Arthur St. Clair


full name

Arthur St. Clair

full name (copy)

Arthur St. Clair


Major General in Revolutionary War; Delegate to the Confederation Congress (1785-1787); President of the United States in Congress Assembled (1787); Governor of the Northwest Territory (1788-1802)

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St. Clair

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Title Alternate label Class
Collection and transfer of funds Document
Letter from the Commissioner of Army Accounts Document
Regarding rations Document
Request for debt to be absolved Document
Letter to the President of Congress Document
On the disposition of the savages and usurpation of public lands by armed men Document
Respecting lands due to the late army Document
Requests Appointment of Josiah Harmar as Brigadier General Document
Letter from Colonel Josiah Harmar Document
Arthur St. Clair's appointment to government of Western Territory and Josiah Harmar's promotion to brevet Brigadier General Document
Instructions to the Governor of Territory of United States Northwest of Ohio River relative to an Indian Treaty in the Northern Department Document
[Untitled] Document
[Additional Instructions to the Governor of the Territory North West of the River Ohio relative to the Treaty to be Held with the Western Indians in Pursuance of the Resolutions passed by Congress of October Last] Document
Appropriation of Twenty Thousand Dollars Document
Title Alternate label Class
Regarding Resolution of Congress Requiring Officers to Pay Balances ofPpublic Monies in their Hands author Document
On general measures to preserve the peace between the states author Document
Instructions to Governors of the Northwest Territory author Document
Regarding Indian Disposition to Treat with United States author Document
Regarding intelligence on Indian affairs in Northwest Territory author Document
ENCLOSED: Outcome of Treaty Negotiations with Indians author Document
[Untitled] author Document
[Untitled] author Document
[Untitled] author Document
Meeting with the Indians Delayed author Document
[Untitled] author Document