William Willson


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William Willson

full name (copy)

William Willson

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Title Alternate label Class
Advance Pay for Lt. Willson Document
Pay for West Point troops Document
Pay, rations, and wood Document
Credit to Willson's account. Document
Muster and pay rolls Document
Money for Army recruiting Document
Credit to Willson's account Document
Pay and muster roll Document
Credit to Willson's account Document
Muster and pay roll for Lt. Willson's detachment Document
Credit to Lt. Willson's account Document
Muster and pay roll Document
Credit to Lt. Willson's account Document
Rations drawn twice Document
Monthly rations drawn twice Document
Title Alternate label Class
Receipt Roll of Wilson's Detachment Enclosed author Document
[Untitled] author Document
[Untitled] author Document
[Untitled] author Document