Tench Coxe


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Tench Coxe

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Tench Coxe


Political economist; delegate Cont Congress; Commissioner of the Revenue under Hamilton

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Title Alternate label Class
Extract of Letter from Mr Charles Vaughn on the price of white oak for planking at Boston Document
Letter regarding iron ballast from the Alliance and John Hackett's prospects as Constructor at Boston Document
Letter Citation Document
Appointment of Naval Agents Document
Dimensions of masts and spars for 44 and 36 gun frigates Document
Dimensions of Masts, Yards and Spars Document
Dimensions of masts, yards and spars for 44 and 36 gun frigates Document
Title Alternate label Class
Requests Estimates for Supplies for Coming Year author Document
Enclosed letter regarding iron works author Document
Military and Indian supplies author Document
Letter Citation author Document
Letter Citation author Document
Requests Information about Iron Ballasts author Document
Authorization to hire woodcutters author Document
Letter Citation author Document
Letter Citation author Document
Unreliable supplies of gun powder author Document
Shipment of copper, bunting and hearths author Document
Estimate of monies for the Supervisor of New York author Document
Corrects Cannonball Dimensions for Secretary of Treasury author Document
Requests Dimensions of Masts and Spars for Frigates author Document
Requests Report on Damage to Winter Harbor on Delaware River author Document
Money for cartridge boxes author Document
Requests Shelter for shipping on Delaware River author Document
Supply of rations and clothing author Document