Instructions for David Strong from the Inspector General



Autograph Draft Document


Instructions for David Strong from the Inspector General


Hamilton encourages reinforcing the post at Detroit in lieu of strengthening the one at Michilimacnac. He discourages the exercise of martial law at Detroit which will anger the inhabitants and the civil authorities. Military leaders are not to interfer with Governor Sinclair as he exercises his authority as Superintendent of Indian Affairs.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

New York


in collection


Cited in Hamilton to Strong, 06/21/1799.

cited note

Cited document that was neither sent to nor from the War Office

notable person/group

David Strong
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of War [McHenry]
discover their instigators
Governor St. Clair, ex officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs
inhabitants of Detroit
the Magistry
placing your sentinel

notable location

New York
post at Michilimacnac
garrison at Detroit
seat of government [Philadelphia]

notable item/thing

speech delivered by certain Indians
strong style of menace
trouble and expense would be saved by the change of place
disposition of the troops by General Wilkinson
affairs of the western army
appearances of hostility
reinforcement of your post
exercise of martial law
time of peace
discipline of your men
contest with the civil power
vigiance and strictness toward your troops
exclusion of intruders
reasonable plan of police
unpleasant spirit displayed by the Court
amicable concert with the civil authority
political concerns regarding the Indians
unnecessary expenditures of provisions
management of Indian affairs
greater security

document number


Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: The Papers of Alexander Hamilton [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Alexander Hamilton New York [n/a]
Recipient David Strong [unknown] [n/a]