Regarding Payment for Services Rendered in Examining Military Stores



Letter Signed


Regarding Payment for Services Rendered in Examining Military Stores


Letter, asks for proof for claim made for examination of military stores.

short description

Ltr, dir proof for claim on stores.

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War Office


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in collection

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notable person/group

Jeremiah Olney
Henry Knox

notable location

War Office
Rhode Island

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received your letter
thank you for your assiduity in looking up the public stores and your account of the expences attending the same together with your pay
paid as soon in the ensuinig year as the board of treasury will furnish money for that purpose
by no means approve of the two 18 pounders having been taken away by the owners of Hope Furnace
ample proof of the facts alledged ought to have been produced instead of assertions, however respectable
cannon have been delivered either by my order or an order of congress
reputed owners have chosen to proceed in their own mode
call upon them for their proofs and transmit them to me in order that I may take the measures which shall appear proper and necessary
enclose you a copy of Mr. Bowen's letter
asks for two 9 poiunders in lieu of same 18 pounders slated to have been lost in public service

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[view document] (2 pages) AWA12 (2 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813, F:1787.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Office [n/a]
Recipient Jeremiah Olney Providence [n/a]