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Ninety-Five Cents Due from the Paymaster Document
Account of Mr. McDermott while Paymaster Document
Account of Lieutenant McDermott Document
Account of Paul McDermott for Subsistence Document

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Account of Paul McDermott for Subsistence Collection: Sixth Congress: Petitions and Memorials to the Senate [6A-G2] (RG46) (M1706, roll 4) Frames 169-171
Account of Mr. McDermott while Paymaster Collection: Sixth Congress: Petitions and Memorials to the Senate [6A-G2] (RG46) (M1706, roll 4) Frame 168
Account of Lieutenant McDermott Collection: Sixth Congress: Petitions and Memorials to the Senate [6A-G2] (RG46) (M1706, roll 4) Frames169-171
Ninety-Five Cents Due from the Paymaster Collection: Sixth Congress: Petitions and Memorials to the Senate [6A-G2] (RG46) (M1706, roll 4) Frames 169-171