes Nr Pierce would see fit at some future day to allow them; as you very justly observe they ought to be passed to my credit -
I am much obliged to you for the statement you sent me and am sorry it won't answer the purpose you intended by it- the resolve of congress as pointed that no person shall be paid til the party shall produce a certificate perporting that nothing is due to the U States that I find it impossible to obtain it, or even settlement until I can produce such a certificate; notwithstanding an offer on my part to have the deduction made which you suggested how systematic, how exact-
I have therefore here with inclosed 40 (undecipherable) Dollars with the interest due thereon, with a view to open the path and make clear the way of every obstruction, that in case you cannot (consistant with the duty you think you are bound to observe between the publick and an individual) grant one without; you will then please to credit my account with the same and transmit me a
a certificate, adequate in every shape to the purpose intended by it. I must beg you will inclose it to me by the first post.
When this is done a small balance will be in-my the account may remain- possibly one day or other Mr Pierce may see just cause for allowing the other vouchers.
Yours SC Moses White
Jo Howell Esq
New York August 14th 1787
Dear Sir
Enclosed you will find a letter and account from O Wolcott Esq, as I am a total stranger to this business. I transmit them to you by Captain Beatty that you may do the needful - when done if you will send them on to me - I will forward them to Mr Wilcott.
Please to present my compliments to Mr Howell and hope you will have the happiness to find her much better.
Yours SC
Tho O'Hara
Joseph Howell Esq
Registers Office July 23rd 1787
I am directed by the Comptroller of the Treasury to request you to forward an official copy to this office of an account that Major Edmund Hyrne ADL and Secretary to the Honorable Major General Greene lodged in your office of Sundry advances to offices of the Southern Army to the amount of £407.11 (undecipherable) sterling as appears by a certificate dated Philadelphia 25th October 1783 signed by George Reid on your behalf a copy of which is annexed.
I am Sir
Joseph Nourse
Psy Offic Philadelphia 25th Oct 1786.
This ceritifies that Major Edmund Hyrne ADL and Sec to the Honorable Major General Greene has lodged an account of Sundry disbursments amounting to four hundred and seven pounds eleven shillings, (undecipherable) Penny and half penny sterling Dollars at (undeciperable) advanced by Major General Greene to officers of the Southern Army, out of the Military Chest which account is satisfied by Major Edmund Hyrne.
Signed George Reed
Boston August 6th 1787
Cap Joseph Howell
in consequence of the letters you forwarded for me to Mr John Pierce in Virginia I have been favoured with his answer, he has effected something for me in Doctor Goulds affairs, but still he apprehends more may be got for which purpose you have an extract from his letter dated Richmond July 9th 1787. "There is as I informed you by last Post the sum of £2500 paid to "Doctor Gould in March 1778 on account of the pay of the "2nd Virginia state Regiment which reduced to specie makes the sum of £500 stopped from his account "which undoubtedly ought not to have (undecipherable) done for "the money must have been paid to the Regiment, I "have written for that reason to his Colonel and the Paymaster that succeeded him in August 1778 and I expect they will clear up the master so that this sum which "is larger than what I have already get, I hope to be able to remit to you in a few days perhaps the pay was
was drawn through the Pay Office you had better therefore apply to Mr Howell and get him to search into the abstracts of Cols Smiths 2nd Virginia State Regiment and see whether James (undecipherble), did not draw the pay of it from the commencement of the service and whether there was not deducted form the above sum of £2500 (undecipherable) by Doctor Goulds Mr Pierce inclosed me a bill of John Groves or Messrs Boyle and Nicholson of Philadelphia for 358
(undecipherable) Dollars which he desired me to acknowledge the receipt of I have no doubt the bill will be duly honoured but as yet it has not been presented - you will greatly oblige me if you will look into Goulds affairs from the above extract and if you will write to Mr Pierce on the subject as soon as possible.
I am with esteem Yo
Thomas Bond
New York Monday Aug 19th 1787
Dear Sir
The Board of Treasury have just now sent me a letter for you that I might direct more particular Mr Nicholson Compt desires to know if any thing is due to Cap Zebulon Pike in this office on settlement of the accounts of the 4th Regiment Dragoons five hundred dollars was retained from Captain Pike, since which he has received 300 Dollars so that it appears there is still two hundred dollars in possession of the United States for accounts unsettled - I expect to be called on today or tomorrow by the Grand Jury of this city to assist in founding a charge against a fellow who was taken up with Mr Pierce's certificates in his possession counterfeited - nothing or consequence has occurred since you left us, two a three accounts presented and as many demand for certificates - Please to present my respects to Mr Howell and am yo
Thos O'Hara
Jas howell Esq
Dear Sir
Enoch Morgan late an officer of the Pens Line hath been prevented hitherto from receiving his depreciation until his account with the United States be settled he says you observed that the business rested with me. If you have no objections I will adjust it leaving him to settle his continental accounts afterwards. If you think any injury to the United States will follow. I wish not to do any thing prejudicial to their interests --
I am Sir yo
Jno Nicholson
Joseph Howell Esq Comptroller Generals Office
Asst Commiss Army Accts
August 24th 1787
New York August 29th 1787
Dear Sir
We arrived here the day we left Philadelphia and found all things will Mr Nicholson's letter came (undecipherable)the office yesterday but I imagine the suggestion therein contained will not be adopted - I heard Mr P say you
you must be here - we have this day been requested again by General Knox to furnish a sett of the No Carolina Muster Rolls and I suppose we shall soon begin to copy them - Their is no further accounts of the proceeding of the Committee of (undecipherable) not can I learn that any attention or new arrangements in the Civil department is immediately to take place -
I inclose your letter which arrived (undecipherable) post since I came to town - I have taken possession of the certificates for Willetts Regiment and issued several of them-
Your friends in the city are all well.
I am yo
Jos Howell Esq
New York September 3d 1787
My Dear Sir
I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28 August which came to me this morning and will attend to the enclosures - we are (undecipherable) with business - The No Carolina Muster Roll business will be a tedious job and of Cruise falls to the lot
lot of poor pil - Beers who has been waiting for some days that for the settlement of Hubbells Specie Accounts is this day putt off until the other is done.
The Board have lodged here a large package of papers for your revisal and adjustment which now lay on hand they are the accounts of Alex Grayson Esquire and were sent by the Comptroller of Pensyla to the Board and by them to the Pay Office Cap Beatty has some other Rolls to be settled which came on lately form the Ohio, I inclose you the charges against Colonel James Irvine who Mr O'Hara says cam be brought to a settlement of the same by a stoppage of his annual Pension if not otherwise-
You are best acquainted with the necessary steps to be taken - Mr Pierce will return soon to Virginia and no more need be said to show you the necessity there will then then be for your attendance here - I wrote you on the 29th (undecipherable) which letter will invalidate the (udecipherable) contained in yours of the 29 for my nygligence - Please to accept my best wishes -
And believe me yours Yo C Swan
Jos Howell Esq
Hartford Sept 4th 1787
Dear Sir
On my return home the Widow of Major Painter presented me several receipts which she supposed would extinguish all the charges in the public books against Major Painter and retain such a certificate from the Paymaster General Office as to enable her to get half pay allowed her by this state - Therewith send all the papers by Mr Phillips who will wait on you with them - I am certain you will do readily what is need full and proper on the (undecipherable) which being done Mr Phillips will receive back such papers as should come back and yo certificate.
I am D Sr
Jere Wadsworth
Cap Howell
Trenton September 15th 1787
Having been empowered by Capt Alex Breckenridge of Kentucky formerly of the Virginia Line to settle his accounts publish and receive what ever may be due him - I am to beg you will inform me by the return of the mail how his business stands in your office whether their is any money for him and if the business is such as may make it necessary that I should visit New York on the occasion. Enclosed you have a copy of his account as audited by Mr Dunscomb who settled the accounts of Virginia.
Your compliance will very much oblige.
Your most obed serv
Abner M Dunn
Audibert Esq
Boston October (undecipherable) 1787
I wrote you the 17th August last at the same time inclosed a 40 Dollar final settlement note which was the balance of my account with the U States agreeable to the statement you sent me sometime before but I have not received the certificate I then solicited, or heard a syllable from you since - how to account for this I am at a loss to know, I might have suspected the letters miscarrying had I not seen it put up in the mail myself, but possibly one from you may have met with a similar fate - so I will suspend my opinion till I inquire further the reason of the delay. I always thought you not to be insensible of our difficulties or that you would wish to throw a stumbling block in my way. I therefore, after once more beging your attention to the certificate I heretofore requested and transmit me one or write me the reasons if you cannot by the first post -
I am yo Moses /white
Jos Howell Esq
Trenton 2nd October 1787
I wrote you some days since on the subject of Captain Alexander (undecipherable) accounts and begged to know how the matter stood in your office but I have not received any answer from you - You will oblige me by informing the next post as I shall set out for the Kentucky Country when the above Gentleman lives in 8 or 10 days from the date hereof, the said Mr (undecipehrble) was of the Virginia Line, I inclosed you a copy if his account as settled by Mr Dunscomb you will find the aforementioned letter perhaps at the Post Office, New York postage I have paid, your attention to this business will (undecipherable) sure that Gentleman as will your most obed Serv
Abner M Dunn
Audibert Esq
New York
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 6th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive a statement of Colonel Henry Bickers account settled by me by which you will find a balance due the United States of Four hundred and twenty and (undecipherable) dollars on the settlement of his account of depreciation you will please to charge him with this sum and transit a certificate of the same to this office that I may be enabled to finally close the Colonel's accounts - Mr Pierce sett off for Virginia on Thursday last and proposes tarrying in your city a few days, so that I expect you will see him - I am disappointed in my expectations of the appointment to Virginia and North Carolina the Board of Treasury having since my arrival here received a letter from Mr Winder wherein he accepts the appointment - The monies credited by Colonel Bicker are all that I can find against him on the books of this office, will you please to (undecipherable) them
them with your charges before a settlement is made.
I am with Great Respect Yr
Jos L Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
PS I cannot inform you what money Colonel Bicker received on account of Supernumeracy pay as the paymaster has not settled his accounts.
Trenton October 4th 1787
In comparing the certificates you gave to the offices and Soldiers of the Jury Line with the return I received from you office, I find a disagreement in the names numbers and amount of some of them therefore I have here enclosed a copy of the Errors I have met with for your examination and correction and where they can be rectified, request you to favour me with an account thereof and am Sir your obed hum serv
James Mott Treasurer
of New Jersey
Jno Pierce Esquire
Commis of Army Accots
Richmond Oct 5th 1787
Dr Howell
Mrs Williams has again applied to me for the certificates due her, for the cases of an artillery man of Harrisons late Regt. I have written to you on the subject as fully as I now can and as I observed you will find claim placed to the name of the debtor from whose estate the debt is due, altho it will be but a trifle it will be of much use to Mrs Williams and I must therefore request of you as one whom I think is ever ready to serve the needy that you will be at a little pains and trouble to accomplish my wish, do also think of and do what you can in respect to John Jones certificates Colonel Carrington can tell you that the late husband of the applicant was not him who directed - In a compliance with those two requests you will not only serve the concerned but rid me of frequent unnecessary applications - I am yr
Au Dunscomb
J Howell Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 8th 1787
Inclosed you will receive a certificate A 94,814 for 908 (unecipherable) Dollars being for an extension of your pay from the 1st of Janaury to the 1 of November 1784 at which period I considered your department to lease, it appearing by the accounts settled by Colonel Walker that on that day Mr Williams was paid in full -
The whole amount of the 10 (undecipherable) pay at 92 Dolls
(undecipherable) month is _____________________________________________920
from which I have deducted to the sum of (undecipherable) dollars passed to your credit on the Settlet
made the 4th May last as received by Mr Lamb but which sum I have since found
to have been credited you by Colonel Walker _________________________11.2
leaves the amount of certificate Dolls 908.69
I am yr J Howell Jr
Doct Thomas Bond
I certify that I see Mr Joseph Howell Jr inclose the above deducted certificates in a letter of which this is a copy and also that he sealed the same in my presense
Caleb Swan
Philadelphia Oct 10th 1787
I waited on a Major Pierce yesterday who informs me that those Gentlemen who were deranged by Resolve of Congress of Ma 22nd 1779 are entitled to their proportion of the Federal donation lands.
Cap Lawrence and Helen, now present join me in requesting you to deliver in our claim herewith enclosed to the Honorable General Knox by which you will confer an additional favour on your much obliged friends and very humble servants
Jno Richardson
Jos Howell Esquire
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 10th 1787
Your letter to Mr Pierce of the 4th ins was yesterday received, agreeably to your request I have corrected the errors in the inclosed return by the original registers of this office, I am still of
of opinion that some errors will yet appear as the multiplicity of business at the period of issuing those certificates prevented so close an examination as might be wished. I find several instances where the clerks in filling the certificates have inserted the name of the Soldiers that followed the one who should have been first noticed and omitted altering the number this accounts for William Stillwell receiving, the certificate which was intended for Samuel Wright and so in many others --
I am Sir Yo
Jos Howell Jr
James Mott Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 11 1789
Dear Sir
Agreaably to the request of Capt Joseph Finley I have inclosed to you a certificate No 94828 for 300 Dollars bearing interest the 4th November 1783 being so much retained by me on the settlement of the accounts.
accounts of the 3d regiment this finally closes his accounts with the United States - I also take the liberty to trouble you with a certificate no 94.824 for (undecipherable) dollars bearing interest the 4th November 1783 issued in favour of Lieut James M Farlane of the first Regiment being for a balance due him on account of monies retained this certificate you will please to deliver to your brother Mr Alex Fullerton to whom I was requested by Mr W Farlane to deliver it - I will thank you to take his receipt for it as also to acknowledge the receipt of Cap Finley.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Cap M McConnell
Certified the above described certificates were inclosed in a letter to Cap McConnell of which this is a copy - C Swain 12 Oct 87
New York Oct 13th 1787
I have stated the accounts of Colonel James Cunningham and find a balance of six hundred and fifteen (undecipherable) dollars due him for which you will receive inclosed a certificate no 94.825 bearing interest from the first of February 1777 - I have taken the liberty to trouble you with a certificate for pay due a Leonard Vandergrift of Captain McKessach company flying camp no 94822 for twenty two dollars, the certificate you will please to deliver to Vandergrift on his application.
Since my return I find several of your letters unanswered the first leisure hour that presents itself I will devote to your business -
I will thank you to acknowledge the receipt of those certificates as soon as convenient.
J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
I certify that the two certificates above mentioned were inclosed in a letter to Mr Nicholson of which this is a cipy
C Swan
New York October 15th 1787
The enclosed letters from Colonels Heth and Smith of Virginia came to the office soon after your departure, I enclose them to you, for your perusal. The business of the office goes on as usual we are all well and nothing now has transpired since you left us - I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Philadelphia Oct 15th 1787
I have the honor of sending you herewith a power of attorney of Adam (undecipherable) late of Hazens Regiment (undecipherable) to receive final settlements. That poor man was wounded in both his legs at the taking of General Cornwallis and is now in the most wretched situation, I was informed that you was expected in this city in a short time, I should take it very kind if you would bring the certificate with you or send it to Mr Howell your
your Father to whom I would give a receipt for the same. The man is so poor that I will do ev'ry thing to save him expense - The administration of Hugh Beadley deceased wishes to be informed whether his final settlement has been delivered or not - Please to favour me with an answer - I am Sir yo
P (undecipherable) Barbriuduplessis
Cap Joseph Howell
Office of Army Accounts
New York October 15th 1787
Dear Sir
In reply to your favour of the 17th January last, I beg leave to inform you that I have carefully examined the books of this office as well as those of the register and cannot find that John Conrad Satour has received any settlement whatever, from which I have reason to believe he must have resigned - John Christman mentioned in your letter of the 6th December last I find by the Muster Rolls of the Guman Regiment died on the 6th February 1779 he belonged to Capt William Rue's company - relative to
to the enquiry contained in yours of the 3rd January last, I can inform you that Mr Dallam charges the sum of 9622 (undecipherable) dollars paid to Major Ennion Williams and Jogn Redman Jun afterwards a Captain in Colonel Pattons Regiment for pay of Colonel Miles Regiment for the months of September and October 1776 Colonel Miles on the 9th August received of Mr Dallam 8000 dollars on account of pay due the Regiment this sum was nearly sufficient for two months pay. I make no doubt Colonel Farmer, Major Williams or Captain Redman can inform you more particularly than I can - Captain John Murray and company is inclosed in the abstract for September, the abstract for October I cannot find, it is either lost or mislaid tho, I am clearly of opinion that it must have been in being at the time Mr Pierce arranged Dallams account as the entry is in Mr Pierce's handwriting - Colo Atlees Regiment was paid to the 1 September 1776, but where, when or how they were afterwards paid I could never
never learn, my own pay or rather part of it I received of the council of safety early in 1777 - I am happy it is in my power to clear your doubts respecting Lieut Andrew Forrest mentioned in your letter of the 18th May last. This officer had the good fortune to be released from captivity by a Mr Marriner now of this city whose enterprising spirit led him several times to Long Island in one of his excursions he failed in his original design and on returning to his boat met with Mr Forrest and brought him off - Mr Forrest considered himself as released and made a application to be admitted in the line, but the British Commissary of Prisoners representing the case as a breach of parole and demanding the return of Mr by General Washington that Mr Forrest should retire from the army and considered himself, until legally exchanged a prisoner on parole, which exchange did not take place until the 25th October 1780 as appears
appears on record in this office, Mr Forrest is therefore legally entitled to the depreciation of his pay -
I find by the Muster rolls of the 11th Reg Pennsa that Captain Isaac Sweeney did the 2nd October 1780 he is charged by Colonel Heartly with 620 dollars advanced early in 1777 for the Recruiting Service - I have a recruiting account of Captain Von (undecipherable) that commences in July 1778 and ended in May 1781 which I suppose comprehends all the men that he ever had, this return is entirely silent with respect to Christian Kuhn mentioned in your letter of the 18th May last -
You need not take any further notice of my request concerning Captain Luke Broadhead as on a revision of his account. I have allowed some charges which had been omitted and which are admissible by Acts of Congress his account is now closed -
Cap Samuel Moore of the 3rd Regiment a Supernumeracy officer requested me to inform you what monies were charged against him, you will please to let him know that Colonel Wood paid hom on the 23 Feby
February 1777 - 390 dollars for the recruiting service and on the 20th January (undecipherable) Colo Craig paid him 140 dollars. These sums do not appear to be accounted for - On searching for the charges against General D Haas, I have found one that had escaped my notice it is for the sum of (undecipherable) dollars paid him in February an said to be advanced by the state of Pennsylvania, will you please to examine Mr Nesbitts payments and such others in your possession and give me the earlier information of your enquiry as the Generals accounts are now before me - I am ser J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Octo 16th 1787
Inclosed you will receive a continuation of the register of certificates issued by John Pierce Esq commiss no 94772 to no 94824 inclusive which have been examined with the oroginals - I am yo J Howell
Thos Smith Esq Loan Officer of the state of Pennsa and to the Loan Officers of
New Hampshire Connecticutt Virga
Masachusetts New York So Carolina
Rhode Island Delaware Georgia
Philadelphia Oct 17th 1787
Dear Sir
I have after consulting our friend J Lawrence found that our settlement with John Nicholson Esq was erroneous and deficient with respect to depreciation. I was to have received from the State and by J Lawrence I applied to Nicholson before the 1st April but was advised not to go to a settlement, since which Lawrence and Helm have got their accounts resettled and a balance from the state allowed and interest paid on it - I accordingly with our friend Colo Biddle waited on J N Esq (undecipherable) who agrees if you state the accounts to allow what shall be due on State Acc. Cap Lawrence you'll please to observe and others received the commutation of one years pa which I never did and they were deprived of depreciation on it at the friendship of Colo Biddle, Jno Nicholson Esq and Major Pierce. I have to request your sending a statement of
of what I ought to receive form the state and as interest is immediately due on it, it will to me be of consequence and Mr Pierce assures me an application to General Knox and your settlement with me, I shall be undoubtedly allowed the land and properly applying will be allowed the balance due form the United states- you will therefore oblige me much by omitting no opportunity by post or otherwise of sending me your statement of what depreciation I am entitled to from the state as, having never had a Genl settlement might occasion some delay - I inclose the account of Pay and Rations I received and request your interference - this request will be seconded by my good friend and brother to whose care I request you to address your letters directed to me, in the meantime am with great respect - Yours
P Richardson
New York Oct 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 5th inst was duly received and agreeably to your request I now send you inclosed in my letter to Mr Pierce accompanying this one certificate no 94826 for 100 dollars being the pay of Robert Brayson for the year 1782 also two certificates no 94.827 for one hundred dollars and no 94.828 for one hundred and thirty four dollars (undecipherable) being for pay and gratuity due John Jones, you will please to give a receipt for them - Braysons certificate is sent to satisfy Mrs Williams for her attention to him and which I suppose will be sufficient, supposing she has not been careful to keep an attested copy of her account I have sent the original which you will please to return when the business is accomplished.
Mr Pierce will present you with Cap Muir's certificate for balance of his pay and commutation - Col Carrington has received the certificates for Major Croghan and a William Smothers - Yours J Howell Jr
Andw Dunscomb Esq
New York October 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will received three certificates no 94.826 for one hundred dollars 94824 for one hundred dollars and no 94.828 for one hundred and thirty four (undecipherable) dollars which you will please deliver to Mr Dusncomb and take his receipt - Yours
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
In compliance with your request relative to the claims for pay of Captain James Davis Ensign, John Sorrell, Thomas Sorrell and John Farrell. I beg leave to inform you that the acts of Congress of November 2nd 1785 forecloses these claims - If Captain Davis had presented his claim in season I should have rejected it in its present form, the pay rolls of the Virginia Line being at Richmond puts it out of my power to ascertain whether this
this office was included in them as a supernumeracy office of Colo Heths Regiment which might have been the case and the money still be in the hands of the psymaster of the Regiment it is therefore necessary that that Capt Davis should qualify to his not receiving the psay, or procure a certificate from the paymaster that it has not been drawn from the United States-
Farrells claim is proper, no other objection arises than the act of Congress to a settlement with him -
The pay of those soldiers who died or were killed was always included in the pay rolls to the day of their death, I therefore presume the United States is discharged from the claim of Thomas Sorrell -
Mr Buckner has left me in the dark as to the time of service of Ensign Sorrell altho he died after the war, he does not say he continued to the end of it - and as Mr Dunscomb has not noticed him in any of his returns to this office. I suppose he must have resigned or have been supernumeracy. I would recommend Mrs Sorrel to apply to the state for if her son was entitled
entitled to depreciation she will receive it if not further application will not be necessary -
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable Wm Grayson
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
Upon making further examination into the unliquidated claim lodged in this office for settlement, I have found the amount, specified in the enclosed abstract to be due to the late Virginia Line in specie which was omitted in the abstracts of the line that were sent to your Honorable Board in April last -
I am Gentlemen yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable
The Board of Treasury
Office of Army Accounts
New York Oct 18th 1787
Upon making further examination into the unliquidated claims lodged in this office for settlement - I have found the amount specified in the enclosed abstract to be due to the late Virginia Line in specie which was omitted in the abstracts of the Line that were sent to your office in April last - I am yo
J Howell Jr
The Honble
The Secretary at War see the other side.
Boston October 19th 1787
In my transactions here with Mrs Lucas, Commissary of Pensioners, I find it is necessary that I should have a certificate from you that I am not in Debt to the United States, this, if you please you can readily issue upon examining Cols Henley's
and Colo Jackson's accounts or pursuing any other method which you practice in like cases - as it is uncertain whether I shall be at Boston in Massachusetts or at (undecipherable) you will oblige me by covering your certificate to Mr Lobell, Collector of the county of Suffolk or to Mr Lucas, Commissary of pensioners -
I have the honor to be late.
William Scott
Late Cap Cols H Jackson Reg
Jno Pierce Esq P. cll Gen
(ans by Cap Howell)
Philadelphia Oct 20th 1787
Dear Sir
I received yours of the 11th with two certificates the one in name of James W Foxlane 87 (undecipherable) dolls and the other for Cap Finley 300 dollars, the former I delivered to Alex Fullerton as (undecipherble) the inclosed receipt - Cap Finley I shall deliver to himself or order -
I am Dr Sir yo
Wm McConnell
Cap Joseph Howell Jr
Richmond Oct 24th 1787
Dear Sir
Colonel Temple requests that you will forward to me copies of his settlements made with the United States and also of the one he made with Pennsylvania, he has been charged he hears of making two settlements for the same time - (Undecipherable) Mayo Carrington denies the receipt of forty dollars he is charged with as having received the same from me. I wish to send me a copy of the voucher for this payment, the enclosed certificate and memorandum. I wish may be attended to Mr Flackley's complaint is, that he has been charged twice for the same (undecipherable) one of which stoppages has been made from his specie pay, it appears probable to me in that case that the stoppage made Mr Dunscomb was not so expected as to be understood and that therefore it was unknown whether it was the same clothing received form Col Carrington or not -
Cap Thomas Edmonds complains likewise
likewise that a stoppage for Col Carrington was made form him, which had been previously stopped by Mr Dunscomb, which he requests may be rectified. Captain Edmonds denies the receipt of the one hundred and twenty dollars charged to him as received from me, a copy of this voucher I wish I may be sent to me, these officers give me much trouble but I wish to satisfy them and that you would attend to their complaints ------
Winder has not been heard of ---
I am Dr Sr Yo
J Pierce
W Howell
Philadelphia Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
The bearer of this Doct Joseph Fenton was surgeon of a Battalion of Flying Camp and his pay for that service he claims as not having been received, the settlement of this account would have given him no difficulty if the claim had been made to you before August 1786, but the mistake lay in making his application to me with whom he conceived the
the settlement of it lay, and I can assure you that it was (undecipherable) made before August 1786 - If this will do and his account can yet be settled in consequence thereof or of any other thing that can be done to promote it. I have ventured to assure him you will not be wanting to lend him all the assistance you can.
I am Dr Sir Yo
Jno Nicholson
Joseph Howell Esq
Ass commis
New York Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
Yesterday I was presented with a letter from Captain John Richardson bearing date the 17th instant wherein he requests me to transmit to you a statement of his account with the United States to enable him to settle with the state of Pennsylvania, agreeably to his request I have enclosed this statement which will inform Mr Nicholson that Cap Richardson has accounted for all the monies received by him from the
the United states, by the statement of his specie (undecipherable)their appear a balance of 366 (undecipherable) dollars for which I will issue a certificate on his sending a proper order directed to John Pierce Esquire Paymaster General as it may be drawn in my favour - Cap Richardson claims a depreciation on money received by him for rations, due while a prisoner this I cannot admit of their being no act of Congress t justify me and if appreciated of this nature was admitted it would open a door for numberley applications - If an order is out on for the above balance you will please put it under cover to Mr Pierce directed to the care of - Dr Sr J Howell Jr
Col Clement Biddle
New York Oct 25t 1787
I have so far accomplished the accounts of Col D Haas as to be convince that all the monies charge him will be accounted for but before he is discharged it will be necessary to procure an act of Congress for which to purpose W D Haas has petitioned that body - If you think proper to have your accounts settled I am ready to proceed in the business - since your absence I found a complete return of clothing from Mease Haldwell in which you are charged as follows. ----
Serjeants Coats........4@ £2.9.0 Hatts............ 86@ £0.7.6
Drum and Fife..........1@ 2.2.6 Caps..............86@ 9.6
Privates coats........80@ 1.190 Milled Mittins... 75@ 2.6
Privates Vests........46@ 1.6.0 Pairs of leggings.83@ 7.9
Pair of breeches......46@ 1.6.0 Knapnachs.........80@ 8/9
Pair of shoes........170@ 7.8 Socks.............86 1.4
Pair of stockings....156@ 5.0
Russia Linnen sheets 76@ 10.0
Amounting to £564.2 Penns Currency inclusive of yours
your proportion of 500 white dinner shirts which is included and charged as delivered to Colonel D Haas as in the said return. Those shirts are priced @ 12/9 each. If I knew the exact number o sheets received by you, I could with great precision state your account and think it would be best to charge you all the Clothing receive and credit you by the Bounty of Clothing allowed but if you cannot ascertain the number of shirts received I must close the account in the manner as presented to you.
I wish to hear from you on the subject as early as possible. I am
J Howell Jr
Col William Williams
P S In a receipt of yours dated at (Undecipherable) September 22nd 1776. I find you received two pair of shoes, six pair of stockings and eight pair of Leather Breeches.
This clothing I do not find charged to you - is not a proper charge? and to be accounted for by you?
Philadelphia Oct 25th 1787
Dear Sir
I have your esteemed favour of 25th instant, I mow inclose you Captain Richardson's
order for the certificate due to him for balance of his account and the former settlement made by you as Auditor of the main army.
I request you to procure the certificate and to transmit it to me by post of no safe private conveyance should soon offer.
Can you devise any method of getting Captain William Seulls accounts settled, his widow has frequenntly called on me, also Captain Reese, when accounts I sent to your office.
With compliments to Mr Pierce
I am D Sir yo
Clement Biddle
Joseph Howll Esq
New York
Philadelphia Nov 1st 1787
In the 15th of last month I find the honor of writing to you about Adam Syfats final settlements and inclosed in my letter the power given me by the said Syfat to receive the same --That poor man is in very great distress and I beg you would be kind enough to inform me by the first post if possible of the amount of his settlements that I may if necessary send a power to receive the same or if you come to town so I beg you would bring the papers with you.
I am sincerely Sir Yo
P Barbieuduplessis
Please to let me know whether Hugh Bradley's certificate has been received by any body or not.
Herein is inclosed the order Mr Nicholson gave to the said Syfat
New York November 3rd 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 3 (undecipherable) was this morning handed me by Mr Mifflin pursuant to your request I have inclose a certificate no 94832 for 365 (undecipherable) dollars leaving interest from the 1st of June 1779 being the balance due Cap Jno Richardson - Captain Sculls accounts I have not been able to look into neither do I know when it will be in my power they will come in rotation with the other unsettled accounts Cap Reese's accounts has long bee closed and the balance due I have informed the widow of ----the certificate I am ready to issue on her order accompanied with a certificate of her administration -- Mr Jno M Taylor of your city has this business, under his care and has been informed by me the reason the certificate is not forwarded ---- I am Dr Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Col Clement Biddle
New York 4th Nov 1787
Inclosed is a copy of the register of all the certificates issued to Cap Robert Fenner and Col Archibald Lytle agents to the No Carolina Line by Elun Jackson Assis Commiss (undeciphrable) Accts which have been compared with the originals filed in this office.
(undecipherable) Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
The Honorable
Col Ashe
Richmond Nov 4th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed are the receipts for some of the certificates you have sent to Mr Dunscomb no 94,826, 94,827 and 94,82 - Doct Treyvant left a claim with Mr Dunscomb for his pay in 1783, he say, he was a prisoner and not exchanged until the General exchange of May 1783. I do not remember in what situation his claim has been considered or the cause of its not being admitted. The inclosed certificates he has desired may be forwarded as tending to support his claim, which is not admitted. I wish may be returned to me.
I am Sir with friendship yo
J Howell
We have heard nothing of Windar
New York November 5th 1787
Your letter of the 1st ins was duly received. I have examined the issues of certificates to General Flazens Regiment, and have fond that Major Lloyd agent to that Regiment has delivered the certificates for the pay clothing and gratuity of Adam Syfert alias Sybert unto a certain on Breiger those certificates were delivered in pursuance of the Syfert alias Sybert, Power of Attorney to the (undecipherable) Jn Breiger.
I know not to what Regiment Hugh Bradley belonged to therefore cannot give you any information relative to his certificates, if he belonged to the Pennsylvania Line Mr Nicholson Comptroller General of your state will be able to give the necessary information. Your letter of the 15th (undecipherable) I have not receive.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
P Le Barbriuduplessis
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 5th 1787
Your letter of the 27th (undecipherable) is received. Mr Pierce at present is in Virginia, during his absence the business of his department devolves on me, before I can comply with your request in granting the commutation it is absolutely necessary that you procure a certificate from Doctor Oliphant that you were appointed (undecipherable) to the so army and was deranged in consequence of the act of Congress of the 3rd of January 1782. His certificate being produced I shall have no objections to comply with your request. Their is no return in this or in any other office that I can find that mentions you as returning from service. You will therefore see the propriety of my conduct as a public officer in not complying with your wishes. I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Doct Jno L Elbert
Talbot County Maryland
Philadelphia Nov 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I would wish to know what time I shall come to New York, as I am very desirous to have it settled. I am Sir yo
Howell Esq
P D Haas
New York Novem 9th 1787
Your letter of the 19th (undecipherable) to Mr Pierce was received the 7th inst. Mr Pierce being in Virginia on public business the department devolves on me. I have therefore in pursuance of your request subjoined a certificate that I presume will remove the (undecipherable) to the granting of your pension.
Yours yo
Joseph l Howell Jr
Cap William Scott
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 9th 1787
I do hereby certify that I have examined the books of this office as also the accounts of Cols Jackson Q Henley on file and do not find any monies charged to Wm Scott later a captain in Colo Henry Jacksons Regiment which are unaccounted for.
To all concerned
Joseph Howell Jr, Ass Commiss, (undecipherable)
New York November 14th 1787
Your letter of the 8th inst did not reach me until this da. Your memorial to congress has not yet been referred to report on and as that Honble body are not in session and in all probability will not be for some months I am not able to inform you when your presence will be necessary - without an act of congress and cannot close the account of your late Father. I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Jn P (undecipherable)
Philadelphia Nov 14th 1787
I received few days ago the letter you honoured me wit bearing date the 5th inst, I am very sorry to find that Jno Grieya has received upon a forged power of attorney the depreciation of Adam Sybert alias Syfert specially as the poor man is in the greatest distress. Mr Nicholson has informed me that the same Greiya had done the same time in other circumstances, and it is expected.
expected he will be prosecuted.
By Mr Nicholson's note herein inclosed it appears that Hugh Bradley was a serjiant of the 5t Penna Regiment. I will be greatly obliged to you for informing me of what may be coming to him.
I am Sir Yo
P D Barbeuduplessis
PP Griffih Jones wishes to know why 20 bushels of corn @ 6/6 specie are paid in a certificate only 56/3
Philadelphia 16th Nov 1787
I have this day seen Benjamin Weisen whom I ordered to receive the settlement of Lieu Peter Weisen deceased and he now deny of having received any settlement at your office. I therefore should esteem it a particular favour to have a certificate from you certifying the amount of the certificates he has received and the time - I ordered him on the 8th day of August last as undecipherable coppy of my letter to you, no further particulars at present - but (undecipherable.
Joseph Howell Esq
Simon Fishbough
Aud of Army Aut New York
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 17th 87
Dear Sir
This day Lieut Andrew Lee late of General Flazens Regiment has paid with the Treasury of this state the sum o £497.53 being for principal and interest received by him for depreciation. The Treasurer has given duplicate receipts for the same one of which I have retaind and fled in this office. Mr Lee will now be considered of the quota of Pennsylvania and the monies paid him by that state for his depreciation will be a proper charge to the United States.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Jn Nicholson Esq
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 17th 1787
On examination of the books of this office I find Captain David cook of Col (undecipherable) Regiment has received by the hands of the Col Wilson certificates amount to three thousand dollars being for his commutation, these certificates must be returned to this office previous to my granting the certificate requested by you.
There appears no other charges against Captain Cook than the above.
I am Sir Yo
The Honble
Joseph Howell Jr
The Secretary at Wars
Office of Army Account
New York Nov 19th 1787
In order to close the unliquidated claims lodged in this office as soon as possible, I have taken up all those belonging to the Non Commiss Officers and Privates
Privates of the Virginia Line issued the respective balances due thereon and put the whole amount into the hands of Col Carrington to be lodged with you for the benefit of the proprietors.
It is necessary to observe that sundry men included in the number settled for, have drawn orders for their several balances in favour of Major Kirkpatrick and others-these orders in their present form are inadmissible or vouchers in this office, for the reasons set forth opposite to their names as following
Thomas Smith order in favour and Kirkpatrick witness (undecipherable) (undecipherable) should be acknowledged before a magistrate.
Jacob Shoemaker, order, name of witness wrote by me hand
Jadock Robinson ditto ditto ditto
Spencer Cooper ditto ditto ditto
Joseph Coker ditto ditto ditto
Daniel Carn ditto ditto ditto
James Brooks ditto ditto ditto
Nicholas Neil ditto ditto ditto
Jr Trotter order in favour of Maj Waggoner a copy attested by
Jno Mcdowell ditto ditto ditto
Jno Crummery ditto Wm Reynolds copy ditto
Bartlett Holmes ditto ditto ditto Wm Lyne
Alexander Scott order in favour Dal Broadhead proper
Samuel Horton Ditto Ditto Jno Flavies proper
Jno Ayers account sent back he being a levey of Virginia cannot be settled with in this office.
I have to request you will give a receipt for the whole and if you on enquiry you find that the forementioned orders have been copied from genuine originals that have been lodged in Virginia or elsewhere your certificate of the same will under them sufficient in their present situation, for (undecipherable) others there are no orders lodge in this office - The specie pay due on these accounts for 1783 I reported to the Board of Treasury and will be included in the Virginia Line at large.
I am Sir Yo
Joseph Howel Jr
Mr Andw Duscomb
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 20 1787
Captain Condy has exhibited an account for his expenses in settling the accounts and journeying several times to this City from Boston for money for the payment of Colo Jacksons detachment amounting to 350 dollars - I beg leave to observe their is no act of Congress authorising me to report on such accounts altho I am of opinion that every officer should receive a cmompensation for his time expended in the service of the public yet I presume the sec at War is the only person who can judge of the propriety of those charges and that it (undecipherable) in his breast alone to admit or reject the claim - When I reported at your request on Cap Beatty; account of expenses you were pleased to admit it in consequence of his relinquishing his subsistence and storage during the time those expenses accrued- Cap Condy charges not only his pay.
par as Lieutenant and Paymaster but also the subsistence and forage which will amount to more by 50 dollars than what was allowed Cap Beatty who services were as long, and the nature of his expenses greater.
I am Sir
Joseph Howell Jr
The Honble
The Secretary at War
War Office Nov 20th 1787
A Mr Condy late paymaster of Col Jacksons Regiment has been directed by me to settle the accounts and make the payments to the dispensed offices and soldiers of said Regiment and also the two companies of Artillery under Captain Burbeck and Savage stationed at West Point of Spingfield. I hereby request that you would settle his accounts from he 1st of May last to last day of the present month and allow him his
pay and emoluments for the said period.
I am with much respect Yo
H K Mox
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 22nd 1787
Your letter of the 11th ins was handed me yesterday as I wish that justice should be done to every soldier who has faithfull served his country and being always wiling to serve them as far as my duty as a public office will permit. I have made a full examination of the muster rolls of the 5th Reg of Pennsylvania for the year 1779 and 1780 also the accounts as settled by me for the years 17811 and 1782 and cannot find Hug L Bradley either on those musters or in the accounts from which I do suppose that he then directed or belonged to another Regiment if he has a discharge it will inform you what Regiment he belonged to on the contrary if no discharge appears my suspicion of desertion may be right.
There is however one method by which we may have a knowledge of his services and yet find out the Regiment he served in, it is by knowing the names of the several Captains has served under, if you can procure this.
this information I am willing to make a further examination - to go thro the whole line would take me at last a week, this time the ladies of my office will not permit me to devote to one man.
Inclosed is the power of Attorney from Adam Syfat to you which came to my hands a few days since. You will please to inform Griffith Jones that his original certificate mentioned only fifteen bushels of corn and for which the auditor of accounts would not allow more than 3/9 p.bush. This will account for the difference and the certificate sent hm.
I am Sir
Jas Howell Jr
P Le Barbrinduplessis Esq
Office of Army Accts
New York Nov 22 1787
Agreeably to your request of the 16h ins. I have subjoined a cop of the Receipt of Benjamin Weiser for a certificate received by him and undecipherable) Jno
John Pierce Esquire paymaster General and Commissioner of Army accounts being for a balance due the estate of Lieut Peter Weiser late of the first Pennysylvania Regiment deceased. The orginal of which is on file in this office.
I am Sir
Jas Howell Jr
Mr Simon Fisbaugh
New York Aug 10th 1787
Received Jno Pierce Esquire paymaster general one certificate dated New York Aug 10th 1787 No 94.799 on interest from the 1st of January 1779 amounting to two hundred and three (undecipherable) dollars being for rations and nominal pay due Peter Weiser late of the 1st Regiment of Pennsylvania a Prisoner deceased received in Pursuance of a power of attorney to Jno Cap of the city of Philadelphia trader and a power of attorney from the said Cap to Simon Fishbaugh of the said city broker and a letter from the (undecipherable) Simon Fishbaugh to Jas Howell Esq Ass Commiss of Army Accts authorising me the subscriber to receive the same. Signed Benj Weiser Office
Office of Army Accounts New York Nov 22 1787. I certify the above to be a true copy of the original on file in this office.
Joseph Howell Jr Ass Commiss
Office of Army Accounts
New York Nov 26th 1787
Your letter of the 13th and 15th Nov to Mr Pierce were received this day. Mr Pierce being still in Virginia and his return uncertain I take the liberty to inform you that on the application of Mr Pierce to Oliver Wolcott Esq of Connecticut to call on Mr Phillips for an account of the certificate left him by that Mr Wolcott has obtained a settlement of Mr Phillips and received of him the remaining certificate on hand a return of which is transmitted to this office, so that nothing prevents a settlement of your accounts but the want of vouchers delivered to cap Patton and Major Painter - I wish your attention to procure them that are may (undecipherable)
enabled to close your accounts - Inclosed you will receive my certificate for the final settlements granted for your services which I presume will enable you to procure the interest and relieve you in some measure from your difficulties. I am Sir yo
Joseph Howell Jr
Mr Joseph King
New York Nov 5th 1783
Dear Sir
In pursuance of your request of the 24th (undecipherable) I have inclosed a copy of Colo Temples account as settled here which I flatter myself will have the desire and effect. I know of no settlement made by him with the state of Pennysylvania Mr Nicholson has informed me that none of the officers of Moylan's Regiment that were from the state of Virginia had depreciation granted them by Pennysylvania and in his letter to me of the 22nd June 1786 he say. "I shall adhere to "your request concerning the non delivery of certificate "to officers of Moylan's Reg from Virginia and who "have not here tofore received them and once they came to
"to my hands none have unless by special information "from your office, the certificates were delivered to Mr Nicholson by the agents some time after I received the information of the officers being settled with by Virginia and as he was knowing to those settlements being made I am confident Colonel Temple could not have received more than his commutation unless a certificate for balance of subsistence to August 1780 which I believe I forgot to mention to Mr N that the state had allowed.
I shall tomorrow answer the other part of your letter and send the necessary certificates - no accomptant is yet appointed neither can I positively learn who will be. I am Yo J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York November 6th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive the charges of clothing and cash received by Cap Edmonds, Lieut Jno Hackley and Captain Mary Carrington Mr Swan has taken them from the original vouchers which I suppose will answer as well as a copy of the whole.
The charges against these officers for goods received of Colo Carrington are not noticed in Mr Dunscomb settlement the charges made by Mr Dunscomb to those officers are for different articles and a different amount. if therefore those officers have not accounted for to the state of Virginia for the same they are yet indebted for them as there appears to be no stoppage made by Mr Dart rom their subsistence or pay on account of those goods. I wrote to you yesterday and inclosed Col Temples account.
I am Sir
j Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Richmond Nov 12th 1787
Dear Sir
I wrote you sometime since and inclosed you some papers of Doctor Tryvants since which I have received those you will now receive. I do not pretend to make any decision myself or hi clam but leave the same to you, as you are possessed with the return of the Prisoners and the arrangements of the line. I inclose you paper respecting Major Fauntleroy's say which I wish you to hand to Cap Manifold who requested me to lodge a claim for the same here -
I believe that the 40 Dollars I mentioned to you of Lieut Major Carrington is a mistake he credited on his settlement with Mr Dunscomb this sum as received of Maj William Lewis and Mr Swan has charged him I conjecture with the same money, if so there is still fort dollars in money coming to him an order for which you had better send on to me here - I am Dr Sir
P Pierce
Mr Howell
New York Nov 12th 1787
Dear Sir
On Saturday last I received a letter for you from Neufville informing that he has received about 28.000 dollars of the money left in the hands of Mr Russell. Mr Russell wrote to Mr Neufville but did not date his letters it is supposed he is somewhere in Geogia but what particular part Mr Neufville is not able to learn the letter I laid before the Board of Treasury as son as they have done with them I will have them copied and transmit them to you - In my former letters I forgot to mention that Mr Flint has resigned, he has left one large chest of papers with us - Major Hashell is appointed in his room, no complaint yet appointed.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York Nov 14th 1787
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will receive copies of Mr Neufville and Mr Russells letters mentioned in mine of Monday last. Pray have you received my letter of he 17th Oct last covering Sundry certificates to be delivered Mr Duscomb.
Your Sincerely
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 17th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 14th ins with the inclosures was received the 15t I now return you the certificates of Doctor Trezvant as I do not conceive myself justifiable in extending his pay further than has been admitted by Mr Dunscomb who must have been possessed of the necessary evidence to the settlement of the account and if the Doctor conceived himself intitled to more the claim should have been made at the time Colo Anderson certificate is
inexplicit he says, he the Doctor was in service in Feby 1780 but is silent in respect to his continuance. General Scotts certificate would have weight provided evidence can be procured, that Colonel Parker commanded the detachment to the end of the war and that no other surgeon was paid for the services claimed by Doctor Treyvant a further objection arises to this clam which is that I do not find the Doct on the return of Prisoners therefore their is no evidence of his exchange, consequently I cannot tell how or when he was released from captivity.
I am yo J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 27th 1787
Dear Sir
On comparing the account of Colo George Matthews as settled by Mr Dunscomb with the books of this office I find that he as has not credited the United States in the sum of 14,300 dollars and commissions and for 546 (undecipherable) doll specie as (undecipherable) (undecipherable) the vouchers to those payments one or
file in the Register office as appears by Mr Hutch, certificate subjoined account no 2 is a copy of the settlement md by Mr Dunscomb by which you will find he has qualified to the receiving of several suns of money and no more amount no 3 you will observe has hi certificate or honor that the monies are an overcharge, but should the receipts be produced he binds himself to pay the value thereof he further stands charged with Warrant no 208 for 380 (undecipherable) dols rec on the 15th December 1778 for retained rations to that of June 78. I have thought it necessary to transmit those charges that you may compare them with the settlement made by the Colo. With the state and if it does not appear that he has admitted them to his debit, you may be enabled to call on him and have the matter rectified. s the charges now stand we cannot (undecipherable) his accounts in the Principal books. Colo Matthews was take pres. I believe the 9th of Oct 1777 at the action of Germantown and exchanged the.
On the settlement of his account for depreciation.
in the state of Virginia had not allowed his subsistence the United States will be no loser as it may be opposed to the specie received while prisoner for which I purposed have sketched an account of nominal pay and the subsistence due while in captivity but which will not be perfect as the Colonel was on Parole for some time during which you know the rations are calculated on the same principles with the officers of the army, however it will give you an idea of the situation of his accounts and which you can rectify on obtaining information of the time he was actually on Parole. The accountant is not yet appointed which leaves us in the same situations makes you left this, the clerks are still continued in their several stations several applications have been made by persons I should have no objection, to but expecting an arrangement to take place every day I wish not to take to fill the office with strangers to the prejudice of the gentleman who expects the place (undecipherable)
Mr Swan and Mr Parker are going (undecipherable) on with the Massachusetts State. The no Carolina return is nearly finished but will not be as complete as could be wished for want of many musters.
I have heard nothing of the young lad from Connecticutt I suppose you were to write for him as he would be of great service if only to copy. The day of Col Matthew is exchange does not appear at the War Office it was after the General exchange of Oct 26th 1780 but supposing he received subsistence from the state from the I August 1780 it will not alter the account as it now stands. I am Sir
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esquire
New York Nov 25th 1787
Dear Sir
Mine of the 17th inst will inform you why I object to admitting the claim of Doct (undecipherable) the certificates inclosed in yours of the 12th inst does not wih me obviate those objections - the following certificates which is subjoined to the retrun of the Prisoners to Army will without doubt convince the Doctor that his claim is not well founded and that he must consider himself as deranged the 1 of Jany 1783. "This is to certify that all American "Officers taken in the Southern deartment by the "British Army previous to the date hereof and "not included in the above list consisting of 7 Colos "12 Lt Colo "12 Majors 60 Captain 14 cap Lieuts, 34 Lieuts, 10 ensigns 7 surgeons and mates and 7 Staff officers "are to consider themselves exchanged "Ashley Terry
Robt Cooke D P
26 Nov 1782
A certificate verbation to the above is also subjoined and signed by S Warren Com (undecipherable) on the part of the united
United States Doct Treyvant is not in this return consequently he was exchanged and as he does not appear on the arrangement of the Virginia line in 1783 I cannot comply with his demand, I presume you will think me right the certificates sent me are inclosed. Mr Swan has fully investigated the claim of Mayo Carrington and finds he has been twice charged. I will wait on the board and inform them of the circumstances and when the warrant is granted. I will transmit it to you. I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Nov 29th 1787
Dear Sir
I have made a statement of Major Fontleroy's account of pay and rations while prisoners a copy of which is enclosed if he can acocunt for the 3000 dollars rec? of (Undecipherable) J Caldwell (which I suppose was for the recruits service) a balance willthen be due him from the U States on the Contrary if he cannot the whole depreciation of pay will not be more than sufficient to make good the balance apparently against him.
I am yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Pierce Esq
Office of Army Acct
New York Nov 29th 1787
I am forming a return of all the Officers non commiss amd Officers and Privates of the (undecipherable) army of the United States who are intitled to lands in pursuance of the several acts of congress to compleate this works it is necessary I should be possessed of returns of the officers Non commiss. Officers and Privates of the Invalid Regiment command? by Colonel Nicola Genl Flazens Reg Armands Legion, Lecs Legion, the Corps of Saffers and Miner Arificers and such other independent Corps as were considered as apart of the quota of your state.
You will particualarly oblige me by transmitting those returns specifying the several grade as soon as possible and address them to Jno Pierce Esq P M H here.
I am Yo
J Howell Jr
Loan Officers
Office of Army Accts
New York Nov 30th 1787
Being a stranger to the name of the Gentm who acts auditor a comptroller for the state of Rhode Island and wishing to have an answer to the inclosed letter as soon as possible I have take the liberty to inclose it to your care, requesting you will direct and send it to the proper person by which you will oblige
Wm (undecipherable) Esq Island
James Tilton Esq Delaware
Wm Shinnis Esq Carolina
Richmond Nov 19th 1787
Dear Sir
By this conveyance Cap Allin, the sloop adventure. I send you a trunk containing Mr Dunscomb's papers received by him on settlement of old money accounts some of the Auditors old papers sundry accounts and papers not settled, Doct Middleton papers, a saddle the property of Doct Saml Baird, and sundry old clothes an account of which I have given.
given to Mr Pierce Enclosed. I expect the musters of the same line soon, but shall detain them untill I go and take them with me by land.
I am D Sr Yo
P Pierce
The key I give to the captain
Mr Howell
Richmond Novem 19th 1787
Dear Sir
Your letters of the 5th and 6th are come to hand, I believe that you will find the Carrington forty dollars are charged to him twice, he charge against Edmunds and Mr Dunscomb says has been stopped with another sum that causes the amount to vary. I have given Edmonds the certificate and left Dunscomb and him to explain it between them
Doct Shinner continues not convinced but that he is entitled to more money. I wrote my opinion on his application which you will find in my letter book, he had two commiss one as Lieut the other as surgeon, but (undecipherable) pay
pay he says only in the latter capacity only, he was however made up he says in my office for his specie pay as Lieutenant only whereas he has credited in his accounts that of Surgeon and which therefore leaves a balance in his favour which he says he ought to receive in specie will you let me know the real state of the case or see justice done to him if any is her due - I send you the duplicates of a letter and bill of Ladwig shipped this day for New York.
and am very sincerely your Friend Jno Pierce
Jas Howell Jr Esq
Dr Howell
Be pleased to look in the accounts of Mr Dart and see if Dr Jno Scott did not credit for the clothing recd of Hamilton, as 18 (undecipherable) was deducted from his 3 months pay. This is a loss of mine as I gave him value therefore in 1785, pray se how the matter stands and if right let me have my Eighteen dolls.
Andrew Duscomb
Richmond Nov 26th 1787
Dear Sir
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th. I am exceeding happy at the acquisition of so considerable a part of the money in the hands of the Russell - I enclose you Major (undecipherable) receipts and return you cap Edmonds and Lieut (undecipherable) papers with Mr Dunscomb certificate on them - I have hopes that I shall be able to leave this by the 20th of next month you had better not therefore send on any letters of consequence after the 11th - Tuesday the 27th - your letter of the 14th has just arrived. I received some certificates from you by letter, the receipts for the delivery of which I enclosed to you, and now do the same for those of Maj (undecipherable) - I am yo
J Pierce
Mr Howell
New York Decemb 8th 1787
Dear Sir
I had just time on Thursday last to acknowledge the receipt of the 26th (undecipherable) after doing any letter your favour of the 19th Novem was handed me and yesterday I received the duplicate from the hands of Cap Allyn.
I now enclose you a statement of the accounts of Capt Edmonds died (undecipherable) and Doctor Skinner, the latter you will find has received more specie than was due him as (undecipherable) and that he has been overpaid in certificates the sum of 13 (undecipherable) dolls his subsistence has also been drawn to the 1st Aug 1783 as (undecipherable) the clothing charged the two former Gentlemen appears to me to have been accounted for tho unproperly as the United States has not the Benefit of the goods delivered, this however may be notified it thought necessary by their certificates being cancelled or the state passing the same to the credit of the United States and give you a certificate of its being done.
done - this I think necessary that you may charge the same in the books. Perhaps it may not be amiss before a report is made to the board of this specie due, that a certificate be obtained from the proper officer that none of this clothing was delivered by the state. Yours J H Jr
Decemb 10th 1787
The trunk with the papers are received in good order. J H Jr
New York Dec 8th 1787
Dear Sir
Agreeably to your request I have examined the returns of Mr Hamilton which informs me the clothing received by Lieut Jno Scott has not been accounted for in his account of subsistence, my reason for appealing to Mr Hamilton in preference to Mr Dart is in consequence of notes made by the former in his return of those who had
had their clothing deducted from their subsistence by making opposite to each the letter of which I found corresponded with the evidence of the officers of Pennsylvania who had so settled as also with what Mr Hamilton personally acquainted me with their being no such mark annexed to Mr Scott, name confirms me in opinion that part of your specie is lost.
I am yo J Howells Jr
Mr and Dunscomb
Comptroller Generals Office
December 3rd 1787
Dear Sir
I received your favour of the 29th (undecipherable) requesting returns of the Officers and Privates of the Penn Line in the independent Corps of the army is it such as were in service at the end of the war I fear it will according to the grant of Congress September 1776 be necessary for you to have those also who may have been
been in for three years and discharged before the end of the war if the former will do I can I can send it you shortly if the latter the returns from the war office of the Pennsylvania Troops in these corps are so inperfect that it will be a difficult task. General Irvine requests me to ask you for a certificate of his settlement.
I am Dr S
Jos Howell Jr Esq
A Sr Commis A A J Nicholson
Please deliver the enclosed to Mr Nouse, I have sent you a statement of the finances.
New York Decem 10th 1787
Dear Sir
The Secretary at War construes the act of Congress of the 18th September 1776 to extend only to those soldiers who inlisted for and served to the end of the war. Those who were for three years are deprived of the benefit even the heirs of them.
them who were slain by the enemy, from which the first return you mention will be only necessary.
As the Secretary at War is greatly the friend of the unfortunate soldier I wish you to return those who were discharged in consequence of wounds or other causes provided they inlisted for the war, I believe it is his intentions to memorial congress on their behalf.
The certificate for General Irvine is now inclosed which you will please present him.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Jno Nicholson Esq
New York Dec 11th 1787
Dear Sir
The original of the inclosed letter from Mr Clay was received too late yesterday to be forwarded by the post it is now as I suppose it to be of consequence that you may if necessary answer it.
I am yo
J Howell
Jno Pierce Esq
New York Decemb 13th 1757
Dear Sir
On taking a view of the accounts of Cap William scull I am induced to believe he has no claim on the United States at least none that I can be admitted by the existing acts of Congress. In his accounts for recruiting Marked A it appears that the Captain made a settlement with the Colonel on the 11th May 1777 and received from him the amount of his account so far as could be allowed by resolves of congress. I say received as I suppose the account to be in the hand writing of Cap Scull or drawn by his order and which expresses payment, it further appears by his receipt to Colo Humpton that on the same day he received 300 dollars for the purpose of recruiting which I suppose must have been applied to private purposes as it does not appear he afterwards went on the recruiting service and that the quarter part of
of this money was refunded to the Colonel in his account B he brings into view the county of 20 dollars each to 36 men this money I have reason to suppose was either advanced by the Colonel or repaid Cap Scull as the Colonel settled with each Cap of his regiment and then formed a General settlement with the state reference to his accounts will give the necessary information and if it is not too much trouble I wish you to examine them and inform the result of your enquiry as in the present situation of the accounts I cannot act on them. The papers I will return until I hear from you. If you could see Colonel Humpton he would be able to throw great light on the subject.
I am Sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Cols Biddle
Dr Lieut Colo Stephen Bayard
Dec 12 1776) % the state of Pennsyla for this sun received of Jno Redman Esq for the purpose of recruiting
the 3d regiment......... £750..........Dolls 2000
16 to ditto............forditto received of
Jno M Nesbitt for ditto......1000
30 To ditto.......for ditto
of ditto for ditto.......1000
Frby 25 1777
to ditto........for ditto recd
of ditto.....for ditto......1000.....3000
Dolls 5000
Dear Sir
Office of Army Account Dec 25 1787
The above charges against Colo Bayard were sent to this office by the comtroller Generl of Pennsyla the receipts for which I suppose are in his possession. The accounts of Colo Wood are now before me among his papers is an account of Colo Bayards for balance of pay due his compt to the first of November 1776 which balance amounting to £203.6.3 was paid him on the 19 (undecipherable) 1777
1777 the 5000 dollars does not appear to have been accounted for at least their are no papers with those of Colo Woods that can throw any light on the subject.
I am sir Yo
J Howell Jr
Genl Wm Irvine
to the foregoing sums received by Colonel Bayard.
I find he has received of Colonel Wood in Januy and Febry 1776 one hundred and eighty dollars and on the 23d of February 1777 the sum of nine hundred and ten dollars for the recruiting service for which their are receipts.
I am J Howell Jr
Gen Irvine
Philadelphia Decem 12th 1787
I wrote to you for assistance as Colo Williams makes me much trouble, he informed me that he is determined to have judgment for the balance of his account that he received from you, next court as I have nothing.
nothing to show. I beg you'd write me by the next post in order to show it to Mr Bradford. I have several charges against the United States which I shall bring along please to inform me if you have received the certificate from the Comptroller General.
I am yo
Howell Esq D de Haas
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 17th 18787
Your letter of the 12th ins was duly received, I am sorry it is not in my power to give you any further satisfaction relative to the accounts of your late Father as the same objection to the closing of them still continues as when I wrote you the 14th November last. If Congress should think proper to pass the accounts as they are now stated the
the Estate will be exonerated from the several charges which now appear against it on the contrary if the whole of the expenditure are not allowed and which I have my doubts as receipts for large sums of money are wanting which cannot with propriety be charged the officers without their consent then a considerable balance will be due the U States the certificate from Mr Nicholson is received.
I am Sir
J Howell Jr
Mr Jno P De Haas
New Jersey Treasury Office
Trenton Decem 7th 1787
I received your favour of the 29th Nov two days ago and observe you request me to furnish you with returns of the Officers Non Commisioned Officers and Privates of the Invalid Regiment commanded by Colo Nicola General Hazens Regiment Armands (undecipherable) fees.
Lees legion, the corps of Soldiers and Miners, Artificers and such other Independent Corps as were considered as a part of the quotas of this state. In answer to which I can assure you, I should cheerfully comply with your request were it in my power but I have no account of any of the regiment or corps you mention, only the returns from the commissar of Army Accounts, which you were, pleased to furnish me with. Therefore it is not in my power to give you any information relating thereto and am Sir yo
James Mott Treas
Joseph Howell Esq
P P If a list of the invalids who receive pensions at this office will be of any service I can send you one. J M
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 18th 87
I do myself the honor to enclose you a return of Sundry men late of General Hazens Regim who appears by the accounts of said Regiment to be of the Quota of the state of New Hampshire and who are entitled to receive their Depreciation of their pay, from that state. I make no doubt their are more men of that Regiment who are citizens of New Hampshire but the returns are too inexplicit for me to certify more than the enclosed. I am
J Howell Jr
The Honble
Nicholas Gilman Esquire
Mendham 13 Decem 1787
Dear Sir
Yours of the 26th (undecipherable) has come to hand for which I return you my most hearty thanks.
But find you do not exactly understand what
securities which he must account for and that he is liable to arrest from the public if he does not do it - It comes that he has not delivered them all to the owners, but if he will deliver up the paper I mention it will be sufficient for me - you mentioned Major Painter he signed the order I have a letter from him wherein he mentions signing the order.
It is only a foolish wicked ungenerous obstinacy that prevents him from delivering up the orders and I have sufficient authority to say he is encouraged in it by his Father -as I have had it from his own lips - But if any way can be devised to give him some alarm and obtain if I shall be exceeding glad- in my bundle in your office is a copy of the writing with the names drawn by the old gentlemen you mentioned some delivered (undecipherable) Patton to which I have to observe that when I received the securities Cap Patton was present he told me he
he wished to have some to take with him immediately to Boston for some of his company who were waiting for him to bring them (undecipherable) applied to Mr Pierce who told me I might let him have what he pleased of his own company. I did so and have his receipt for them - But the public may say they do not know that he has delivered them to the owners but the presumption is so great that I think I ought not to be questioned concerning them, they were all men who had left the service only a few weeks and none of them have ever in person otherwise called on me - I shall be glad to know if you do anything in the matter or if you do not - But if you do not I know not what I shall do - I have spent so much money already in geting the amounts of the regiment settled and geting.
geting nothing that I really have got no more to spend and Mr Pierce told me I shall get none when these matters are settled.
But I must stop or you will think by my present and former letters that I never know when to stop when I begin to write.
I am with much respect yo
Cap Howell
Joseph King
New York December 27th 1787
Dear Sir
Your several letters were duly received and should have been answered sooner if an opportunity had offered. I do not think myself justifiable in stating your account against the Estate of General De Haas in my official capacity until such time as I know the sum which may be deemed you in consequence of your prosecuting the Estate. Mr
Mr De Haas memorial still lays with Congress which prevents me from closing the accounts and leaves me in the dark, relative to what may be allowed to the Estate of Colo De Haas for if Congress should admit the whole of the charges which are made by him I am of opinion the money which he changes you and paid Mr Bankson should be allowed I mean that part only which was paid for pay, the other sums being advanced for the recruiting service.
Colo Wm Williams
I am yo P Howell Jr
Office of Army Accounts
New York Decem 27th 1787
Dear Sir
We are informing an alphabetical list of the officers and soldiers of the late army commencing with the time of their several appointments and
and inlistments and ending with their several discharges yo - I have made an Essay of the Pennysylvania Line but am under the necessity of stopping for want of same of the muster and pay rolls which are in your possession - the muster and pay rolls from the date of inlistment to the 1 of June 1777 are those I most want I will particularly thank you of you will forward them by post under cover to Mr Pierce which may be done in Packetts of one Regimt at a time beginning with the first, those rolls I suppose are not of much consequence to you now and as they are essentially necessary to complete the business we are on I hope you will early comply with my request.
I am yo
J Howell
Jno Nicholson Esq
Phild Decemb 15th 1787
Inclosed I have sent you the discharge and vouchers with his Power of Attorney to me of of John Bitters late a corporal in the third Regiment of artillery for six years and six months faithful service Major Hogden has presented his accounts for settlement two years ago and entry may'd it I am right informed everything I hope will appear clear. Bitters lives at present with me and has a considerable sum of pay coming to him, yuou going into the settlement of his accounts and transmitting his certificates to me will be esteemed as a singular favour conferd on.
Sir your obed serv
Matw Henderson
Pay Table Office
Hartford Decem 20th 1787
I have now the honor to transit the returns requested by your letter of the 29th Novem last which have been extracted from the settlements made by this state with their line of the army and which I trust will afford the information desired - I take the liberty to inform you that by the acts of this state no person was entitled to a settlement for depreciation who left the service before the 1 of January 1780 of consequence you will find no names of persons who were discharged before that time -- ~The state settled with a part of Colo Henry Sherburns Reg and with a part of Colo John Lambs Reg of artillery in case you wish for returns of those Regt. I can furnish them.
I have the honor to be with respect Oliver Wolcott Jr
Jo Howell Esq
Office of Army Accts
New York Decem 29th 1787
I was duly honoured with your letter of the 20 ins with the enclosures and beg you to accept my thanks for the early attention you have paid to my request. I must further trouble you for the returns of those who belonged to Colo Lambs reg artillery that were considered of your quota the men who composed Colo Therburnes Reg were drafted at the dissolution of that (undecipherable) to this respective lines of course will not be wanted.
Colo Cranes Regs of Artillery and Colo Sheldons Reg of (undecipherable) were composed of men of several states the latter are generally returned as of the quota of your state of the former I have not yet obtained any information have you settled with any of Cranes Regim if so please to send me the names.
names as also the names of the officers of Sheldons Regim who are considered of your state.
I am with great respect
J Howell Jr
Olivr Wolcott Junr Esq
Comptroller Genl Office
Novemb 3rd 1787
D Sir
I have settled the account of the depreciation of the pay of Colo Henry Bicker deranged in 1778 and have therefore charged him with a balance of four hundred and twenty dolls and six ninetieths specie due to an account with the United states for recruiting his regiment agreeable to the copy thereof dated Oct 3d 1787 with which you furnished me in your favour of the 6th of the same month.
I am D Sir yo
Jno Nicholson
Jos Howell Esq
314 Office of Army ~Accounts
New York Feby 22nd 1788
Your letter favoured at the 10th by Mr Healy came to hand this day - after a most severe and thorough search into the accounts of the time I have arrived at the truth of the claim of Hugh Bradly in consequence of the certificates of Genl Wayne mentioned by you I have admitted the pay of said Bradley to the 1st Jan 1787, only as a private as I do not find after his release any other than one.
In the place of his being mentioned in the 5th ~Regt I find him in the second, inlisted the 1st of May 1787 and have made good his pay in 1st Regt to the (undecipherable) Jany 1782 which you will find by adverting to the certificate issued in his favour no 72.769 for 53 (undecipherable) dollars - Bradley was omitted in 1782 he being left out of the musters, for this pay I have now issued a certificate no 94.896 for 80 dollars from the second Regt. I found he was transferred to the 1st and mustered (undeciphrable) the 28th Jany 1783. The several transfers from one Reg to the other has given the poor woman as well as myself much trouble, however the business is now finished and I am well satisfied.
Jno Nicholson Esc
I am J Howell
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (1 pages) | DDJ01 (355 pages) | Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) | V:135, P:197 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | General William Irvine | [unknown] | John Finley; |