Promise of Increased Wages; appointment as Deputy Quarter Master General



Extract of Letter


Promise of Increased Wages; appointment as Deputy Quarter Master General


Discusses Craig's duties and inadequate pay, with promises to increase wages.

short description

ExLtr, dis Craig's duties and pay

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

War Department


in image


In 1828 Isaac Craig's son Neville B. Craig prepared a three-page list of extracts of his father's correspondence with the War Office. This document was one of those.

notable person/group

Isaac Craig
Henry Knox
William Knox
Samuel Hodgdon
Mr. Kirtgelan
Mr. Howell
Major General Wayne
Mr. Hodgdon

notable location

War Department

notable phrase

received your letter
quarter master will remit you
dollars by this post for discharging your engagements for materials and workmanship of the new fort barracks rent and fuel etc previous to the appointment of the present quarter master general
you will settle all your old accounts
including this sum
he will be at Pittsburg soon
meantime you will send to
. Howell the paymaster an abstract of your accounts stating the terms received and the payments made
be particularly accurate in the distribution of the clothing of the rifle companies as well as the arms and accoutrements to the
companies agreeably to a schedule for the same which will be given you by
I am persuaded your conduct since you have been in office will bear the strictest examination
I have often had the pleasure to approve and I hope this pleasure will be often repeated
convinced the compensation stipulated is inadequate for your services and I shall endeavor that it shall be satisfactory to you as far as my power extends
I shall receive
information on this point for your past compensation
I conceive your present will be as deputy quarter master general.

document number


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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (4 pages) XEH08 (4 pages) Collection: Correspondence, Reports, Returns, Bills, Accounts Current' Statements, Receipts, Vouchers and Contracts of Philadelphia Supply Agencies (Coxe and Irvine Papers), 1794-1842. (RG92) B: 190
[view document] (4 pages) XEH08a (4 pages) Collection: Correspondence, Reports, Returns, Bills, Accounts Current' Statements, Receipts, Vouchers and Contracts of Philadelphia Supply Agencies (Coxe and Irvine Papers), 1794-1842. (RG92) B: 190

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient Isaac Craig [unknown] [n/a]