Discussion of Condition of Military Stores in Rhode Island & Unauthorized Use of Powder



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Discussion of Condition of Military Stores in Rhode Island & Unauthorized Use of Powder


Encloses return of public stores deposited in Rhode Island. Discusses discrepancies between previous returns of stores and the ones just completed, also notes that much of the stores are in poor condition. Mentions unauthorized use of public powder.

short description

Ltr, dis condition of public stores.

year created


month created


day created



in collection

in image


Cited in Olney to Knox, 12/04/1787.

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Jeremiah Olney
Major Josiah Flagg
Governor Bowen

notable location

Rhode Island
War Office
New York
public magazine

notable item/thing

return of public stores
settling his accounts
fixed ammunition
paper cartridges
unfixed ammunition
loose grape
return of military stores
heavy cannon
4th of July
Fourth of July
damaged powder

notable phrase

expences attending the examination of the public stores in this state
vouchers I will produce as soon as I have it in my power to discharge the several bills
prevailed upon by a vote to deliver twenty four pounds of damaged powder from the public magazine for a federal discharge of cannon in honor of the day
confess I felt a delicacy in the matter
principle stores that are already damaged and still are wasting with time are the powder in barrels many of which appears to be in clumps & cakes
powder in the fixed ammunition is generally hard packed & in many instances the flannell & paper cartridges are destroyed by the salts
unfixed ammunition is likewise considerably damaged the canvas being in many instances rotten
ammunition taken out of the boxes and laid two days in the sun
in the examination there appeared so great a part defective and many articles almost or quite useless that I did not pretend except in a very few instances to note the good from bad
quality of the articles will always speak for themselves

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Letter to Secretary at war
Inclosing a Return of public
stores Deposited in Rhode Island,
16th July 1787 —
as to the General
I have at last compleated the Return of the public stores deposited in this state, which I do myself the Honor to Inclose you. you will perceive a considerable difference between the present Return and that Signed by Majr Josiah Flagg as lodged in the War Office 2nd May 1785 - The Reasons that have occasioned the difference between the Two Returns I cannot ascertain, having very little knowledge of the Matter — must therefore beg leave to Refer you to Majr Flagg who informs me he intends going shortly to New York for the purpose of settling his accots with you- when I have no doubt he will give Satisfactory Reasons for the alterations existing between the Two Returns - as to the general State and Condition of the Stores I find they are in many Instances Dammaged more or less — in the Examonation there appeared so great a part Defective and many articles almost or quite useless that I did not pretend (Except in a very few Instances) to note the good from the bad in the Returns. however the quality of the articles will always speak for themselves, but the principle Stores of Vallue that are already Dammaged and still are wasting with time, are the powder in Barrels many of which appears to be in the Lumps & Cakes - also the powder in the fixed Ammunition is generally hard backed & in many Instances the Flannell and paper cartridges are destroyed by the salts - the unfixed Ammunition is likewise considerably dammaged the canvas being in many Instances Rotten - some five Rounds were quite useless which was broaken up and weighed off with the Loose grape --
The Musketts & many other articles of less Vallue considerably defective and Dammaged - I had all the Ammunition taken out of the Boxes and exposed two days to the sun - The powder in the casks was all trimed over - The Inclosed Return of the Military Stores claimed by the State has been delivered by Majr Flagg - Govr Bowen informed me there are besides those[/ins> some other heavy Cannon among the the public Stores, the property of this State, but Cannot ascertain the number at present -
The expences attending the Examonation of the public Stores in this State (Exclusive of my own time) amounts to 27 7590 Dollars as pr. Inclosed Estimate - the Vouchers I will produce as soon as I have it in my power to discharge the several bills which I am very anxious to do having pledged myself for the payment and given assurance that the money would be forwarded as soon as the Return should Reach the war office - I have devoted seventeen days close attention in compleating this business - for which time I Expect to be allowed Two Dollars per day as it really was attended with much care & trouble ^ of which I presume will appear to you a Reasonable Charge,^ and in future I shall Expect only the small sum of Eight dollars pmo. for haveing the Charge of the public stores.
The expense labor and Trouble in accomplishing this Business has been much more than I at first conceived - owing to the promiscuous order the stores were in when I began this Examonation - they are however ^at last^ assorted, counted & Regularly filed.
At the anniversary meeting of the Cincinnati of this State 4th July, I was prevailed upon by a vote of the Society to deliver Twenty four pounds of rummaged powder from the public magazine, for a forward discharge of Cannon in Honor of the day - but Sir (I must Confess I felt a Delicacy in the matter, as I hold Sacred the stores intrusted to me - however upon the
The Unanimous vote of the Society of combining with it the consideration & Importance of the day - were motives that induced me to Turn the Key - which I hope will meet your approbation - favourable opinion -
I have the Honor to be with great esteem
Your Most Obed Humble Servt
Jereh Olney

Letter to Secretary of War
Inclosing a Return of public
stores Deposited in Rhode Island,
16th July 1787
I have at last compleated the Return of the public stores deposited in this State, which I do myself the Honor to Inclose you: you will perceive a Considerable difference between the present Return and that Signed by Majr Josiah Flagg as lodged in the War Office 2nd May 1785.-- The Reasons [undecipherable] that have occasioned the difference between the Two Returns I cannot ascertain having very little knowledge of the Matter--must therefore beg leave to Refer you to Majr Flagg who informs me he intends going on shortly to New York for the purpose of Settling his accots with you--when I have no doubt he will give Satisfactory Reasons for the alterations existing between the Two Returns---as to the General [undecipherable] and condition of the Stores I find they are in many instances [undecipherable] more or less--& [undecipherable] in the Examonation of the [undecipherable] stores there appeared to great a part Defective and many articles almost are Quite useless that I did not pretend (except in a very few Instances) to note the Good from bad in the Returns, however the Quallity of the articles will always Speak for themselves upon my Further Examination, The principle Stores of Vallue that are already dammaged and still are wasting with time, are the powder in Barrels many of which appears to be in Lumps & Cakes, also the powder in the Fixed ammunition is generally hard packed & in many Instances the Flannell & paper Cartridges are destroyed by the Salts. The unfixed Ammunition is likewise Considerably dammaged the Canvas being in many Instances. Either some few Rounds were Quite useless which was broaken [undecipherable] and weighed off with the loose grape---
The Musketts & There are many other articles of less Vallue [insert undecipherable] Considerably defective and Dammaged--- I had all the Ammunition taken out of the boxes and Exposed Two days to the Sun---The powder in Casks was all Turned over--- The Inclosed is a Return of the Millitary Stores Claimed by the State and has been delivered by Mayr Flagg-- Govr Bowen informs me there are beside those some other heavy Cannon among the the public Stores, the property of this State, but [undecipherable] Cannot ascertain the number at present---
The expences attending the Examonation of the publiuc Stores in this State (Exclusive of my own time) amounts to 27 75/90 Dollars as per [undecipherable] Inclosed Estimate. The Voucher I will produce as soon as I have it in my power to discharge the Several bills which I am very anxious to do having pledged myself for the payment and given assurance that the money would be forwarded as soon as this Return should Reached the war office -- I have also devoted Seventeen days close attention in compleating this business & for which time I Expect to be allowed Two Dollars per day as it Really was attended with much care labor & trouble & which I presume will appear to you a Reasonable Charge; and in future I shall Expect only the Small sum of Eight dollars pmo [per month] for haveing the charge of the public Stores--
The expence labor and Trouble in accomplishing this Business has been much more than I at first Conceived owing to the promiscuous order the Stores were in when I began the Examonation-- they are however at last assorted & Regularly filed--
At the anniversary making of the Cincinnati of this State 4th July I was prevailed upon by a Vote of the Society to deliver Twenty foure pounds of dammaged powder from this public magazine, for a [undecipherable] Discharge of Cannon in Honor of the day--but Sir I must confess I fell a Delicacy in the matter, as I hold Sacred the Stores Intrusted to me- however upon
The Unanimous vote of the Society & Combining with it the Consideration & Importance of the day--were motives that Induced me to Turn the Key--which I hope will meet your approbation--favourable opinion---
I have the Honor to be with great esteem
Your Most Obed. [undecipherable]
Jereh Olney

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (9 pages) AWA06 (9 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813, F:1787.
[view document] (0 pages) AWF04 (0 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B: 1777-1813, F: militia returns 1785-1789

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jeremiah Olney [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]