Doctor request for payment



Document Signed


Doctor request for payment


Doctor Anderson reports that he took care of three soldiers under Captain Phelan, 2d Regiment of United States, at Bedford. Asks for payment. Describes the treatments in detail.

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in image

notable person/group

Henry Knox
John Anderson
Lieutenant Armstrong
Jeremiah Wilson

notable location


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General Knox Secretary
at War
[Undecipherable] [very large }]
Sir [oversized comma]
Bedford Novemb: 1791
Upon July the and August 2.d last
there were three soldiers left at this place
under my care, as a physician, belonging to
the detachment which Captain Patrick
Phelon Commanded of the 2.d Regiment of
the united states -- William Jones and
John Ford were left by Captain Phelon, as a
voucher of which I send inclosed his order--
Jeremiah wilson the third was left by Lieut.
Armstrong, 3 days after the others as a
voucher of which I send you inclosed his order-
After the [caret inserted w/next word above it] company left this place and arrived at
fort pitt they soon went down the river
so that I am at a loss to know where to
apply for my pay ~ ~ I am informed I
should apply to you; If I am wrong, will
take it as a particular favour, to inform
me how to proceed, if right, Please to
settle the amount of their accounts hereafter
stated, with George Woods Junior Esquire
I am with respect yours
John Anderson M:D:
William Jones taken with a violent Flux ~~ £ S d
To medicine and attendance ~~ 0"10"0
The above Jones Martched on in 2 or 3 days, Cured ~
John Ford afflicted with the Consumption, who
dyed on the 3.d day after he uas was left here
To Medicine & attendance~~ 12"6
To a sheet and Coffin paid for in cash ~ 18"9
Cash paid for digging a grave ~~ 7"6
Jeremiah Wilson who met with the accident ~~
of getting his hand cut off, at the distance of 16 miles
from this town, where I was which distance I was
sent express for to stop The blood ~- £ S d
To riding express 16 miles & expenses over night - £'13~0
To riding the same distance and dressing it the
second day following as he was too weak to be carried--
to the town after loosing so much blood --0"15"0
xxxx powders of the barms to prevent mortification
& to strengthen him -- - 0"15"0
To Dressing & attendance for [undecipherable] weeks & 4 days - -
once or twice every day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3" 15" 0
Paid in Cash for his board for 3 weeks ~ 1"5"0
he drew provision but for 4 days, the remainder Terri R.
of the time I paid for his diet as he could get no more ~~


Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) XMP09 (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B: 454
[view document] (3 pages) XMP09a (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B: 454

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author John Anderson Bedford [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox Philadelphia [n/a]