Do not suffer bad men to injure whites or steal their horses.



Modern Printed Transcription of Letter/Document


Do not suffer bad men to injure whites or steal their horses.


Smith warns the Cherokees not to hinder the President's attempts to redress the wrongs committed against them by allowing bad men of their nation to kill whites or steal their horses.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location


in collection


Cited in Smith to Knox, 06/22/1793.

recipient note

Chiefs of the Cherokees.

cited note

Cited document that was neither sent to nor from the War Office

notable person/group

Secretary Smith
Chiefs of the Cherokees
good white people
the President [Washington]
Major King

notable location


notable item/thing

late unwarrantable act
suffering bad men of your nation
stealing horses
talks of business
white people's tobacco
promote good thoughts

notable phrase

But my good brothers, since we have agreed to look up to our common father the President to give satisfaction and do that which is right betwixt both people, let me advise you as a friend not to weaken his hands of stop his ears against redressing your wrongs by suffering bad men of your nation to injure the white people by killing them or stealing their horses.

document number


Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: American State Papers, Indian Aff. [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Secretary Smith Knoxville [n/a]
Recipient Chiefs of the Cherokees [unknown] [n/a]