Regarding Invalid Pensions, the Constitution, Rhode Island Convention, & Office of Collector of Imports



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Regarding Invalid Pensions, the Constitution, Rhode Island Convention, & Office of Collector of Imports


Letter, discusses returns of Invalid pensions; mentions Constitution; discusses state convention; asks for appointment to Collector of Imports.

short description

Ltr, dis returns of Invalid pensions.

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notable person/group

Henry Knox
Jeremiah Olney
Col. John S. Dexter

notable location

New York
Rhode Island

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procure the more influence in my favour
president's own knowledge of my character
least obligation to that class of citizen
mercantile interest
your opinion after reading a copy of my letter to the president
recommendations of any other gentlemen
greater freedom from the friendship and the full confidence you was pleased to express
desire to promote my interests
hope to secure the appointment of collector of import for this district
my wish and intention to make a tour
honor to inform you
last session of the general assembly appointed a committee to settle the invalid accounts and make the necessary returns you were pleased to require
in town tomorrow when we shall attend business
as soon as the returns are completed they shall be forwarded
convention that are to meet in this state
enlightened policy to accede to the new constitution

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[view document] (2 pages) AWB08 (2 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813,F:1790.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jeremiah Olney Providence [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]