Created page with "on one [undecipherable] of Bidford which will be on the 16th so [undecipherable] as we said out an [undecipherable] on tomorrow, and the [undecipherable] of cavalry infantry..."
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on one  [undecipherable] of Bidford which will be on the 16th so [undecipherable] as we said out an [undecipherable] on tomorrow, and the [undecipherable] of cavalry infantry and [undecipherable] Artillery - will come to 4000 men : [undecipherable] for youth and good appearance I have never [undecipherable] any troops to [undecipherable] them in our farmer [undecipherable] Samuel Hodge[undecipherable]
on over reaching of Bedford which will be on the 16th [undecipherable] as we set out on our March on tomorrow, and the total Number of cavalry infantry and Artillery - will come near to 4000 men : [deleted]and[/deleted] [inserted] we [/inserted] for youth, and good appearance I have never seen any troops to [undecipherable] them in our former Army and fort [undecipherable] Samuel Hodge[undecipherable]